2019-11-25 GnuCash IRC logs
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04:12:07 <avma> hi, can anyone help with an sql issue?
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04:59:24 <avma> can anyone help with an SQL issue?
05:07:24 <Mechtilde> avma, what is your problem?
05:13:14 <avma> I'm trying to create a report that combines bills line item and vendor names
05:14:23 <avma> the problem is that not all vendors are showing in the report, some time names are blank
05:15:20 <avma> SELECT
05:15:20 <avma> bill,invoices.guid AS inv_guid,invoices.owner_guid,vendors.guid AS vend_guid,invoices.id,vendors.name,owner_type,
05:15:20 <avma> date,description,(quantity_num/quantity_denom) AS 'Bill Quantity',
05:15:20 <avma> (b_price_num/b_price_denom) AS 'Uint Cost'
05:15:20 <avma> FROM
05:15:22 <avma> entries
05:15:24 <avma>
05:15:26 <avma> JOIN invoices ON invoices.guid = bill
05:15:28 <avma> left JOIN vendors ON vendors.guid = invoices.owner_guid
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05:53:01 <chris> ninja checking maint->master. if everything's fine i'll push.
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07:42:16 <chris> jralls I think I should really maintain a
07:42:36 <chris> 'Changelog' to describe notable fixes/report highlights
07:47:49 <chris> avma you're better off waiting for jralls, I don't use sql
07:49:31 <avma> ok thanks Chris
07:52:00 <chris> fell your dupe report is probably a remnant of future-scheduled-txn-summary, sx-summary.scm, now deleted and merged onto account-summary.scm. clean up your build dir.
07:52:20 <chris> @tell fell your dupe report is probably a remnant of future-scheduled-txn-summary, sx-summary.scm, now deleted and merged onto account-summary.scm. clean up your build/installdir/cache.
07:52:20 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
08:07:10 <chris> balsheet-pnl.scm getting more clever every time :)
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13:47:14 <fell> .
13:47:14 <gncbot> fell: Sent 16 hours and 55 minutes ago: <warlord> Hahaha.. Glad they got it working.
13:47:15 <gncbot> fell: Sent 5 hours and 54 minutes ago: <chris> your dupe report is probably a remnant of future-scheduled-txn-summary, sx-summary.scm, now deleted and merged onto account-summary.scm. clean up your build/installdir/cache.
13:48:25 <fell> chris: yes, after ninja clean they were gone.
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14:03:11 <jralls> @tell avma I don't have a well-populated business database to test against, but your query looks sane (though for clarity owner_type should be invoices.owner_type). You say that not all vendor.name entries are populated, but what about vend_guid? Is owner_type always 4?
14:03:11 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
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14:53:48 <gjanssens> .
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15:02:22 <gjanssens> fell: IIRC the change from ISO4217 to CURRENCY was done for consistency.
15:03:07 <gjanssens> The sql backend has been writing CURRENCY since its inception. The xml backend was writing ISO4217.
15:04:00 <gjanssens> Based on the comments in the xml code ISO4217 was used as a compatibility hack with gnucash 1.8. As we're long past supporting that version I decided it was time for a cleanup.
15:04:28 <fell> gjanssens: From my understanding CURRENCY was the name for something not very well designed in version <1.8
15:04:36 <gjanssens> Modern gnucash still understands ISO4217, but won't write it out to file/db itself
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15:05:16 <gjanssens> Perhaps, I was not involved in the gnucash project yet back then.
15:05:38 <gjanssens> I merely followed the suggestions I found in the codebase.
15:05:47 <fell> That old CURRENCY git replaced by the well defined ISO4217 in 1.8
15:06:06 <fell> I fear you misread it.
15:07:08 <gjanssens> No, I did not misread it. The comment clearly says writing ISO4217 was compat mode for 1.8
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15:07:56 <gjanssens> https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/commit/f3eeda3a9e8e27dc982f070836b63d88ae79a3ed#diff-386a8b6d9b8ffbe451041bde1589e72aL343
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15:08:11 <jralls> IIRC we discussed it here at the time.
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15:09:03 <gjanssens> We did indeed
15:12:49 <fell> On the whole 2.x series, the we wrote ISO4217 in the files as also all templates are.
15:13:17 <gjanssens> https://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2017/05/04.html#T12:22:39
15:13:52 <gjanssens> fell: as the old discussion shows, internally gnucash has been using CURRENCY as namespace for a very long time
15:14:17 <gjanssens> It was only in the xml backend that this internal name was converted to ISO4217 for backwards compatibility
15:14:41 <gjanssens> The xml backend has equally been able to load files with the CURRENCY namespace for a very long time
15:15:01 <gjanssens> So again, my change was to bring consistency and use only one namespace.
15:15:13 <fell> ISO is a well defined standard, currency is something very vagely.
15:15:19 <gjanssens> As most of the code had alreade settled for CURRENCY, that's what I went for
15:16:00 <gjanssens> Honestly I don't think that matters much. It's just a name to refer to internally.
15:16:16 <fell> At the beginning of 2.x there only XML, no other backends
15:16:36 <gjanssens> It's not exposed to users via the gui, and I would think most users would find ISO4217 te be pretty cryptic.
15:17:03 <gjanssens> s/te/to/
15:17:26 <jralls> It's just a symbol in the code. Any human-language meaning is peripheral.
15:18:15 <fell> I could imagine in a few years it get replaced by a new stadard, which include crypo currencies and then you will have to do the 1.8 hack again.
15:19:24 <gjanssens> I don't see why we would have to change our namespace for that ? CURRENCY would actually fit better, as that allows us to simply tuck another standard behind it
15:19:59 <gjanssens> The "iso" bit in our code is afaict limited to the xml file defining the currencies, which currently is restricted to ISO4217 currencies
15:20:16 <fell> Because the symbols then would have a different meaning
15:20:56 <jralls> ISO doesn't work that way.
15:20:56 <fell> They may be 4 Letters long or whatever.
15:21:17 <gjanssens> I think you're giving much more meaning to the symbol that it deserves
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15:22:13 <gjanssens> We expose a number of predefined currencies to the user. Currently that happens to be the ISO4217 currencies
15:22:56 <gjanssens> Rereading your comment, so you would think that when a new currencies standard comes it EUR could suddenly mean something different in the new standard ?
15:23:34 <gjanssens> And that such an ISO goof would have been the reason the gnucash devs had to choose a different namespace for currencies ?
15:24:38 <gjanssens> (Back in the 1.8 days I mean)
15:26:42 <fell> Some people think $ is a currency symbol, but it is not unique.
15:26:58 <fell> Then there was the C$ hack, ...
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15:27:47 <gjanssens> True, still a not fully solved issue. But what does that have to do with a namespace name ?
15:28:30 <jralls> '$' is a currency symbol. It's just used for lots of different currencies. That's in part why the ISO 4217 committee was formed *40 years ago* to create a standard set of symbols for data interchange.
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15:29:31 <jralls> That standard is now in use world-wide. Changing it would be enormously disruptive. It's darn near impossible that the committee would change the format.
15:29:39 <rpg> I seem to have accidentally deleted my gnucash database. I have hourly snapshot backups but ... where is the SQL data?
15:30:00 <jralls> rpg: Depends. What backend are you using?
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15:30:39 <rpg> I'm on a Mac, and TBH I don't know which backend I'm using -- used to be XML but at some point that was deprecated on the Mac and I was auto-switched.
15:31:30 <jralls> rpg: Not true. There is no auto-switch and the XML backend is still the default.
15:31:48 <rpg> @jralls: Wouldn't that be a `.gnucash` file, then?
15:31:48 <gncbot> rpg: Error: "jralls:" is not a valid command.
15:31:53 <rpg> jralls: Wouldn't that be a `.gnucash` file, then?
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15:33:04 <fell> A namespace currency would allow a symbol "$", but in ISO 4217 it is USD, CAD , ...
15:33:05 <jralls> rpg: A .gnucash file can be either XML or SQLite3. If it's XML, `file foo.gnucash` will tell you that it's a GnuCash file; if it's SQLite3 it will tell you that it's a SQLite3 database.
15:33:24 <jralls> fell: Where is that code?
15:34:05 <rpg> jralls: My log files are all in ~/personal/finance, which is where I thought my database was, but apparently it's no longer there.
15:34:11 <fell> That is not from code, but theory
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15:35:45 <gjanssens> fell: as I wrote in the old conversation if we ever add code to allow a user-defined currency namespace, I would not call it "CURRENCY", exactly because that would clash with older versions of gnucash which internally have been using CURRENCY for ages as the namespace name
15:35:48 <jralls> fell: From your imagination, you mean. CURRENCY is a symbol in code. The code defines what it means. Period.
15:36:43 <gjanssens> That user-defined namespace would be something completely new, like USER_CURRENCY or whatever
15:37:20 <gjanssens> And even in that namespace symbols will have to be uniqe. So at best the user could use "$" exactly once as symbol
15:38:29 <gjanssens> short-hand symbols could be duplicate though if the user wishes to do so. But that would cause quite some confusion so I don't think many users would want that.
15:39:39 <gjanssens> (we call those local symbols in code)
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15:41:21 <gjanssens> Anyway, I'm leaving it at that for tonight. It'll be a busy day tomorrow so I'm off to bed early.
15:41:22 <rpg> jralls: The latest gnucash.gnucash file in my backup is listed as last modified in August 2018. Does that make sense? I made transactions last night...
15:41:25 <gjanssens> Good night all!
15:41:43 <jralls> Good night gjanssens.
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15:43:02 <jralls> rpg: Sounds like your GnuCash file isn't where you think it is.
15:43:17 <rpg> jralls: Agreed. But I don't know where to look for it.
15:43:48 <rpg> Seems like there should be some config file or *something* that would say where Gnucash was looking for it.
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15:49:42 <jralls> Yeah, it's in defaults. Try `defaults read org.gnucash.Gnucash | grep history`
15:50:12 <warlord> rpg, have you tried the Recent Files list?
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15:51:16 <rpg> jralls: Unfortunately, all the entries there are /org/gnucash/history/fileN = "";
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15:53:14 <rpg> warlord: It won't be in the Recent Files list, I don't think, because whatever it was, it deleted when I removed some subdirectories from a directory copied from my old laptop. Somehow it seems like I was loading it from somewhere in this `~/old/` directory, but I don't know where (or why).
15:54:31 <jralls> rpg: And I guess ~/old isn't in your TimeMachine config. You may be screwed.
15:56:12 <jralls> If the file history in defaults is empty you must have tried opening GnuCash > 9 times since deleting the directory. Is ~/Library/Preferences in your TimeMachine config?
15:56:26 <rpg> jralls: No, it *is* in my Time Machine config but... I don't know where to look in it. Library personal/finance?
15:57:24 <rpg> Whew! Thanks -- I got it back. It was in a subdirectory of finance.
15:57:30 <rpg> Thanks for all the help.
15:57:35 <jralls> Yay.
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15:58:56 <jralls> For additional insurance consider saving it periodically to an offsite service like Google Drive or Dropbox. I keep mine in an encrypted dmg for extra security.
15:59:02 <rpg> I'm not sure what I did that triggered the problem -- somehow perturbing this old directory caused the new one to be affected. Such a relief to have it back, and worth all the money paid for Time Machine...
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15:59:52 <rpg> jralls: Thanks, I save my drive here with snapshots on Time Machine and keep an encrypted hard drive back up at my office in case of fire, disk failure, electrical power surge, etc.
16:00:08 <rpg> But an encrypted back up in the cloud sounds like another good idea.
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16:00:47 <jralls> LOCKSS -- Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe. ;-)
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16:01:50 <jralls> The nice thing about the better services is that they do that too, replicating your data across multiple data centers.
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