2020-11-07 GnuCash IRC logs
01:03:10 <chris> CDB-Work: I'll convert Dividends.
01:14:39 <fell> Chris, IIRC our F::Q interfae is still in scm. Did you see on devel Vincent Lucarelli's announcement of future FQ changes?
01:21:24 <chris> fell: too difficult
01:22:17 <chris> CDB-Work: I think it's ready
01:28:50 <chris> fell: I dont understand price-quotes fully
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01:33:21 <chris> I'm not sure which parts of F:Q is being used, and what they are suggesting
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01:51:10 <fell> Most important: "Currency" is no longer hard coded. You have the choice between alphavantage and ECB.
01:52:59 <fell> 2. Instead of environment variables like alphavantagekey they want module specific stuff in a hash.
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02:23:14 <CDB-Work> @chris> CDB-Work: Don't Dividends need to be converted to report-currency? <-- hmm, did I forget to convert or something? if not then im not sure the context of the question
02:23:14 <gncbot> CDB-Work: Error: "chris>" is not a valid command.
02:26:38 <CDB-Work> chris: was that a general question, or one specific to the example file?
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02:33:55 <chris> in xls
02:34:03 <chris> i've converted in branch
02:40:28 <CDB-Work> i thought my entire excel was all priced in USD
02:40:37 <CDB-Work> so there shouldnt have been any need for conversion
02:45:03 <CDB-Work> chris: ah, I see what you are saying. in column X when i pickup the amount from column I, I forget to multiply by the FX rate
02:49:56 <chris> try the report when you hsve time
02:55:34 <CDB-Work> it wont be this weekend thats for sure.... as im still working on the work laptop as seen from my nick... its 3am here
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03:21:46 <gjanssens> .
03:21:46 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 1 day, 7 hours, and 9 minutes ago: <chris> and jralls_afk https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2020/travis-cis-new-pricing-plan-threw-wrench-my-open-source-works
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03:31:51 <gjanssens> chris: Github actions may be an interesting avenue to check
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03:50:03 <fell> warlord: there was no flatpak build today.
04:14:28 <chris> I know guile is down the priority list, but it has the interesting guix & cuirass tools to create test builds. This toolset would require hardware, but would be reliable.
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06:38:31 <gjanssens> chris: I have not looked into guix & cuirass. Our current ci is built on docker containers. This basis is also very portable and will always guarantee the exact same build environment.
06:38:47 <gjanssens> I'm very satisfied with that choice.
06:40:00 <gjanssens> What travis provided in addition is 1. github integration and ci run automation 2. a nice webinterface to look at the test results
06:41:16 <gjanssens> For 1. I expect there to be several alternatives both on github or to implement ourselves on code. Git itself provides several hooks to implement that same behaviour. It just takes time and effort.
06:42:51 <gjanssens> For 2. there may be alternatives. Based on your article github actions may fill that gap, though I haven't looked any further at all. But for our purposes even just plain text files published somewhere on code would be sufficient. All the rest is eye candy, but not strictly needed.
06:43:33 <gjanssens> You could argue the third benefit Travis offered was free compute power. They're now in the process of removing that bit.
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08:33:24 <warlord> fell, yes, I know. I got a "failed build" email from the maint build.
08:33:34 <warlord> Check the build log?
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08:35:01 <warlord> gjanssens, jenkins, AFAIK, provides both git/github integration and a web interface to view results.. But the cost is time to set it up.
08:36:47 <warlord> I have headroom on our infrastructure for more VMs. If we need significantly more compute power, I would offer to host it (we could "easily" add 2 more physical compute servers)
08:46:24 <gjanssens> warlord: if we go for more hosts, I would propose to install it in another location
08:46:45 <gjanssens> That way one could serve as backup of the other in case of power or network failures
08:47:26 <gjanssens> I don't know the details of ovirt's multi-host setup, but I think it should have options on that direction
08:47:47 <warlord> If we went that route we would probably need a different solution than ovirt, because it requires a significant bw to migrate live VMs between hosts.
08:48:11 <warlord> It requires shared storage (e.g. gluster) and a strong migration network.
08:48:19 <gjanssens> As an aside was it already decided to go with a selfhosted jenkins ?
08:48:38 <warlord> I dont think we decided on that, yet.
08:48:48 <warlord> We could still go off to travis and beg for OSS credits.
08:48:55 <gjanssens> I'm interested in github actions as chris' article earlier today hinted ad
08:48:59 <gjanssens> s/ad/at/
08:50:20 <warlord> Or we could even use tip jar money to pay for credits.
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08:55:53 <chris> guix and cuirass are not for the faint-hearted
09:01:23 <warlord> for the record, I /am/ happy to set up jenkins..
09:02:23 <chris> \o/
09:02:32 <warlord> ... if we decide to go that route.
09:02:51 <warlord> I have plenty of CPU, RAM, and storage headroom on the existing VM system.
09:03:18 <warlord> But if we're going to want a dozen "full-time" CPU engines, then we might need more resources.
09:05:12 <warlord> Anyways, I need to run out for a few hours.
09:06:54 <fell> warlord: I can not find a log file.
09:11:24 <fell> Else I had written failed with …
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16:33:17 <warlord> fell, interesting. I don't see them, either...
16:34:32 <warlord> This is what I see in the build dir:
16:34:34 <warlord> [root@code ~]# cat /home/gnucash-docs/flatpak/logs/build-maint-2020-11-07-01-00-01.log
16:34:34 <warlord> Starting flatpak build run for maint
16:34:34 <warlord> Uploading log file 'build-maint-2020-11-07-01-00-01.log'
16:34:34 <warlord> rsync: link_stat "/home/gnucash-docs/flatpak/logs/build-maint-2020-11-07-01-00-01.log" failed: No such file or directory (2)
16:34:36 <warlord> rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1189) [sender=3.1.3]
16:35:48 <warlord> I have no idea how or why that would be the case, unless there is a race condition for when the build-log gets created?
16:55:30 <jralls> warlord: What about the target dir for the rsync?
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19:38:37 <jralls> @tell gjanssens warlord chris is looks to me like github actions are the quickest way forward. Docs at https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/actions/learn-github-actions/introduction-to-github-actions.
19:38:37 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
19:40:21 <jralls> @tell gjanssens TravisCI migration doc: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/actions/learn-github-actions/migrating-from-travis-ci-to-github-actions
19:40:21 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
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21:19:20 <warlord> jralls, I don't know what the target dir is supposed to be, but I can't imagine it changed between the 6th and 7th.
21:22:08 <jralls> Well, something must have changed yesterday. The target dir should be something like builds/flatpak/build-logs/maint. I guess the other way to get that message would be if the flatpack build runs in a separate VM and it couldn't connect to code.
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21:31:54 <warlord> No, it is running on code.
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21:56:49 <fell> warlord, disk full?
21:58:26 <warlord> nope. checked that.
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