2019-10-30 GnuCash IRC logs
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05:48:27 <mauritslamers> jrails: cloned the gnucash on windows repo to try out a few things. I now get an error though: "jhbuild: command not found". most likely is the way I call jhbuild incorrect (context wise)
05:49:33 <mauritslamers> Different question: I am trying to use the Income and GST report for the dutch sales tax, but I find it rather complex how to gnucash decides (and consequently I) which accounts are to be included
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06:13:48 <mauritslamers> ok, I figured out that the type of account is used to determine what accounts to offer for the GST report.
06:16:31 <mauritslamers> What I still don't understand is which accounts to select exactly. I have accounts for every tax level, and a single account where the tax on expenses is gathered. However, when doing the report, the tax payed on expenses is not shown
06:18:49 <fell> mauritslamers. Did Chris not add a section about it's usage to the docs?
06:19:06 <mauritslamers> nevermind, I figured it out now :)
06:19:50 <mauritslamers> fell: don't know to be honest... I think that if the explanation on the landing page of that report is more clear, it would help a lot
06:20:59 <fell> There is also another, older approach scetched in https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation#How_to_create_localized_Income_Tax_Tables
06:22:29 <fell> And yes, after I have fixed a few other issues on the docs, we should add more links for context sensitive help.
06:22:31 <mauritslamers> what I now did is to have the first selection contain all the books for costs (taxed incoming invoices) and income (taxed outgoing invoices), and for the other the accounts where the tax itself is colected, both paid and payable
06:24:01 <mauritslamers> the resulting report is a bit complex though
06:33:42 <mauritslamers> and I found issues with it...
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06:47:50 <mauritslamers> chris: I have an issue with the income and GST statement: when an invoice contains entries that go to two different tax groups, only one of those entries is shown and calculated in the report
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06:54:16 <mauritslamers> so when travelcosts are calculated on an invoice (which is 0% sales tax in NL and booked on sales 0%, marked as not taxed in the invoice), this will cause any other item on that invoice not to be shown in the other sales tax categories.
07:09:06 <mauritslamers> In a bit better description: The income GST statement will display and calculate an invoice only in one of the tax level categories when multiple tax levels are used in the invoice. In that category it will display the total amount of that invoice as well as the tax paid on it.
07:09:36 <mauritslamers> This is very confusing, as it is unexpected (and wrong) to have sales tax displayed in a category which is supposed to be tax free :)
07:10:15 <chris> mauritslamers: did you try Display/Show individual sales taxes?
07:10:24 <chris> or better post a screenshot of example transaction
07:12:12 <mauritslamers> let me first try the display/show
07:13:30 <mauritslamers> the display/show doesn't solve the issue
07:13:37 <mauritslamers> will show an example
07:16:19 <chris> ideally show a screenshot of the expanded register (i.e. split)
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07:18:45 * chris thinking that business features may benefit from stripe integration ^_^
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07:20:15 <mauritslamers> https://cloud.weidestraat.nl/s/FDtfGWN9J6DR6Sz
07:20:21 <mauritslamers> folder with two screenshots in it
07:20:33 <mauritslamers> first is of report (non-relevant parts grayed out)
07:20:48 <mauritslamers> second is of invoice screen showing two different tax levels
07:22:02 <chris> I think I know the issue
07:22:25 <chris> the account name "802..." "803..." being used for sorting/grouping
07:22:51 <chris> the report can't/won't replicate or split the invoice into component accounts
07:23:36 <chris> because it does not split gnucash *transaction* into the component *business entries*
07:24:18 <chris> i believe fell had a similar complaint
07:24:43 <chris> if we consider the *core* gnucash concepts split/transaction/account
07:25:07 <chris> and the *business* concepts entries/invoice/payment/tax-table
07:25:31 <chris> the report does well at the first level
07:25:47 <chris> and doesn't enquire at the business ones
07:26:26 <chris> so to get the report to split into busines entries etc, will need fundamentally changing it
07:26:57 <chris> and also possibly require that *all* GST-type transactions be input using business features, invoice/bill for every electricity bill, etc
07:27:04 <chris> and I felt that the latter was not reasonable
07:29:06 <chris> we also need to consider when I wrote the report I did not use business invoices at all, and it was my very first foray into scheme
07:30:02 <chris> which means, amending to understand business objects is very possible, but I don't actually yet know how best to do
07:30:18 <chris> which means your input will be invaluable :)
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07:43:56 <gjanssens> chris: what is "stripe integration" ?
07:44:11 <gjanssens> mauritslamers: re your jhbuild issue. From where are you calling this ?
07:45:13 <gjanssens> And did you first run setup-mingw64.ps1 ? Did it have any errors ?
07:46:18 <chris> stripe integration: after posting an invoice, click sends an http request to stripe api who will email the invoice to the customer. stripe takes payment, and can provide api to confirm this.
07:46:24 <chris> blue sky though
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07:58:35 <mauritslamers> gjanssens: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/mauritslamers/gnucash/builds/28455535/job/p375x7r1l6i1sm1j
07:58:54 <mauritslamers> ^^ link to the build report.
07:59:38 <mauritslamers> Yes I am first running a customized setup-mingw64 to skip the download + install of the html help workshop.
07:59:53 <mauritslamers> then running jhbuild from bash causes the error
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08:27:15 <gjanssens> mauritslamers: that looks like setup-mingw64.ps1 didn't run completely
08:27:39 <gjanssens> There should be plenty of pkg installation messages
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08:27:53 <gjanssens> Or is part of the output redirected to somewhere else ?
08:30:23 <gjanssens> Although it does seem to continue properly. The pacman output is probably lost in the bash subshell
08:31:27 <gjanssens> Oh. I see you're running jhbuild from a bat file. You should start a mingw32 shell instead and run jhbuild from there
08:32:38 <gjanssens> Perhaps a direct call to bash may work as well, but most likely starting a mingw32 shell does some additional environment setup (like mounting certain directories and setting extra variables)
08:40:06 <chris> mauritslamers/fell: if you guys are keen I can see about adding support for business elements but I suspect it'll be rather tricky because income-gst-statement is an offshoot of transaction-report which does *not* enquire business entries.
08:40:26 <chris> but the fact is there is a need for a good business-tax type statement
08:41:25 <chris> I *will* need appropriate book, with a handful of realistic business data, multiple tax rates, and also regular non-business transactions for gst reporting. and in *ENGLISH* please
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09:08:31 <mauritslamers_> gjanssens: I do have a question on the windows build: in what way can I tell to jhbuild (when I manage to call it properly) to indicate where the gnucash source to build is?
09:09:23 <mauritslamers_> because this is CI, it already has a checkout of the repo at that specific commit
09:11:12 <gjanssens> mauritslamers_: That info comes from the gnucash.modules file. But you can probably override it via jhbuildrc.
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09:13:49 <gjanssens> mauritslamers: for your first experiments you may want to define a new git module in there and set the source to the checked out local repo in appveyor
09:14:06 <gjanssens> jhbuild will then clone that local repo.
09:17:01 <gjanssens> Or you may be able to add a checkoutdir attribute to the gnucash-git branch in the module file
09:17:30 <gjanssens> mauritslamers: jralls_ has more experience with jhbuild than I do so he may have additional ideas
09:23:38 * chris can probably continue hack stylesheets into 1 .scm file. good idea?
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09:55:13 <fell> Mechtilde: in bus-ar-invoicechange3: Die scheußliche Rechnung, die sich aus den in der
09:55:45 <fell> Tippfehler oder Absicht?
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11:31:23 <Robert847> Hi, I am currently running an unsupported release of GnuCash in Ubuntu 18.04 on a virtual machine. Lately I have had a problem with multiple sessions startng simultaneously, and it has been difficult to detect it, partly because there are long 'pauses' when the OS does not show anything on the screen. While the warning about cannot obtain the lock should clue me in, because I do not see any other activity so I think that there wa
11:31:24 <Robert847> me residue from the previous day.
11:34:11 <Robert847> I suspect that the current release may potentially have a similar situation, so I am asking if it still 'pauses', showing nothing on the screen during some activites that could be interpreted as not running.
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15:22:00 <gjanssens> chris: if unifying the stylesheets appeals to you, feel free to do so
15:23:18 <gjanssens> Personally I would like to see them become a css stylesheet
15:23:56 <gjanssens> As a first step the stylesheet code could write such a css file based on the user input.
15:24:18 <gjanssens> I suspect that would allow us to simplify the html generation code
15:24:37 <gjanssens> (but honestly that's mainly going from a high level view)
15:24:44 <gjanssens> Gtg...
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