2020-12-02 GnuCash IRC logs
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04:39:08 <chris_> in cmake - do .scm files in the same group see each other?
04:39:19 <chris_> eg. in app_utils_SCHEME_1 should options.scm be able to see c-interface.scm?
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04:48:11 <gjanssens> chris: I think files in the same directory will see each other. If not links should be set up (with the MAKE_LINKS option)
04:48:26 <gjanssens> (this is from memory)
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05:49:00 <chris> gjanssens: it *may* be easier to amalgamate all modules into 1 file
05:49:06 <chris> gjanssens: it *may* be easier to amalgamate all *submodules into 1 file
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05:51:03 <chris> i.e. app-utils.scm contains all app-utils
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07:46:35 <warlord> I heard back from Linas overnight!!!!
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08:27:40 <gjanssens> warlord: that's good news
08:28:56 <gjanssens> chris: as I said yesterday, I don't know. Are those big files ? If you want to merge them all into one, that may make that single file unwieldy. But perhaps not. I just don't know.
08:29:36 <warlord> gjanssens, indeed! He replied to my work-email at 11-something pm last night.
08:29:48 <warlord> He claimed you *should* have access to the www container.
08:34:10 <gjanssens> I used to, but I no longer seem to have.
08:34:45 <gjanssens> I'm member of the proper group, but the home directory of the containers no longer allows group access.
08:35:23 <gjanssens> Maybe it's best I send him a mail myself to explain
08:38:54 <warlord> Maybe. Couldn't hurt.
08:41:33 <gjanssens> Done
09:40:41 <chris> gjanssens: wish to confirm hierarchy: (1) engine (2) core-utils (3) app-utils (4) anything else
09:42:50 <chris> and engine lives in bindings
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10:26:10 <gjanssens> chris: no, app-uitils depends on engine, engine depends on core-utils
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10:26:53 <gjanssens> what do you mean exactly with "engine lives in bindings" ?
10:28:29 <chris> I mean engine .scm files had been moved to bindings
10:29:33 <warlord> you mean engine.i?
10:30:14 <chris> engine.scm and utilities.scm etc
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11:14:59 <chris> I think I've some progress in modularising .scm
11:15:35 <chris> https://github.com/christopherlam/gnucash/tree/maint-modularisation
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11:56:57 <gjanssens> chris: the bindings depend on libgnucash/engine and libgnucash/core-utils
11:57:26 <gjanssens> Over time this should be extended such that bindings depends on libgnucash/app-utils as well
11:57:45 <gjanssens> inside the bindings, dependencies are as I wrote earlier.
11:58:14 <gjanssens> that is, engine.scm can depend on core-utils.scm but not the other way around
12:04:04 <gjanssens> chris: the modularisation seems to be going the right way
12:04:41 <gjanssens> More out of curiosity: I see you are changing define-public statements with define statements + export. What's your motivation ?
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18:25:44 <chris> @tell gjanssens other public modules tend to use define + #:export rather than define-public
18:25:44 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
18:30:00 <chris> @tell gjanssens: for modularisation the key is (engine c-interface) cannot depend on (engine)
18:30:00 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
18:31:46 <chris> @tell gjanssens so, (engine c-interface) must includes same headers as (engine), and can also depend on (engine business-core). obvious in hindsight.
18:31:46 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
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