2020-10-01 GnuCash IRC logs
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09:05:20 * chris would prefer not #794... quite like the animation myself
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11:02:50 <warlord> Hey gjanssens -- are you around and able to answer a github question (not related to gnucash)?
11:03:22 <gjanssens> I can try
11:04:26 <warlord> I've got two forks of some repos, I've pushed some commits to them and made a pair of PRs. However, in both cases, the most recent commit is saying "This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository."
11:04:31 <warlord> Ever seen that before?
11:06:18 <warlord> (another issue is that some of the automated tests are failing, but I'm not getting any output logs so have NO CLUE what's failing or how to fix it).
11:08:48 <gjanssens> I have seen that before once I believe.
11:09:30 <gjanssens> And I believe it was due to the commits being pushed not having any common ancestor commits with the commits already in the github repo
11:10:27 <gjanssens> You could compare commit hashes of commits you believe should be identical.
11:12:37 <warlord> gjanssens, Here is one example: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant.io/pull/14692
11:13:10 <gjanssens> ooh, playing with home-assistant, are you :)
11:13:14 <warlord> The other is https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/40973
11:13:18 <warlord> yeah.
11:13:21 <gjanssens> I whish I found some time for that as well
11:14:34 <warlord> I'm just lost in the python.. and apparently lint
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11:16:54 <gjanssens> Hmm, "This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository." is a red herring
11:17:30 <gjanssens> It's just as it says - you're looking at the repo of the home-assistant organisation and the commit in your PR is not in their repo yet.
11:17:38 <gjanssens> It will only be after it gets merged
11:17:56 <gjanssens> You will see the same message on all commits in PRs in our gnucash repos.
11:17:57 <warlord> Oh. Huh. WEIRD. Okay.
11:18:24 <warlord> Then I wonder why the (x) on the last commit only (and check-marks on all the others)
11:18:52 <gjanssens> The errors can be found under the "Checks" tab
11:19:21 <gjanssens> 233:236 ✓ error Incorrect usage of the term: “config”, use “configuration” instead terminology
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11:20:29 <gjanssens> Or also by clicking on "Details" after each check on the conversation page of the PR
11:23:17 <gjanssens> I don't know what the "black" check does, but it seems to report on certain style issues (use of single quotes instead of double quotes), that kind of stuff
11:24:27 <gjanssens> warlord The error message gives a hint to reproduce locally: If you are seeing this message in CI, reproduce locally with: `pre-commit run --all-files`.
11:24:42 <warlord> Where do you see this?? I don't see this at all???
11:24:46 <gjanssens> That's for the PR against core
11:25:00 <gjanssens> I clicked on your PR and then scrolled down.
11:25:54 <gjanssens> Near the end there is a frame with "Some checks were not successful"
11:26:19 <gjanssens> That lists all the pre-merge checks home-assistant has implemented
11:26:27 <warlord> AHH.. It's a FIREFOX vs Chrome thing.. GRR.
11:26:37 <gjanssens> Huh
11:26:43 <warlord> In FF I don't see any logs..
11:26:51 <warlord> But Chrome does. GRUMP
11:26:55 <gjanssens> I do on my firefox ???
11:27:04 <gjanssens> Interesting
11:27:28 <warlord> Maybe it's a javascript being blocked.
11:27:40 <gjanssens> That's possible.
11:27:50 <warlord> Yep, that was it..
11:28:14 <warlord> Now I see it.. That makes MUCH more sense now..
11:28:36 <warlord> I know stuff is failing because I neglected to update the unit tests. *sigh* I'll fix that.
11:29:44 <warlord> And now I know what I need to fix. Thanks!!!!!
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11:43:40 <gjanssens> You're welcome :)
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13:17:46 <jralls> chris, others obviously disagree about the animations. Another aspect of https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=797893. The relevant CSS is https://www.w3schools.com/css/css3_animations.asp
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17:45:55 <pokyCoder> I asked a question a few days ago about using mysql as the backend for my GnuCash installation. So far, there has been no response. I am using version 3.8 on both Ubuntu 20.04 and on Windows 10. I can verify that the database is accessible on the client computer, since I can pull it up in MySQL Workbench. For some reason, I get the same response from GnuCash as if I did not have access to the database. Are there any suggestions about troubleshoot
17:46:09 <pokyCoder> Is there another forum for this type of question?
17:47:19 <pokyCoder> I guess I did not make clear this time around, the connection works superbly on Ubuntu, but on Windows, I cannot connect at all inside GnuCash.
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18:06:37 <jralls> pokeyCoder, can you connect to your MySql DB from Win10 outside of GnuCash?
18:07:20 <jralls> Is that what you meant about being able to connect to it with MySQL Workbench?
18:15:47 <pokyCoder> It is, yes. Thanks for the response.
18:23:51 <jralls> What does don't have access mean? Connection failure, authentication failure, or lack of privs?
18:24:22 <pokyCoder> Error message: The server at URL mysql://[user]@[local_port]/[db_name] has experienced an error or encountered bad or corrupt data.
18:24:49 <pokyCoder> I get this message on my Ubuntu machine when I forget to set up the SSH tunnel.
18:24:59 <pokyCoder> That's why I am thinking access issue.
18:27:44 <jralls> Is the db on the Windows machine? ISTR some issue with using localhost vs. on Windows but I don't remember the details. Search site:lists.gnucash.org.
18:28:48 <pokyCoder> No, it is on an Ubuntu server on the local network. I have an SSH tunnel forwarding a port on the Windows machine to 3306 on the server.
18:29:17 <pokyCoder> I tried with 'localhost' as well, but the response was the same.
18:31:26 <jralls> And if you don't set up the tunnel and try to connect from MySQL workbench it gives you the same error?
18:33:42 <pokyCoder> In that case, MySQL Workbench gives "Action: Could not connect. server may not be running. Message: Unable to connect to[local_port]"
18:37:48 <jralls> That's closer to what I'd have expected. You said that you got the corrupt data error message on Ubuntu when you forget to set up the tunnel. Does that mean that you get that error from GnuCash if you forget to set up the tunnel? I suppose the tunnel is just so that you can use the same port # on both Win and Ubuntu.
18:38:51 <pokyCoder> Yes. Sorry I'm not being very clear. I'm not used to having to describe my setup. My Windows computer is new. I have used only Ubuntu for a long time, and it has worked without any issue whatsoever.
18:39:43 <pokyCoder> The other purpose of the tunnel is just improved security so I don't have to open port 3306 up to the wide world.
18:48:51 <jralls> There should be an error message with more info in the trace file, see https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Tracefile.
18:51:56 <pokyCoder> * 15:15:09 WARN <gnc.app-utils> Could not spawn perl: Failed to execute child process (Bad file descriptor)
18:51:56 <pokyCoder> * 15:15:09 ERROR <gnc.app-utils> gnc_process_get_fd: assertion 'proc' failed
18:51:56 <pokyCoder> * 15:15:09 ERROR <gnc.app-utils> gnc_detach_process: assertion 'proc && proc->pid' failed
18:51:56 <pokyCoder> * 15:15:10 ERROR <gnc.engine> gnc_uri_get_components: assertion 'uri != NULL && strlen (uri) > 0' failed
18:51:56 <pokyCoder> * 15:15:26 ERROR <gnc.backend.dbi> [GncDbiBackend<Type>::session_begin()] Unable to connect to database 'gnucash'
18:57:01 <pokyCoder> Using gnucash --debug, I was able to get a little more detail this time:
18:57:01 <pokyCoder> * 16:55:10 INFO <qof.session> [QofSessionImpl::load_backend] The provider providers access_method, file, but we're loading for access_method, mysql. Skipping.
18:57:01 <pokyCoder> * 16:55:10 INFO <qof.session> [QofSessionImpl::load_backend] The provider providers access_method, sqlite3, but we're loading for access_method, mysql. Skipping.
18:57:02 <pokyCoder> * 16:55:10 INFO <qof.session> [QofSessionImpl::load_backend] Selected provider GnuCash Libdbi (MYSQL) Backend
18:57:02 <pokyCoder> * 16:55:10 INFO <gnc.backend.dbi> [error_handler] DBI error: 2058: Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded: The specified module could not be found.
18:57:02 <pokyCoder> * 16:55:10 INFO <gnc.backend.dbi> [error_handler] Note: GbcDbiSqlConnection not yet initialized. Skipping further error processing.
18:57:04 <pokyCoder> * 16:55:10 ERROR <gnc.backend.dbi> [GncDbiBackend<Type>::session_begin()] Unable to connect to database 'gnucash'
18:58:34 <pokyCoder> I admit this is mostly Greek to me, but it seems something to do with that plugin `caching_sha2_password` not loading or GbcDbiSqlConnection not initialized might be the issue. Does that mean anything to you?
19:00:58 <jralls> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50169576/mysql-8-0-11-error-connect-to-caching-sha2-password-the-specified-module-could-n
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19:09:24 <pokyCoder> Well thanks for your help. I will study up on this. Offhand I am not sure where the `my.ini` or `my.cnf` file would be located, since I actually only installed MySQL Workbench to verify it was not my SSH tunnel that was causing problems. GnuCash is the only software on this computer that will routinely use mysql. But I really appreciate your help. I at least have a better understanding of the problem.
19:10:53 <jralls> One more piece of the puzzle: GnuCash on Windows uses libmariadbclient v 3.1.7 because that's what MinGW w64 provides. Another related SO: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51567604/rmariadb-caching-sha2-password-error-when-connecting-to-mysql
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23:15:47 <CharlesIC> hello
23:15:50 <CharlesIC> i was trying to fix column width
23:15:55 <CharlesIC> and now two of my columns disappeared
23:15:58 <CharlesIC> Increase and R
23:15:59 <CharlesIC> what to do?
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23:34:57 <CharlesIC> hi
23:35:04 <CharlesIC> i somehow got two columns hidden in gnucash
23:35:07 <CharlesIC> im not sure how to unhide them
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