2020-11-09 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:02:11 <CDB-PHONE> chris I would advise against locking, because we never know when a weird situation arises
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04:30:57 <Vollstrecker> Hi, I got a little problem with reports. The option to ignore some patterns seems to be gone. When closing the year and (almost) every account goes to 0, I can't get the value before that anymore.
04:54:59 <Vollstrecker> It works for the bookings report, but not for account overview.
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05:27:47 <chris> fell: re autoclear apols i think its best to revert my live status
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05:30:02 <fell> ???
05:33:25 <fell> Chris, are you talking about PR 813?
05:36:56 <chris> yes
05:38:18 <fell> I did not fully understand. It had become slower than expected?
05:38:25 <chris> it's best to revert now and try again when the algo can be modified as I described to cristiklein.
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05:39:30 <chris> reason: it works well. ohowever if you have 20 uncleared splits itll run the alrgorithm after each keystroke which is unacceptably slow
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05:41:16 <chris> I even tried to run the algorithm while enabling gtk events which makes race conditions happen
05:41:51 <fell> So for a user with a 10 years old computer it would look like …?
05:43:35 <chris> my primary laptop is old. it pauses 2-3s after each key.
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05:46:39 <fell> So if I paste a string of length10 I have to wait 30 sec. until the queue is empty again. Hm, not so nice.
05:47:33 <chris> if you paste an amount of 10 digits should be only 1 pause of 3s
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05:48:44 <fell> OK, I have to fast type it while looking on my statement.
05:49:09 <fell> gjanssens, ^ your opinion?
05:49:21 <chris> whether you fasttype is not the issue :)
05:50:16 <chris> each key typed into ending_val triggers algo
05:51:41 <chris> as you type "4577.75" it runs algo 7 times
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05:52:18 <fell> How about counting uncleared splits before enbling the dialog and enable it only if the number is small enough?
05:53:11 <chris> good idea but not entirely accurate
05:54:04 <chris> my 20-split limit applies only if all 20 amounts generate numerous reachable_amounts eg 1,2,4,8,16...
05:54:46 <chris> if you have 1000 5 5 5 5 5 (100 times) then it can clear $100 easily & quickly
05:54:59 <chris> if you have 1000 5 5 5 5 5 (100 times) then it can clear $1000 easily & quickly
06:08:59 <fell> Add a GtkSpinbuttons "Treshold for live feedback" with default 17?
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06:25:12 <fell> chris ^
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06:33:27 <chris> dont think its too clever. the vision is to modify algorithm to generate sack hashtable once, therefore 2-3s delay once only the every keystroke is an instant hash lookup
06:34:48 <chris> dont think its too clever. the vision is to modify algorithm to generate sack hashtable once, therefore 2-3s delay once only then every keystroke is an instant hash lookup
06:40:18 <gjanssens> I'm in favour of the most reliable solution.so I'm inclined to revert until you have a faster algorihm
06:40:18 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 1 day, 11 hours, and 1 minute ago: <jralls> warlord chris is looks to me like github actions are the quickest way forward. Docs at https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/actions/learn-github-actions/introduction-to-github-actions.
06:40:19 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 1 day, 10 hours, and 59 minutes ago: <jralls> TravisCI migration doc: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/actions/learn-github-actions/migrating-from-travis-ci-to-github-actions
06:40:47 <gjanssens> jralls: ok for me
06:41:37 <chris> +1
06:42:10 <chris> id modify cristi's algo if i could!
06:43:03 <chris> all it needs is to encode a GList or symbol 'dup as the GHashTable value
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07:47:10 <warlord> So it sounds like I don't need to build a jenkins server?
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13:32:01 <marneu56> In einer inzwischen sehr alten Version habe ich den Geschäftsteil verwendet und dabei Kunden erstellt. Diese möchte ich vollständig "verlieren". Dazu habe ich eine neue Datei erstellt und den Kontenrahmen wieder eingespielt. Jetzt möchte ich nur die Buchungen vollständig wieder herstellen. Was ist der beste Weg dafür?
13:36:13 <warlord> fell?
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13:54:57 <fell> Grübel …
13:57:17 <fell> marneu56: Datei->Exportieren->Buchungen nach CSV exportieren.
13:58:32 <fell> in der alten Datei und anschließend in der neuen importieren.
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16:12:51 <marneu56> fell, Danke das probiere ich gerade...
16:32:22 <marneu56> Das ist ein ziemlich heftige Operation, für ca. 14.000 Sätze schon ein halbe Stunde und belegt aktuell 4,1Gb Mem, läuft aber noch...hmmm CPU auf 99-100%.
16:54:32 <marneu56> Gibt es einen einfacheren Weg, wenn man in eine Mysql schreibt? Bzw. kann man dann gezielt selecten und löschen, oder das eine ganz schlechte Idee?
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16:57:44 <marneu56> fell: Inzwischen 7,2Gb Mem und dauernd zwischen 99,9 und 100% CPU. Der PC hat 64Gb RAM und 20 Procs, ich mache für heute Schluß ich hoffe er schafft das bis morgen früh.
16:58:26 <fell> Ok
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