2020-03-13 GnuCash IRC logs
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06:55:53 <fell> @tell Antic: Did you at some time reset the counters in File ->Properties->Counters?
06:55:53 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
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07:51:21 <Dibs> Hi all, I'm having trouble with the budget function. When I input a budget, and pull a report to it, it's only showing me the actual values without the budgeted ones. Does anyone know why?
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08:05:19 <chris> Dibs: check the budget report options carefully
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08:15:52 <Dibs> @Chris I've checked it very carefully. Budget is setup, with accounting period being this year. I've got some transactions typed in, so there should be Actuals vs. Budget values to compare.
08:15:52 <gncbot> Dibs: Error: "Chris" is not a valid command.
08:16:01 <Dibs> Chris: I've checked it very carefully. Budget is setup, with accounting period being this year. I've got some transactions typed in, so there should be Actuals vs. Budget values to compare.
08:16:47 <chris> post a screenshot of report, and screenshot of report options
08:21:29 <Dibs> uploaded the screenshots to image hoster: https://ibb.co/3htMRC4https://ibb.co/9YhRyMzhttps://ibb.co/9tdWj7dhttps://ibb.co/gmg0yVm
08:21:41 <Dibs> https://ibb.co/3htMRC4 https://ibb.co/9YhRyMz https://ibb.co/9tdWj7d https://ibb.co/gmg0yVm
08:22:27 <Dibs> what I'm seeing is that a budget for an account is set, but the report is not reflecting it
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08:24:26 <Dibs> Another thing I see is that not all accounts are select by default, e.g. the expense and income accounts weren't selected: https://ibb.co/DGt7mwR As soon as I select them and press "OK", the program almost locks up and becomes unresponsive
08:25:25 <chris> Dibs: these budget reports are/were buggy. please upload some sample datafiles in bugzilla.
08:25:40 <chris> upcoming 4.0 will fix gradually some of them
08:29:32 <chris> unfortunately budgets are very difficult to do right. e.g. budgets do NOT record the currency used, yet somehow reports must guess them.
08:31:09 <Dibs> shame, it's one of those basic function of a personal budgeting software
08:31:12 <chris> moreover budgets have their own start- and end-dates yet some reports will ask them again. some are being fixed for 4.0.
08:31:58 <chris> true, but bug reports from users are the only way devs (who don't use budgets) can try fix them
08:32:03 <Dibs> I would be kinda fine if I could export the transactions into a structured file and have some visualization software (even excel if need be) make bar charts based on them
08:33:18 <chris> run the Transaction Report, export to HTML, then use Excel to load the HTML. it works well.
08:34:05 <chris> but please upload some datafiles into bugzilla too.
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08:44:35 <chris> dibs: my prelim guess is that the budget account currencies don't match the account currencies
08:45:19 <Dibs> regarding the program locking itself up?
08:45:59 <Dibs> not sure how that could be, my currencies are set to EUR in all conceivable options that I can think of
08:46:32 <chris> that was just a guess. please create a sample datafile and file a bug.
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09:07:53 <Dibs> mkay submitted Bug 797645
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10:16:46 <Antic> I just noticed that the most of the first 94 customers in my customer overview have the same Customer Number as one other customer. IE, I have two customers with number 000002, two customers with 000003, etc. That feels like something got corrupt somewhere. Is there a problem? screenshot: https://pasteboard.co/IYMprUy.jpg
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10:20:46 <warlord> Antic, well, it's all about how the customers were entered into the system. The customer number is just a user-editable text field. There is nothing special about it, so you can go and adjust that manually.
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10:39:33 <Antic> Is this also true for invoices?
10:39:39 <Antic> (invoice numbers)
10:41:36 <warlord> Yes
10:41:48 <warlord> There is no (gnucash) requirement that they be unique.
10:42:05 <warlord> Internally each one has a unique GUID, but that isn't human-readable or accessible.
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10:51:18 <fell> @notes Antic:
10:51:18 <gncbot> fell: Sent 3 hours and 55 minutes ago: <fell> Did you at some time reset the counters in File ->Properties->Counters?
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13:33:12 <fell> Is there any reason, why the @PERL@ -w substitution is not applied on gnc-fq-dump? jralls perhaps?
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14:44:49 <jralls_> fell, it's filled in on MacOS. Are you sure you're looking at the built file?
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15:50:17 <fell> jralls: No, it is hardcoded in the source file.
15:52:03 <fell> the others have the extension .in, dump not
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17:52:56 <jralls> fell, Ah, I misunderstood the question. You meant why does gnc-fq-dump *not* use @PERL@.
17:53:13 <fell> yes
17:53:38 <fell> I have changed it now.
17:54:52 <fell> only in Quote_example.pl it is still hardcoded.
17:55:37 <jralls> Because somebody named Rob Browning wrote the other 3 and Peticolas committed them 19 years ago. A couple of years later Hampton decided we needed a troubleshooting script and he wrote it without the substitution.
17:56:27 <jralls> For 17 years it seems not to have bothered anyone.
17:57:51 <fell> At least nobody was whining loud enough.
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18:46:58 <chris> Rob Browning is rlb on #guile I think
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22:33:46 <goedible> Hi. I'm in Canada using gnu cash for a small landscaping business with a couple casual employees. I wonder if there is a repository somewhere that I can search for and download an account tree?
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23:38:04 * chris itching to simplify/compact some ugly account.cpp functions
23:42:51 <chris> goedible: no such thing; our advice is to try the various inbuilt account trees, experiment, and adjust as your requirements are refined
23:42:55 <chris> @tell goedible no such thing; our advice is to try the various inbuilt account trees, experiment, and adjust as your requirements are refined
23:42:55 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.