2020-06-22 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:08:02 <gjanssens> .
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03:26:24 <fell> jralls: Sorry, i got summoned yesterday and later was too tired. I am in between wondering, why you tried to backport uk.po-3.905 into 3.10.
03:27:31 <fell> gjanssens: do you really want to wait for 5.0 with the guile version?
03:27:54 <fell> IMHO it is a dependency change.
03:28:36 <fell> And some distributions already replaced guile2 by guile3.
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03:45:27 <gjanssens> fell: distros that upgrade that aggressively can carry the guile 3 patch until we're ready to make it mainstream
03:45:44 <gjanssens> While reviewing the patch I missed two errors that chris later found.
03:46:25 <gjanssens> To my mind the upgrade was just a simple find and replace (s/_/G_/g), but clearly there are subtleties there.
03:46:59 <gjanssens> Had chris not found these two exceptions, we would have shipped a broken gnucash, not only with guile 3 but with all supported guile versions.
03:47:29 <gjanssens> If we were earlier in the 4.0 release process, I would have added it in as there was still time for user feedback.
03:47:55 <gjanssens> But I'm very reluctant to apply such a patch to the final release.
03:49:47 <gjanssens> Simply because I don't know if we didn't miss any other subtle changes.
03:50:29 <gjanssens> I can see it applied to a later release in the 4.x series, though preferably after some real user testing on those aggressive distros.
03:51:45 <gjanssens> Of course I'm just expressing my view. If the other devs feel confident enough to apply it still, I will accept (and would even be willing to do the work).
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05:35:15 <fell> OK, perhaps jralls should mention the patch in the 4.0 release notes.
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08:37:33 <chris> CDB-Man_ cannot reproduce bug 797796 SPY=$0.00 using your register.
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09:25:51 <chris> CDB-Man_ you know how gnucash handles currencies and commodities natively; there was half-finished work to create a book-currency to which all commodities were exchanged. unfortunately that developer has been inactive for 6 years and counting.
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09:45:38 <warlord> A long long time ago every transaction (or maybe split) had a "commodity" and "currency" associated with it. It's been so long I honestly don't recall how it was used, but I remember arguing at the time that removing it would make balancing accounts harder. Here we are, 20 years later, still dealing with imbalance issues.
09:46:03 <warlord> (or maybe it was an account that had a commodity and currency?)
09:46:18 <warlord> I suppose I can go look at the code history from 20 years ago to see..
09:47:03 <chris> warlord: is that before or after single-entry was made 'illegal'?
09:49:32 <warlord> chris, define "made illegal"
09:51:24 <chris> when transactions were corrected to always balance?
09:52:46 <warlord> Ah. That was Linas' doing. The removal of the commodity/currency duality was earlier.
09:54:01 <CDB-Man_> [08:37:33] <+9d54b3chris> CDB-Man_ cannot reproduce bug 797796 SPY=$0.00 using your register.
09:54:08 <CDB-Man_> ... well then
09:54:32 <CDB-Man_> You're running average cost, right?
09:58:22 <chris> sure.
09:59:25 <CDB-Man_> Well this is very odd, I wonder what else contributes to my zero dollar spy
09:59:28 <chris> must be something about the 9.95 SPY txn.
10:00:04 <CDB-Man_> Did you recreate a register using those exact 3 entries in my
10:00:09 <CDB-Man_> Screenshot?
10:00:28 <chris> from your imgur/Bdp74ZG
10:01:35 <CDB-Man_> Maybe we need to print to trace file every calculation that's happening for my register then
10:02:02 <CDB-Man_> You're running account summary right?
10:02:48 <CDB-Man_> Also: return of capital is Dr cash, CR SPY, zero units, zero price
10:03:09 <chris> ^yes acc-summary
10:03:16 <chris> what's return-of-capital in layman terms
10:03:43 <CDB-Man_> The company is returning a portion of your original investment to you
10:03:53 <CDB-Man_> Rather than paying a dividend from retained earnings
10:04:12 <CDB-Man_> It's therefore a reduction of cost basis
10:04:30 <chris> I have never seen this case documented in gnucash documentation?
10:04:55 <CDB-Man_> https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/returnofcapital.asp
10:04:55 <chris> ah it is in tutorial
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10:06:07 <CDB-Man_> Anyways, on the $0 spy issue, if you replicated the entries verbatim, along with the $9.95 split, idk what else to say
10:06:36 <CDB-Man_> Since I have $9.95 on other trades for other stocks but they don't suffer this problem
10:07:09 <CDB-Man_> If you have some debug code I can add to the report to print something more verbose, I can do that
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10:08:31 <CDB-Man_> Anyways, time for some breakfast
10:10:49 <CDB-Man_> [09:45:38] <warlord> A long long time ago every transaction (or maybe split) had a "commodity" and "currency" associated with it. It's been so long I honestly don't recall how it was used, but I remember arguing at the time that removing it would make balancing accounts harder. Here we are, 20 years later, still dealing with imbalance issues.
10:11:08 <CDB-Man_> As in each account effectively kept track of 2 totals?
10:11:51 <CDB-Man_> Rather than right now where stock accounts "only" track share units?
10:12:47 <CDB-Man_> [09:47:03] <+9d54b3chris> warlord: is that before or after single-entry was made 'illegal'?
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10:12:55 <warlord> CDB-Man_, yes
10:13:06 <CDB-Man_> Hmm, at one point entries were not forced to balance? Interesting
10:13:40 <warlord> CDB-Man_, it would allow you to "commit" an imbalanced transaction (and you'd get transactions with that little box in the corner)
10:14:02 <CDB-Man_> warlord: yes, that double track would be quite useful. Though without the ability to lookup historical exchange rate, I can see why dual commodities were impractical
10:14:45 <CDB-Man_> I don't think I've ever seen this "little box"
10:15:04 <CDB-Man_> Impractical +back then
10:17:05 <CDB-Man_> Chris, how many hours until you head to bed? If very shortly, then I'll save that transaction report trial for this evening
10:17:13 <chris> <1hr :)
10:17:23 <CDB-Man_> Okay, this evening it is then
10:17:39 <CDB-Man_> Hopefully I'll have run it by the time you wake up
10:18:24 <CDB-Man_> I will also include the SPY TRADING account in the report
10:18:27 <chris> here's what it should look like: https://pastebin.com/raw/E59YjPC1
10:18:40 <CDB-Man_> And also all accounts in the future that holds SPY
10:19:09 <CDB-Man_> Okay, the reference helps
10:22:35 <CDB-Man_> chris: to ensure I don't muck it up, can you also attach the patched version of trep?
10:22:53 <CDB-Man_> Like how the other day my trace file produced that error
10:23:56 <chris> https://pastebin.com/raw/FVjcedDb
10:30:11 <CDB-Man_> Thanks
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11:57:03 <jralls> fell, no, I'm not going to mention that OpenSuSE broke GnuCash by dropping Guile 2.2. There was no need for them to do that, the Guile team goes to great lengths to ensure that multiple major versions are side-by-side installable.
11:57:46 <jralls> That said, I don't see any reason not to merge Guile 3 support into 4.x when it's working.
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12:40:43 <jralls> CDB-Man, the little box warlord refers to is the gray box-with-an-x that appears in every amount and value cell in the split view of an unbalanced and uncommitted transaction.
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12:41:34 <jralls> CDB-Man_ & CDB-Work ^^^^^^
12:46:11 <jralls> gjanssens, I'm not very happy about BobIT's removal of per-account register formats. I think it's unnecessary and will annoy a lot of users, many of whom will decide not to upgrade.
13:01:02 <CDB-Work> ah, I'm pretty good with never having unbalanced transactions, so that's probably why I haven't noticed it :)
13:02:12 <CDB-Work> jralls: i saw briefly your response on the ticket; before I start drafting an answer in detail, did you consider the fact that the cumulative column rolls into the per unit ACB column? and the per unit ACB column, while it uses cumulative as tne numerator, it uses the cumulative # units as the denominator
13:02:22 <CDB-Work> therefore the per unit amount does not change after a sale
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13:11:13 <CDB-Work> > removal of per-account register formats <-- did he merge all registers into a single general journal??
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13:19:23 <gotnone> Hi, can anyone tell me how many days back the generic import transaction matcher looks at when importing OFX data? Is this configurable in settings or a config file somewhere?
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13:39:51 <fell> jralls, FYI: https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1173232
14:02:53 <gjanssens> jralls: wrt the removal of per-account register layouts, BobIT did this on my suggestion. I think there are good use cases to fall back to a default. But honestly I don't have enough energy left for gnucash to take on such discussions with users :(
14:03:13 <gjanssens> So if you prefer to revert feel free to do so.
14:04:36 <jralls> gjanssens, I'd rather fix than revert. I'll point out that falling back to a default is not the same as deleting the saved layout and using only the default. The current implementation does the latter.
14:06:15 <gjanssens> Sure. I did write at more length when David H. first brought this up about what I think are the challenges of a good user experience with 3 levels of layout management (calculated default, user set default, per register settings).
14:07:38 <gjanssens> It requires users to understand all three levels and be able to switch between them whenever appropriate. To me that's just too much for most users.
14:08:13 <gjanssens> Anyway there are two use cases at the extreme
14:09:01 <gjanssens> 1. Users that currently have to tweak each and every register because their chosen font/language doesn't nicely calculate good defaults (dates get truncated, number columns are too small)
14:09:37 <gjanssens> 2. Users that wish to tweak each register to have optimal widths for the description and transfer column.
14:09:43 <gjanssens> Both are fair use cases.
14:10:38 <gjanssens> The users of use case 1 were the ones complaining during the 3.x cycle. The users of case 2 will be complaining for the 4.x release unless we find a solution.
14:12:34 <jralls> Right. I don't see a big problem with it. When opening a register check if the account has a saved layout, as in <=3.11. If not, check if its type group does and if not that then use the calculated defaults.
14:13:09 <gjanssens> That's the developers view and yes, that's easy.
14:13:23 <jralls> How is that hard for users?
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14:16:06 <CDB-Work> by layouts, are you talking about things such as column width?
14:16:33 <CDB-Work> I for one have the split account name column set at 5x the normal width, so that I can see the FULL account name
14:16:55 <jralls> Yes, that's exactly what we're talking about.
14:17:19 <jralls> And that's exactly what 3.90x breaks.
14:18:21 <gjanssens> Go reread my mail messages. it's way to long to repeat in irc - they are part of this list thread: https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2020-June/045175.html
14:19:14 <gjanssens> jralls: it doesn't break in 3.90x. It works differently. You can still set the split account name column to 5x the normal width. You just have to tell gnucash you want that to be the default.
14:19:30 <gjanssens> But whatever.
14:19:43 <jralls> The very first sentence is false. No effort is made to reuse what was there before.
14:20:40 <CDB-Work> Hmm, if there was the ability to set default column width in current gnucash, I didn't know about it and wish that I did. I would definitely set default to 5x for my own use
14:20:41 <jralls> What was there before is discarded, *even if you had the tab open when you closed GnuCash 3.10*.
14:21:50 <jralls> CDB-Work, that's the new feature: You can set the default widths per register type (currency, stock, etc.).
14:22:14 <CDB-Work> Ah, okay, so I was not particularly blind then!
14:22:17 <gjanssens> Then *that's* a bug. If the tab was still open, the available column widths should have been retained.
14:23:04 <gjanssens> I suspect this is because it's now stored differently and BobIT didn't add code to migrate.
14:23:47 <jralls> That's what it looks like. The old way is [Register b2fb098c6822d77fcf2ffc09e5ce73ff] and the new way is AccountGuid=b2fb098c6822d77fcf2ffc09e5ce73ff.
14:24:10 <gjanssens> As for registers that weren't open when last saved, there's no way to map individual saved layouts to a common default. So yes those would inevitably get lost.
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14:25:20 <jralls> And that's the part that I don't understand and that your email to David doesn't explain: Those register layouts are stored in the .gcm, why discard them?
14:26:23 <jralls> While thinking about this plenty of corner cases came up that would either be confusing or cumbersome for the user
14:26:38 <jralls> What corner cases?
14:27:17 <jralls> Sorry, my IRC client didn't handle that right. "While..." is a quote from your email.
14:29:07 <gjanssens> https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2020-June/045182.html
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14:32:55 <gjanssens> jralls: bug 797815 complains about a poorly configured gnucash-launcher.cmd file on Windows.
14:33:30 <gjanssens> Do we still have a use case for that file ? I thought we obsoleted it ages ago as gnucash itself knows where to find its dependencies.
14:33:53 <gjanssens> I'm tempted to remove that one unless you have a valid use case for it ?
14:33:54 <jralls> Yeah, I saw that. That file is left over from the old shell-script build system with its goofy paths. It's no longer needed.
14:34:13 <gjanssens> Yay, I'll drop it.
14:34:33 <jralls> Plus it should never have been in the installer, it's for running gnucash from the build dir.
14:36:48 <jralls> On the subject of goofy, did you see cstim's PR about "Change" vs. "Edit"? He claims that we have a policy to always use "Edit" for UI controls, never any synonyms. I don't remember any such policy. Do you?
14:37:44 <gjanssens> Nope
14:38:20 <jralls> warlord, you've been around the longest. Do remember anything like that?
14:39:03 <warlord> ... reading back..
14:39:47 <warlord> Change vs Edit? I honestly don't recall any such policy, but I wasn't paying attention to HIG issues.
14:42:36 <jralls> OK. I'll chalk that up to trying to make an argument on thin ice. I'll leave it to simmer for a bit and see what happens.
14:46:09 <jralls> gjanssens, On the UX with column widths, the confusion would stem from the user not understanding that a saved layout is all of the column widths, and since there are users who complain that scrolling their notebook tabs has gotten too cumbersome even the current scheme will lead there.
14:48:16 <jralls> We have two menu items, Set this layout as the default and reset the default to calculated. A third, reset this register to default, plus actually documenting how all of this works in Help, would I think resolve most of the potential for confusion.
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14:59:30 <gjanssens> jralls: ok, you can give that a shot.
15:11:45 <gjanssens> jralls: https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=797803 about flatpaks that try to recompile guile sources. I think that's either a guile or a flatpak bug (and there's a bug against the gnucash on flathub github repo).
15:12:07 <gjanssens> Do you want to track this in our bugzilla as well, or should I just close it as NOTGNUCASH ?
15:12:40 <gjanssens> The link to the github issue is in the comments.
15:13:03 <jralls> You said something earlier about flatpak performing unnatural acts on timestamps. Do you know anything more about that?
15:14:11 <jralls> Is it really flatpak or is it something about the flathub build process?
15:19:38 <jralls> OIC, flatpak build gives build products a 0 timestamp. That's bad.
15:20:17 <jralls> So it's not GnuCash but it isn't really flathub either.
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15:25:23 <jralls> And according to mclassen in https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/926 it's on purpose. Can't we work around it by setting GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0 in environment?
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15:28:29 <jralls> Ah, I see in https://github.com/flathub/org.gnucash.GnuCash/issues/24#issuecomment-522767767 that that's a poor option. Hmm.
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15:48:58 <jralls> gjanssens, you can close it as not gnucash if you want, but since the 0 timestamps are on purpose nobody's going to fix it upstream "won't fix" is probably a more accurate answer. Is there any way we can put a workaround in? Maybe change the timestamp on *.scm to 0 as well?
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15:50:59 <gjanssens> jralls: these timestamps are set by the build process on *.scm files as well.
15:51:37 <gjanssens> For completeness it appears to only affect Ubuntu so far. On Fedora this works fine.
15:52:41 <mohave> I would definitely vote to maintain the ability to customize column widths on an account by account basis.
15:55:18 <jralls> gjanssens, interesting about Ubuntu. So if the .scm and .go files have the same timestamp it still sets off auto-compile. Hmm, we can patch guile for the build, right? Changing that is probably a one-liner.
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15:56:14 <gjanssens> What would you want to patch in guile ?
15:57:24 <jralls> The auto-compile condition so that if the .go and .scm timestamps are the same the .go is OK to use.
15:58:14 <jralls> Or maybe just turn it off so that the .go is *always* OK to use.
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16:05:17 <gjanssens> Oh right. We could do that indeed
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16:18:56 <jralls> The function in question, compiled_is_fresh in libguile/load.c, returns true if the times are equal, but it compares mtime.tv_nsec. I guess that the simplest thing would be to change the last line of that function to return 1.
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19:45:14 <linas> my name in lights!
20:12:34 <chris> all hail linas
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20:45:31 <warlord> Hi linas.
20:53:07 <CDB-Work> chris: per jralls, my cost basis calculator is already how gnucash works, except for the fx part. jralls was also saying, referring to comments you made earlier, that the fx part will likely need to be done lower level than scheme, ie done in c++. thoughts?
20:53:29 <CDB-Work> except for the fx part + the commissions part**
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