2020-09-26 GnuCash IRC logs
00:03:44 <Robert847> As a user, I should expect the OS and application software to deal with those details so I don't have to.
00:28:32 <Robert847> Moving on to testing OFX import, GnuCash seems to be choking. This is the first time using release 3.8 on a file recently copied from GnuCash 2.6.19. It appears to be part way through the conversion from the old way of doing it. Htop says it is using 95% of CPU but it can't even draw the window on the screen. I guess I'll let it cook for a while
00:30:49 <Robert847> At least it isn't going to the swap drive yet
00:40:39 <Robert847> It looks like it is stuck on LibOFX line 55, Column 4042. Is that normal?
00:52:17 <Robert847> It is not changing the amount of memory it is using. ust using 95-98% of CPU
00:53:29 <Robert847> 55.2 % mem
00:54:44 <Robert847> when do I decide to kill it and what do I change for the next test?
01:00:33 <Robert847> Past my bedtime. It will cook unsupervised for several hours
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11:18:47 <fell> chris, gnucash/report/reports/standard/income-gst-statement.scm: As translator I don't know, what to do with "Australia BAS" etc.
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12:22:49 <fell> gjanssens, jralls: in Edit->Preferences->General we still use "Linked Files" should that not be "… Documents"?
12:29:46 <fell> And right-click on a document link should not open its target.
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13:24:09 * fell is still translating
13:24:56 <fell> jralls tell me, when 'i have to stip.
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14:25:15 <fell> It seems we are missing an argument in the gtk initialization:
14:25:17 <fell> gnucash --help-gtk
14:25:18 <fell> Aufruf:
14:25:20 <fell> (null) [OPTION …] - GnuCash, die Finanzverwaltung für Privatanwender und Kleinbetriebe
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14:35:44 <chris> fell: in Australia "BAS" stands for "Business Activity statement". May be easier leave it untranslated?
14:37:13 <fell> Yes, I think, I will leave it empty for now. Perhaps we should add a translator comment?
14:42:27 <chris> Go ahead. going back to sleep myself!
14:42:54 <fell> chris, or perhaps better as user visible, add the full name at least to the tooltip.
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15:06:08 <jralls> fell, I'm about ready to start writing NEWS. That'll take a couple of hours. How many strings do you have to go?
15:06:46 <jralls> fell, as for gtk-help, aren't those strings from gtk?
15:07:36 <fell> I talk about (null)
15:07:54 <fell> I assume it should be the appname
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15:10:50 <fell> for yelp I get:
15:10:52 <fell> yelp --help-gtk
15:10:53 <fell> Aufruf:
15:10:55 <fell> yelp [OPTION …]
15:24:52 <jralls> Fixed. Just needed to call g_set_prgname in the help-gtk clause.
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15:30:07 <fell> cool
15:31:07 <fell> I explained "Australia BAS" in the reports tooltip.
15:31:45 <jralls> OK. Did you push that?
15:36:17 <jralls> Re Linked Files vs. Linked Documents, I think Files is better because it's about docs linked with scheme file:// and given a relative path.
15:38:57 <fell> OK
15:39:09 <fell> yes BAS is pushed.
15:39:43 <fell> still 4 fuzzy and 12 untranslated in de.po
15:40:08 <jralls> So 1/2 hour or so?
15:41:20 <fell> I assume I will stop and push after a few checks.
15:44:23 <jralls> Aww, you can get those last 16 msgids. I'll wait if necessary, but like I said I'm just starting on NEWS and that will take a couple of hours.
15:45:26 <fell> I do not see "Cascading Account" from dialog-account.glade
15:48:24 <fell> and the fuzzy strings are of the form "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all different."
15:48:49 <fell> I will break them down after the release.
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