2020-10-06 GnuCash IRC logs
00:14:53 <fell> warlord, I tried to test our beta website: https://search.google.com/test/rich-results?utm_campaign=sdtt&utm_medium=url&id=PETrupCkyKke4klITVDfgQ
00:15:30 <fell> seems to be prohibited by robots.txt
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05:21:31 <andreas^> hi guys.
05:22:06 <andreas^> I'm currently doing the first tutorial.
05:22:34 <andreas^> creating an account.
05:23:43 <andreas^> it was hard to read about the five account types. the picture with expenses, income, liability, equity and assets.
05:27:28 <andreas^> "putting it all together".
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06:07:45 <Mechtilde> andreas^, what is hard to read about the five account types?
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06:14:22 <andreas^> Mechtilde: the mathematical equation is hard.
06:14:32 <andreas^> I cannot remember it.
06:15:10 <andreas^> I also have trouble clearing out debit and credit. which one is which.
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06:26:02 <Mechtilde> andreas^, ballance = Assets - Liabilities - Equity
06:26:21 <Mechtilde> Eyuity = income -Expenses
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06:27:30 <Mechtilde> you can also write:
06:28:03 <Mechtilde> balance = Assets + expenses = Liabilities + Equity + Income
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06:32:58 <andreas^> it doesn't stick.
06:33:44 <Mechtilde> what do you mean
06:34:10 <andreas^> I don't remember the equations.
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06:35:20 <Mechtilde> then write it to a sheet of paper, put it at the wall where you look every day
06:35:32 <Mechtilde> so you read it every day
06:36:05 <Mechtilde> that is the basic of accounting
06:37:13 <andreas^> are those equations the basic of accounting?
06:37:54 <Mechtilde> yes
06:38:25 <Mechtilde> since 1495 as described by Luca Pacioli
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11:10:16 <chris> @tell jralls https://github.com/scheme-requests-for-implementation/srfi-180/pull/9/ -- there's some hope we may borrow this srfi instead of guile-json however it's written using r7rs; not sure how good it is in guile-2.2
11:10:16 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
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11:19:58 <jralls> chris, considering guile's general incompetence at strings and especially unicode it would be far safer to use a C library for reading and writing json.
11:19:58 <gncbot> jralls: Sent 9 minutes ago: <chris> https://github.com/scheme-requests-for-implementation/srfi-180/pull/9/ -- there's some hope we may borrow this srfi instead of guile-json however it's written using r7rs; not sure how good it is in guile-2.2
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11:41:19 <chris> if C can convert the nested scm chartoptions object into json then that's fine
11:44:28 <jralls> That's nonsensical. We don't use GOOPS so there is no scm object. IIRC chartoptions is a nested bunch of alists.
11:46:43 <jralls> So it would have to be converted into whatever C structure the C library wants for input.
11:47:35 <jralls> But what's the use-case for converting chartoptions into JSON? It's more correctly represented as CSS.
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11:50:22 <jralls> Does chartjs offer the option of passing its options as JSON instead of setting each value separately as you do now?
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12:12:16 <chris> s/scm object/SCM object
12:12:32 <chris> aka a generic untyped scm something
12:12:57 <chris> yes it's nested alist, and rather painful to walk through from C... not my cup of tea
12:13:26 <chris> chartjs accepts options and data as a json value
12:15:52 <chris> html-chart actually sends the options&data as a JSON string, via javascript to Chart.js
12:16:18 <chris> but each value can be modified individually
12:18:51 <chris> you've already identified in 797893#c2 how it's encoded; html-chart maintains the SCM nested-alists, modifies it, *converts* to JSON-string, prints into javascript, sent to chartjs, creates pixels. no CSS is involved in chartjs.
12:21:31 <chris> (if #795 has no objections wrt strings, it's ready)
12:23:22 <chris> 797893#c2 illustrates each option path & value, datasets contains the actual data to be interpreted by chartjs. fwiw jqplot also could receive data via json... it was simply coded differently.
12:25:31 <jralls> Yes, I understand that chartjs doesn't understand CSS. That's unfortunate but there's nothing to be done for it. But html-chart.scm very painfully constructs a mostly hard-coded nested alist and then modifies a few pieces of it before converting it to the json string. It would be easy to rewrite into C++ and move it to gnucash/html.
12:27:33 <chris> well, I don't object, not because I won't, but because I can't :)
12:28:00 <chris> let's say that again... not my domain, not because I won't, but because I can't :)
12:29:21 <chris> if it's out of guile, it'll be too difficult for me, so, chartjs3+sankey will be out of my domain
12:29:21 <jralls> Can't *now*, but it wasn't so long ago that you couldn't have done it in Scheme either.
12:31:02 <jralls> Javascript is sometimes called Scheme-with-curly-braces because of its functional architecture.
12:31:56 <chris> \o/ <- for me :)
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12:33:50 <jralls> Maybe JS is close enough to scheme that you could accustom yourself to using more than the three punctuation marks Scheme has. ;-)
12:34:52 <chris> in any case html-chart is now much simpler than all 4 previous types, and someone else can convert to c++ if they're inclined
12:35:31 <chris> (the chartjs default options were chosen specifically to try mimic jqplot look'n'feel)
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12:38:02 <jralls> Considering all of the whining when there's any visible change I'd say that was wise.
12:40:26 <chris> with that, time to hit the sack
12:40:36 <jralls> Goodnight!
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17:43:11 <fell> jralls, I see 2 commits yesterday by BobIT, but in https://code.gnucash.org/builds/win32/build-logs/maint/2020-10/build-maint-2020-10-06-03-01-02.log: *** Skipping gnucash-git (package and dependencies not updated) *** [14/16]
17:44:54 <fell> There is also the question, who's fault is:
17:44:55 <fell> (pkg-config.exe:904): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_string_append: assertion 'val != NULL' failed
17:44:57 <fell> Variable 'datadir' not defined in 'C:\gcdev64\gnucash\maint\inst\lib\pkgconfig\libchipcard-client.pc'
17:45:58 <jralls> That's easy, it's Martin's fault. datadir should be defined.
17:50:00 <fell> Ok, I will forward it to aqbanking-user.
17:50:38 <jralls> As for Bob-IT's commits, they were picked up in gjanssens re-run of yesterday's build. Bob committed at 13:00 UTC+1 and Geert started the build at 11:00 EDT. That's 16:00 UTC + 1. If you look at the update line in https://code.gnucash.org/builds/win32/build-logs/maint/2020-10/build-maint-2020-10-05-10-59-09.log you can see that the hash is for Bob's second commit.
17:51:26 <fell> Ah, I had forgotten the late run.
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20:45:54 <fell> jralls: https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-on-windows/pull/44
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22:42:32 <chris> fell: warlord: I dont have gncbot admin rights; I'm identified as chrislck
22:43:16 <chris> #795 - Links -> Transaction Links ?