2020-12-25 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:13:28 <CDB-PHONE> Merry Christmas and Happy holidays, ladies and gentlemen!
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04:38:00 <fell> Thank you likewise, CDB-PHONE, and all others, too!
04:40:37 <fell> giuseppef, whereever you had questions last night aand probbly before, attach comments against the source file in weblate. Then we can improve the string or its comment.
05:00:45 <giuseppef> Hi all and Merry Christmas
05:01:30 <giuseppef> fell, I have posted some comments on strings on weblate, but only when I think there is a problem with the string, not when I just don't understand them
05:02:09 <fell> Not understanding is also a problem. ;)
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09:15:15 <chris> Happy Holidays All!
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11:37:25 <jralls> giuseppef, chris's changes yesterday won't affect the potfile, the strings were marked for translation. What was missing was the call to actually translate them at the point where they're used.
11:37:49 <jralls> Merry Christmas to all.
11:40:19 <giuseppef> ok jralls. Now I am building maint again because I have seem a string in .pot and .mo is not translated but it could be a problem of mine. However the string appears if you check for "Due Bills reminder" or "Due Invoice reminder"
12:10:01 <jralls> giuseppef, where do you see the string untranslated? I find "Due Bills Reminder" (note the capitalization difference; there's no instance of "Due Bills reminder" only once, in gnucash/gnome/dialog-invoice.c where gettext is called correctly. There's no instance of "Due Invoice reminder", regardless of capitalization, in GnuCash sources.
12:12:00 <giuseppef> sorry jralls, I have been not clear. The string that is untranslated is "The following customer document is due:" https://hosted.weblate.org/translate/gnucash/gnucash/it/?checksum=eb14c2b63810bd3f
12:17:34 <jralls> That's odd, it looks correct. Is the corresponding vendor sentence also untranslated?
12:20:35 <giuseppef> Yes, it is odd. Now I am rebuilding maint to see what's wrong. I have updated directly .mo file downloaded from weblate after old build. I will let you know
12:23:52 <giuseppef> Ok, in fresh build it is translated
12:27:02 <giuseppef> now I have replaced /usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/gnucash.mo with https://hosted.weblate.org/download/gnucash/gnucash/it/?format=mo
12:27:22 <giuseppef> and the string is untranslated again
12:34:21 <giuseppef> jralls, the corresponding vendor sentence has the same behaviour
12:37:54 <jralls> giuseppef, the translated string "Il seguente documento di vendita è scaduto:" isn't in the mo.
12:38:48 <giuseppef> Is this a problem with "has plural" strings or what?
12:39:36 <jralls> Not sure yet.
12:42:44 <giuseppef> Could the problem be in strings without variable (%d) in singular?
12:47:45 <giuseppef> I need some help with other strings too. I need to understand where I can see these in program:
12:48:11 <giuseppef> https://hosted.weblate.org/translate/gnucash/gnucash/en/?checksum=856054eb05381229
12:48:36 <giuseppef> https://hosted.weblate.org/translate/gnucash/gnucash/it/?checksum=8eb853fc7d95ffb1
12:48:46 <giuseppef> https://hosted.weblate.org/translate/gnucash/gnucash/it/?checksum=9ab11b95ba194c3c
12:48:54 <giuseppef> https://hosted.weblate.org/translate/gnucash/gnucash/it/?checksum=30f8c61f507468f5
12:49:00 <giuseppef> https://hosted.weblate.org/translate/gnucash/gnucash/it/?checksum=b4279696ce018c2d
12:53:10 <jralls> For Overview, Actions>Scheduled Transactions>Scheduled Transaction Editor, open or create a scheduled transaction. It's the first tab.
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12:55:47 <jralls> For Value Change, open a register and select Reports>Account Report. Open report options, select the display tab, check Value, click Apply or OK. It will be at the bottom of the report.
12:56:38 <jralls> The others are business features items that I don't use so I don't have the necessary data in any books to find them for you.
12:58:14 <jralls> Back to ngettext items: It looks like our build script isn't handling msgstr[x] correctly, I looked at several that were in the po file and they weren't in the mo file.
12:59:58 <jralls> Tried a German one, same result.
13:02:33 <jralls> It's interesting that the weblate-generated gnucash-gnucash-it.mo appears to have the same problem.
13:02:55 <giuseppef> I have the problem only with the weblate .mo
13:03:33 <giuseppef> the .mo generated building github sources works fine
13:04:26 <giuseppef> For "Value change": what is it there for?
13:05:10 <giuseppef> it is a "closing balance" of the account?
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13:14:12 <jralls> And for me it works on my Fedora 33 VM with gettext 0.21 and not on macOS with gettext 0.20.2. Must be a gettext bug.
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13:18:18 <giuseppef> I think the problem is on weblate. If I download https://hosted.weblate.org/download/gnucash/gnucash/it/?format=po and then I save it as .mo with poedit it works fine
13:19:36 <jralls> OK.
13:20:01 <giuseppef> (I am running gentoo linux and gettext is 0.21)
13:20:09 <jralls> As long as the mo's going out in the tarballs are good everything's OK.
13:22:11 <fell> giuseppef, perhaps report to the weblate team, they should update their gettext version.
13:22:48 <giuseppef> I will try
13:23:17 <fell> BTW, I just committed your work.
13:23:19 <jralls> Back to the register report: splits have an amount in the split's commodity and a value in the transaction currency, so if you have multiple-commodity transactions in the current register the value of some of them may be in different currencies to the amounts in the current account. Value talies that in as many currencies are involved and Value Change presents the net in each currency.
13:25:04 <fell> Jralls, I think the full statistics in the commit message is annoying. I should reduce it.
13:26:00 <jralls> fell, OK. I remove those commit messages from NEWS anyway and just list the updated translations at the end.
13:27:04 <giuseppef> thanks fell. I am still refining translation. I hope this is not a problem
13:27:15 <giuseppef> jralls, now I undertand Value change
13:27:48 <fell> In the current form they squash all commits by the same author in one.
13:28:08 <fell> giuseppef: NP.
13:28:46 <jralls> Very good. You can just keep working away. We'll take what you've got through tomorrow noon my time and everything after that goes to the next release.
13:31:33 <jralls> fell, All uncommitted changes per author and language at the moment you push the commit button (or the periodic auto-commit event fires) go into a commit. All unpushed commits go into a single PR when you press Push, but you seem to have short-circuited that part of the process. I take it you're pulling directly from weblate and merging.
13:34:15 <fell> I didn't see see any PR's, so I started, to fetch from weblate.
13:35:01 <jralls> Have you tried using the Push button?
13:36:44 <fell> no
13:39:07 <giuseppef> https://github.com/WeblateOrg/weblate/issues/5098#issue-774771131
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14:01:09 <fell> I pressed commit in https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/gnucash/gnucash/#repository I see now "Commit für alle ausstehenden Übersetzungen durchgeführt. "
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14:29:21 <jralls> Right. Now click push and see if it creates a PR.
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14:30:18 <jralls> I *hope* but I'm not sure that if you start from a particular language and click commit that it will commit only that language's uncommitted strings.
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16:48:22 <fell> jralls, where did you see a push button?
16:50:15 <fell> Found it!
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16:54:19 <fell> I had to scroll, the buttons are outside of the visible part of the window.
16:55:46 <fell> got the usual merge conflict …
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16:58:42 <giuseppef> A question (surely stupid): let's assume that two invoices have been issued to two distinct customers, and that one of the two pays both invoices; a single bank transfer of the amount equal to the sum due for both invoices arrives in the current account. Is there any way to record these payments?
17:42:22 <fell> I just saw "FAILED: CMakeFiles/check" while running 'ninja check'
18:09:20 <fell> giuseppef: I think it should be possible, but I do not remember the details. Warlord?
18:23:10 <warlord> you would need a suspense account and two payment transactions because one transaction cannot pay two customers.
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