2019-11-15 GnuCash IRC logs
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01:59:39 <fell> @tell gjanssens warlord: I don't know what was the cause for no flatpak, but after I updated aqb again, both branches were built.
01:59:39 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
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03:18:13 <gjanssens> .
03:18:13 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 1 hour and 18 minutes ago: <fell> warlord: I don't know what was the cause for no flatpak, but after I updated aqb again, both branches were built.
03:18:31 <gjanssens> fell: even better
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06:38:59 <warlord> @tell fell great -- I didn't get a build failure last night (AFAICT)
06:38:59 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
06:39:00 <gncbot> warlord: Sent 14 hours and 9 minutes ago: <gjanssens> I'll look at the flatpak tomorrow
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08:39:22 <nqtronix> Hi,
08:39:33 <nqtronix> As expected the recent PSD2 online banking requirement broke the gnucash HBCI online banking function. As instructed here (https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/HBCI) I've installed a reccent version a few weeks ago. I've removed the previous online banking configuration and set it up once again. Once I try to use any online function I get the message "Die Online-Action >Umsatzabruf< ist für
08:39:33 <nqtronix> dieses Konto nicht verfügbar".
08:39:33 <nqtronix> However in the aqBanking setup window -> edit user -> special actions all buttons do get a response from my bank without any obvious errors. One line even confirms that my pin is valid, so I conclude that it is at least partial working.
08:39:33 <nqtronix> Further deatils:
08:39:33 <nqtronix> - gnucash git 3.7-153-g1dc22e53c+(2019-10-23)
08:39:33 <nqtronix> - Windows 10
08:39:33 <nqtronix> - bank I try to connect to: Volksbank Dortmund
08:39:33 <nqtronix> - aqbanking protocols: https://pastebin.com/XfuFkQaa
08:39:33 <nqtronix> I have trouble to pinpoint the cause of the problem as it could be my settings, my bank, aqbanking or gnucash. I tried to find solutions with google, but I couldn't find any relevant and up-to-date tips, so I hope you can help me. If you need any additional information please tell me.
08:39:33 <nqtronix> Dennis
08:40:26 <nqtronix> (I wrote this in a text editor and copy pasted it here. Sorry for the formatting, I've never used IRC before.)
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08:49:14 <mauritslamers> nqtronix: this might have to do with the version of aqbanking, more here: https://www.aquamaniac.de/rdm/projects/aqbanking/wiki/PSD2
08:49:50 <mauritslamers> What I don't know is whether solving this also needs a new release of gnucash
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09:26:43 <nqtronix> According to the wiki (link in initial post) gnucash 3.7+ is required which should contain the aqbanking 6 libaries that support PSD2. In the meantime I checked the history of that wiki page and all info to PSD2 comes form user "Fell" with the real name "Frank H. Ellenberger". Has anyone an idea on how to contact him?
09:27:29 <warlord> nqtronix, He's usually here, as user "fell"
09:27:57 <warlord> He left at 4:22am US/EST
09:32:35 <nqtronix> thanks warlord, thats good news. I'll wait for him to return :)
09:43:40 <warlord> Hopefully soon. It's only 15.45 over there.
09:49:29 <chris> how odd... adding <!DOCTYPE html> means the graphs are now squashed vertically :-(
09:51:48 <warlord> Weird!
09:57:34 <chris> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10871898/why-cant-i-make-my-div-100-height-if-i-use-an-html5-doctype-how-do-i-get-it-1
10:01:02 <mauritslamers> chris: explanation for this somewhere in that SO post: by not defining doctype browser goes to quircksmode instead of standards mode
10:01:22 <mauritslamers> (a link to that explanation is in the SO post to be exact)
10:02:55 <chris> we love standards here!
10:03:28 <mauritslamers> explanation: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32214152/why-does-my-div-height-100-work-only-when-doctype-is-removed/32215263#32215263
10:07:47 <chris> unfortunately to fix this is rather annoying. maybe best remove doctype
10:10:57 <chris> tried amending html/body width, fail, so best revert :(
10:13:14 <chris> ok adding css rules for html&body does work
10:14:33 <chris> thanks mauritslamers
10:15:42 <mauritslamers> yw
10:15:48 <chris> hope gjanssens warlord agree on this
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10:16:08 <mauritslamers> to be standards compliant or rely on quircks mode?
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10:16:25 <chris> to become html5 compliant
10:16:44 <chris> reverting to quirksmode could be immediately easier but maybe longterm is better
10:16:55 <chris> reverting to quirksmode could be immediately easier but maybe longterm is better to fix html5 layout issues in code
10:17:11 <mauritslamers> HTML5 compliant is the best option, that would save loads of issues, and would allow you to start using media queries
10:17:54 <mauritslamers> which allows you to do specific things for print
10:19:18 <chris> there's still some small differences, eg quirks-mode 100% viewport means graph fills the canvas beautifully; html5 100% viewport means it exceeds height by a few pixels which creates a scrollbar
10:19:59 <chris> ^ this in UI rather than firefox
10:20:02 <mauritslamers> you can prevent that scrollbar by "overflow:none"
10:21:00 <mauritslamers> I would expect that using css you can fix that
10:21:40 <chris> nopes didn't work
10:21:49 <chris> ^ html,body{height:100%;overflow:none}
10:21:59 <mauritslamers> mmm
10:22:10 <warlord> I'll defer to jralls and gjanssens about html5. Personally I think we should attempt to be standards compliant.
10:23:16 <mauritslamers> mmm, it might be that you need to set margin: 0; padding:0; on body as well
10:24:05 <mauritslamers> and, overflow: hidden should also work
10:24:13 <mauritslamers> (instead of overflow: none)
10:25:08 <gjanssens> chris: I'm fine with striving for standards-compliant html5.
10:25:33 <chris> well I've gtg soon; the tree is currently squashing charts to height=300px. WIP at https://github.com/christopherlam/gnucash/tree/maint-fix-html5
10:26:59 <warlord> that seems pretty small...
10:27:28 <warlord> cant it auto-size to the window size?
10:28:07 <gjanssens> I remembered there were issues with adding a doctype though I forgot which exactly... You're obviously uncovering them again :)
10:28:16 <gjanssens> Or rather :(
10:28:26 <chris> warlord quirksmode allows it. html5 needs to set html&body to height=100% then canvas can autosize
10:33:54 <chris> html,body{height:95%} seems to work very well.
10:34:33 <mauritslamers> chris: many options here:
10:34:34 <mauritslamers> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12989931/body-height-100-displaying-vertical-scrollbar
10:34:50 <mauritslamers> it also suggests to do 100% - 50px kind of stuff
10:39:12 <chris> how about we compromise on 97%? :)
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11:45:45 <jralls> chris: Don't forget that we're presently stuck on WebKit1 for Mac and Windows. WebKit1 doesn't support html5.
11:48:04 <jralls> chris: I suspect that the valgrind malloc/free--new/delete mismatches are false alarms, but if you want to file a bug and attach the valgrind output I'll have a look.
11:52:05 <jralls> chris: Otherwise, yes, there are probably memory leaks caused by undisciplined use of C objects in Guile. They should be mostly in the places that we shouldn't be using Guile, i.e. outside of reports. All of the libgnucash objects--the ones of interest to reports--are allocated at session start and freed at session end.
11:53:58 <jralls> chris: Re make-account-list-limited, interesting. I haven't found that to be the case in my unit tests.
11:56:28 <jralls> nqtronix: It turns out that GnuCash3.7 isn't sufficient for PSD2, there were bugs in AQBanking. You need a recent nightly build. There's also still a bug in the way AQBanking returns bank and account information on individual transactions that causes GnuCash trouble when matching an import to a configured account.
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12:23:12 <boldstripe> If I import a second-currency bank CSV into a second-currency-denominated Gnucash bank account, no exchange rate will be recognized (so, foreign 1 = USD 1, for example, after import). Manual entries behave normally and assume the foreign currency on entry. Should I expect the same behavior for a foreign-currency OFX as I see with a CSV?
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13:04:56 <gjanssens> boldstripe: I don't know how the ofx interface behaves. The CSV issue is known though. There are a few bugreports documenting it.
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13:10:22 <warlord> I think OFX *should* know the currency; I think it is included in the data.
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13:57:43 <fell> Tach zusammen!
13:57:43 <gncbot> fell: Sent 7 hours and 18 minutes ago: <warlord> great -- I didn't get a build failure last night (AFAICT)
14:02:15 <fell> nqtronix, I believe you missed the sep, which must be done twice. See the instructions in the aqbanking wiki.
14:04:19 <fell> In general GAD, the provider of cooperative banks (Volks- & Raiffeisen, ...) is known to work with recent nightlies.
14:10:21 <fell> and if jralls or another dev with a Windows VM would verify https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-on-windows/pull/25, our aqbanking in the windows bundle would be recent tomorrow. ;-)
14:11:14 <fell> cstim fixed the missing chipcard update.
14:12:03 <fell> Flatpak is recent since today morning.
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14:15:33 <warlord> fell, yes, flatpak built correctly this morning.
14:16:45 <fell> Warlord, I know. I wrote after I saw the new bundles.
14:16:49 <warlord> :)
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14:24:25 <fell> nqtronix: In you log on pastebin I see no errors.
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14:25:10 <nqtronix> fell: Neither did I. Right now I'm trying the lates build (2019-11-15) right now with the PSD2 instructions on the aqbanking wiki. What do you mean by "missed the sep?"
14:25:25 <fell> step
14:25:44 <nqtronix> ah, ok
14:26:13 <nqtronix> I'll report back if there is any news.
14:26:30 <fell> Und wann kommt
14:26:32 <fell> "Die Online-Action >Umsatzabruf< ist für
14:26:33 <fell> 08:39:33 <nqtronix> dieses Konto nicht verfügbar"
14:26:52 <fell> in relation zum log?
14:30:31 <nqtronix> Gar nicht. Die Meldung kommt sobald ich über Aktionen -> Online Aktionen -> Abfrage Kontoumsätze auswähle. Der Log ist aus den verschiedenen Buttons aus dem aqbanking Einrichtungsassistent
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14:45:17 <fell> jralls: can we get the update in the windows bundle for tomorrow?
14:48:31 <fell> nqtronix: Ja, irgendwas war da, daß es die Konfiguration zwischen den Sitzungen vergißt.
14:49:31 <fell> in der aktuellen Version besteht das Problem immer noch?
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15:00:03 <nqtronix> fell: hab es jetzt hinbekommen, danke! Ein blöder fehler war, dass ich in das "kundennummer" Feld beim ersten mal den VR-Key eingegeben hab und die Einstellung scheinbar nur beim neuen Anlegen eines Benutzers übernommen wird.
15:01:33 <nqtronix> Ich werde jetzt erstmal Buchungen der lletzten ~4 Wochen nachtragen und anschließend den Einrichtungsprozess im Wiki dokumentieren (konto dafür hab ich schon).
15:02:04 <nqtronix> "daß es die Konfiguration zwischen den Sitzungen vergißt." Kann ich auch noch mit ausprobieren :)
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15:25:39 <jralls> fell: Working on it.
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15:30:59 <jralls> fell: cstim messed up the libchipcard version, it's 5.1.4rc1 not 5.1.4beta.
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15:48:41 <boldstripe> @gjanssens @warlord the OFX file does specify the foreign currency, but I see nowhere in the OFX import process where you can specify an exchange rate. I tried to set a rate for 1/1/2019 in the 'Price Database'; I specified in the price of the foreign currency in the base currency. I was hoping the import might pick up the last used/entered exchange rate, but it did not. As with a CSV imp
15:48:41 <gncbot> boldstripe: Error: "gjanssens" is not a valid command.
15:48:43 <boldstripe> ort, everything worked as expected if I right-click the transaction and manually enter an exchange rate for that one transaction. Too cumbersome for 100s of transactions, however.
15:49:32 <boldstripe> #gjanssens #warlord the OFX file does specify the foreign currency, but I see nowhere in the OFX import process where you can specify an exchange rate. I tried to set a rate for 1/1/2019 in the 'Price Database'; I specified in the price of the foreign currency in the base currency. I was hoping the import might pick up the last used/entered exchange rate, but it did not. As with a CSV imp
15:49:34 <boldstripe> ort, everything worked as expected if I right-click the transaction and manually enter an exchange rate for that one transaction. Too cumbersome for 100s of transactions, however.
15:50:00 <boldstripe> gjanssens warlord the OFX file does specify the foreign currency, but I see nowhere in the OFX import process where you can specify an exchange rate. I tried to set a rate for 1/1/2019 in the 'Price Database'; I specified in the price of the foreign currency in the base currency. I was hoping the import might pick up the last used/entered exchange rate, but it did not. As with a CSV impor
15:50:02 <boldstripe> t, everything worked as expected if I right-click the transaction and manually enter an exchange rate for that one transaction. Too cumbersome for 100s of transactions, however.
15:51:58 <warlord> boldstripe, why did you send the same message 3 times?
15:55:01 <jralls> 'cause he kept getting error messages for putting characters in front of IRC handles.
15:56:36 <warlord> Shouldn't have been an error for #
15:56:40 <warlord> #jralls testing
15:56:44 <warlord> Nope, no error
15:56:55 <fell> Boldstripe: lines starting with "/" are commands for the servers, "@" for our bot. Hash starts a channel name.
15:57:20 <boldstripe> Sorry...
15:57:47 <boldstripe> and thanks
15:57:57 <fell> welcome
15:59:07 <jralls> boldstripe: It's going to be pretty cumbersome if the importer has to pop the transfer dialog for every forex transaction too. The only way I can see it being practical to import forex transactions is if the imported record (OFX, CSV, or whatever) includes either the rate or the amount in the target account's currency.
16:00:27 <fell> where target amounts are usually more precise
16:07:18 <fell> nqtronix: Danke!
16:07:29 <jralls> fell: The libchipcard build failed during install, probably because jhbuild installs to a DESTDIR. There's a ranlib step on ddvcard.a that failed because make computed the DESTDIR path wrong.
16:08:23 <jralls> Yup, works without the DESTDIR.
16:08:48 <fell> Fine
16:10:33 <jralls> No, not fine. We can't use it if it requires manual intervention.
16:12:08 <warlord> Why would it work without DESTDIR but fail with it? (and why is it running ranlib?)
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16:17:57 <jralls> warlord: Because it's computing the DESTDIR path wrong and because libtool. The path part seems to be that libtool is getting confused by the windows file system.
16:18:25 <warlord> forward vs reverse slashes?
16:19:40 <jralls> plus 'C:' which MSYS converts to '/C'.
16:19:55 <jralls> Hmm. maybe it will work from powershell...
16:29:11 <fell> gjanssens pkg-config patch was applied after the release. :-(
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16:37:13 <jralls> It does work from powershell, so I'll go ahead and commit the filename fix and push.
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17:27:15 <nqtronix> fell: Die Konfigurationen bleiben bei mir nach einem Neustart von Gnucash bestehen.
17:29:29 <fell> nqtronix: Das ist schön, danke.
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17:48:25 <nqtronix> fell: Würde morgen das tutorial https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/Onlinebanking-Einrichtungsassistent mit neuen Bildern & Text aktualisieren. Die alten sind von 2013 und entsprechen nicht mehr dem aktuellen Stand.
17:48:36 <nqtronix> Bin für heute weg
17:49:09 <fell> OK, danke und schlaf gut.
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18:15:20 <fell> jralls: FYI your commit made it to code, but not to GH.
18:16:02 <fell> Anyway, I wrote the announcement: https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-de/2019-November/011218.html
18:16:20 <jralls> fell: Yup, looks like a DNS failure: ssh: Could not resolve hostname github.com: Name or service not known
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19:09:53 <mohave> On MacOS, when compiling from source, is it necessary to have the install dir be the same as the pre reqs tree? I get errors running gnucash if I specifiy the install dir to be outside of the compiled pre reqs tree. I was hoping to have install dirs outside of the pre req's tree in order to have multiple locally compiled versions of gnucash (without creating bundles for each).
19:18:05 <jralls> mohave, I usually do one tree for each, but if you set -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the install dir with the dependencies and -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to whereever you want the install it should work.
19:22:25 <mohave> jralls Yeah, I tried that but it doesn't seem to work for me. I guess I could just make copies of the pre reqs dir and install into them.
19:22:45 <jralls> There's always symlinks.
19:23:03 <jralls> What error(s) did you get?
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19:28:02 <jralls> mohave, GTG
19:30:41 <mohave> jralls noprop, thanx
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19:47:54 <chris> jralls: html5 I'll spend the next few days experimenting with it; if Windows reports are too buggy I'll revert. hope that's ok.
19:48:53 <chris> jralls: re: make-account-list-limited-option -- actually the filtering will work, but the UI won't. e.g. modify portfolio.scm to use it; it still returns stock&fund accounts but the UI shows empty acct-list.
19:56:08 <chris> this means portfolio still returns a useful report, but the account selector becomes useless
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22:15:52 <boldstripe> jralls: US tax law (for example) allows the use of a single exchange rate for an entire year. So, I am happy to import and OFX foreign currency at a single exchange rate for the whole year. That condition would be satisfied by a single entry of the exchange rate in the OFX import interface.
22:16:24 <boldstripe> an
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