2020-03-18 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:27:01 <kerma> Hello! Might anyone be able to confirm whether gnucash is able to issue invoices in line with the European electronic invoicing standard?
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10:10:36 <chris> to jralls_ I don't think I can do xaccAccountGetReconcileStatementDates
10:14:18 <warlord> kerma, sorry, USA-based here so don't know (and not familiar with the EU rules). But I know we have EU business-users, so "maybe"?
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10:21:32 <chris> xaccAccountGetReconcileStatementDates(acc) would return a list of time64 dates
10:21:50 <chris> or NULL
10:22:56 <warlord> chris, in what order?
10:23:31 <chris> ideally sorted
10:23:50 * chris thought warlord was indifferent to the idea...
10:24:55 <chris> idea: each reconciliation stores statement_date and ending_balance into account's kvp "reconcile-info/statements/2020-01-31" = 12000/100
10:25:22 <chris> I just don't know how to enumerate account's reconcile-info/statements/* keys into a GList
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10:36:24 <warlord> you need to build a GList out of a for-each iterator over all the keys
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10:38:18 <chris> I know! I just can't figure out C(++) syntax
10:38:30 <chris> give me guile anyday
10:38:41 <warlord> lol
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11:46:13 <kerma> warlord: Thanks! Hoping to hear if there are EU business users who might be able to chime in.
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12:01:36 <warlord> kerma, you might consider asking on the gnucash-user mailing list. I know Geert (Belgium-based dev) is on holiday for 2 weeks. He would be the nominal expert.
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12:30:50 <kerma> Thanks!
12:37:23 <jralls_> warlord, your C++ is obsolete. std::for-each has been largely replaced with range-based for.
12:37:58 <warlord> jralls_, I was using pseudo-code, not c/c++
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12:51:57 <jralls_> chris, it's too cumbersome to write here, I'll put code on a comment in xaccAccountGetReconcileStatementDates.
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16:41:55 <fell> jralls: IMHO SGML does not recognize <xml ...>.
16:42:24 <jralls> fell, What part of "OFX V2 is XML" do you not understand?
16:44:05 <fell> Oh, I didn't see the 2.
16:44:08 <jralls> Or, for that matter, what part of "XML is a dialect of SGML"? XML is well-formed SGML but not all SGML (HTML being a widely used example) is well-formed XML.
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16:47:39 <jralls> SGML is so wide-open that a generic SGML parser can't work without a DTD, so the reason that OFX V1 can't handle XML is because it doesn't match the DTD, not because the XML isn't well-formed SGML.
16:51:44 <fell> Martin has 2 new commits today.
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