2021-01-17 GnuCash IRC logs
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07:44:32 <chris> gjanssens: @media print { .classname { display:none; }} works
07:56:25 <chris> https://imgur.com/u89XOCp.png
08:05:55 <fell> chris, IBAN has >4 characters (countycode + checksum, each 2)
08:08:54 <gjanssens> Nice to be able to use that trick :)
08:09:01 <fell> The shortest currently registered is Norway with 15 chars.
08:10:19 <fell> And the longest is St. Lucia with 32, :-)
08:11:01 <chris> yeah ok this ugly warning doesn't print
08:12:14 <chris> ...and gets mirrored to trace of course
08:13:43 <chris> probably shouldn't state minlength=4 :-/
08:14:06 <chris> Burundi=16
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17:20:15 <blid2k> Dear Comunity, is there a tutorial or a frame on how to use gnucash to run the bookkeeping for rented apartment?
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18:48:29 <jralls> @tell blid2k Not specifically about rental properties, but that's isn't terribly different from running any other small business. The important thing is that you need local advice so go find a local accountant to help you get set up.
18:48:29 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
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20:08:34 <chris> jralls I've done your suggested approach: U always overrides T if both exist in #878
20:08:46 <chris> and no more gnc:warning
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20:18:21 <warlord> Maybe a gnc_warning if the string->number does not match? E.g. if you have U100 and T200 -- clearly not a 32-bit overflow.
20:18:43 <warlord> ... or just assume U is correct.
20:20:36 <chris> ok in 12h or so I'll do the qif-dialog warning
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