2019-10-28 GnuCash IRC logs
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05:23:59 <mauritslamers> gjanssens: I updated the PR to use static texts. I still have a problem testing. According to warlord gnucash translations cannot be tested when running from the build directory, as it cannot find the .mo files. Is there a way around that?
05:25:45 <mauritslamers> reason for asking: I cannot test whether gtk is applying the translations, as the only language I get is english.
05:55:05 <brucemuggins> Hi again people. I didn't get any response last time, so trying again. I want to automate some processes using bash scripts. I have heard that it used to be possible to get reports from gnucash from the shell, but that it may not be possible anymore. It would be great if I could also put info INTO gnucash this way. Can anyone point me to somewhere that I can get info on extracting reports without using the gui?
05:58:27 <fell> brucemuggins: How about using https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Python_Bindings?
05:59:45 <brucemuggins> Thanks fell , I'll study that.
06:00:34 <fell> mauritslamers: how about installing it below your home directory?
06:02:17 <mauritslamers> hmm, actually, I think that I might better use a VM to test. I don't want to mess up the current package installed version on my Linux machine :)
06:02:28 <chris> mauritslamers: you use ninja or make
06:02:40 <mauritslamers> chris: make
06:02:54 <mauritslamers> but I can happily re-compile using ninja if that is more flexible
06:03:01 <chris> can't make install into an install dir?
06:03:27 <mauritslamers> chris: wouldn't you need a prefix during configure then?
06:03:28 <chris> my cmake has argument: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/chris/sources/code/install
06:03:33 <chris> yes
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06:03:53 <chris> from build dir: cmake -GNinja -DWITH_PYTHON=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/chris/sources/code/install ../gnucash
06:03:55 <mauritslamers> I think I saw some conversation on that this doesn't completely work
06:04:51 <mauritslamers> but perhaps I am misremembering :)
06:06:52 <mauritslamers> ah, found it: it seems that certain things always go in /etc no matter what prefix you give
06:07:18 <mauritslamers> warlord was complaining about it somewhere in the last few days :)
06:07:33 <mauritslamers> but I will try, I didn't change anything in /etc/gnucash anyhow
06:08:52 <chris> warlord never complains :)
06:09:31 <chris> my cmake script always builds to my install dir
06:33:18 <gjanssens> mauritslamers: that's not completely accurate
06:33:18 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 1 day, 8 hours, and 51 minutes ago: <chris> it's easy to create some spurious business txns. eg APAR/Bank currency != customer currency. although the payments appear in some reports, the handling is incorrect.
06:33:19 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 1 day, 8 hours, and 51 minutes ago: <chris> my reports will need to make assumptions on 'good' data, which means the bad data will be bypassed.
06:33:20 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 1 day, 8 hours, and 23 minutes ago: <chris> in the first spurious txn above, when bank!=customer currency, the resulting txn currency matches customer currency, hence the book's split-amount will be 0.
06:34:50 <gjanssens> It will only install into /etc if you choose /opt/... as prefix. In all other cases the files will go into <prefix>/etc and that works fine
06:36:23 <gjanssens> chris: I'm not sure where the issue is according to you. It is perfextly fine to pay for an invoice in a currency different than the invoice
06:36:40 <gjanssens> The reports should be able to cope with this.
06:37:58 <warlord> .
06:40:14 <chris> gjanssens: agree, but I'm sure there's still edge cases: try manual simple transfer bank(GBP)->A/Payable(GBP), assign this GBP txn to a customer whose currency is EUR.
06:40:19 <mauritslamers> gjanssens: ah, ok, clear :)
06:42:58 <warlord> And I don't complain. I only point out when other people are wrong! :)
06:44:31 <chris> in this edge case above, the txn is modified; currency changed from GBP to EUR; splitvalues are balanced but splitamount becomes 0 in the APAR split.
06:51:12 <gjanssens> chris: hmm, I won't claim there aren't bugs in there... But I won't be able to investigate this deeper anytime soon :(
06:51:12 <mauritslamers> gjanssens: update on the automatic translation by gtk: Omitting the _() when setting the labels and tooltips will simply set the english text, even when a dutch translation is available.
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06:51:38 <mauritslamers> So GTK will not automatically translate it seems
06:52:13 <gjanssens> mauritslamers: interesting. The documentation is fairly ambiguous in that area.
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06:58:33 <warlord> gjanssens, FYI, ovirt engine has been upgraded to version 4.3.x
06:58:39 <warlord> So the UI is slightly different now.
06:59:11 <asante> jralls: thanks for the explanation!
07:01:21 <chris> gjanssens: ok. just needed to point out edge cases where assumptions have to be made in a business-type report.
07:03:21 <chris> moreover the old-aging-report will count/tally invoice-charge and payments differently to old-owner-report --
07:03:22 <gjanssens> warlord: cool.
07:04:15 <chris> anyway getting too technical here
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07:05:06 * gjanssens is still on Ovirt 4.2.x
07:05:23 <gjanssens> Did you have any issues during the upgrade ?
07:05:57 <gjanssens> I'll note the VM portal no longer automatically starts the console for the win build system
07:07:47 <gjanssens> fell: fyi the Windows documentation build complains about entity "appname" not being defined
07:08:18 <gjanssens> warlord: I can start the console manually by using the pop-up next to "Suspend"
07:08:24 <fell> Huh? it is in the DTD.
07:08:32 <gjanssens> It then gives a warning that the console is in use
07:08:54 <gjanssens> But that's just like on oVirt 4.2, so not something to worry about.
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07:09:39 <mauritslamers> gjanssens: question about the PR: do you think it is likely that I will need to do much about the PR in the current state? Just to know whether I can switch to other activities :-)
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07:13:58 <gjanssens> mauritslamers: I can probably only tell after I have reviewed it :)
07:14:13 <mauritslamers> ok, np :)
07:14:14 <gjanssens> But it was already pretty good on the first review, so likely not.
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07:26:45 <mauritslamers> part of the reason why I asked was that I had a bit of fight with VSCode regarding the style. It kept rearranging things, sometimes without me noticing, and I might have missed a few style issues because of that.
07:26:52 <fell> mauritslamers, I think, I found a grammar issue.
07:27:32 <mauritslamers> please tell :)
07:27:45 <fell> see PR
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07:30:31 <fell> https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/pull/595/files#r339512052
07:30:55 <mauritslamers> fell: I also noticed, but I kept to the style of what was already used.
07:31:00 <mauritslamers> for example: https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/maint/gnucash/gnome/gnc-plugin-page-invoice.c#L142
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07:33:45 <mauritslamers> fell: can you enlighten me on why it might have been capitalized there?
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07:35:03 <fell> warlord, you have been the original author and a native speaker. ^
08:00:04 * chris plans to create gnc:dump-lots
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08:24:19 <warlord> gjanssens, yeah, I had lots of issues during the upgrade. Going from 7.4/4.1.x to 7.6/4.2.8 took me about 6 tries and googling to work around an SELinux bug in the ovirt packages.
08:25:10 <warlord> going from 7.6/4.2.8 to 7.7/4.3.x complained about a missing rsyslog package.. But beyond that it was fine.
08:25:56 <warlord> fell, mauritslamers -- sorry, missing context.. What's the question here? (about capitalization?)
08:26:48 <fell> In the tooltips of the invoice handling.
08:28:41 <fell> While the content is english, the form of capitalization is more like German/Dutch...
08:30:54 <fell> examples are in above links.
08:32:08 <warlord> Like "Post your Invoice to your Chart of Accounts"?
08:32:31 <warlord> Well, CoA is a "proper noun", so it gets capitalized..
08:32:40 <warlord> Post ... because it's the start of the sentence.
08:32:54 <warlord> technically I guess Invoice didn't have to be, but I think I did it for emphasis
08:37:44 <fell> mauritslamers, then you can keep it that way, but review the other strings for consistence.
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08:40:26 <warlord> keep in mind, it's been almost 20 years since I wrote that code.
08:51:43 <mauritslamers> warlord: fell: just tell me how you think it should be, now I am at it anyhow :-)
08:53:22 <mauritslamers> to me the capitalisation of CoA is expected, Invoice not. To me, the capitalization of Invoice looks off. It might also be that the capitalization of Invoice for emphasis is not longer necessary now, if all the items get their own translation.
08:55:19 <fell> mauritslamers: I agree
08:59:21 <warlord> I don't care ;)
09:01:15 <mauritslamers> haha :)
09:05:00 <mauritslamers> fell: done
09:05:18 <fell> Thanks!
09:08:28 <fell> mauritslamers: can you flag at least one of your commit messages with either "I18N: " at the beginning or " [I18N] at the end of the first line?
09:09:49 <fell> I hope that helps translators to see, there is work for me.
09:11:02 <mauritslamers> checking how to do that exactly... git commit --amend doesn't work without git push --force when the commit is already @github
09:11:06 <mauritslamers> and I rather not do that :)
09:15:28 <mauritslamers> fell: done, had to force push as there turns out not to be another way, except changing something and use that as a vehicle
09:15:57 <fell> Thanks!
09:26:10 <gjanssens> mauritslamers: force push on your own repo is fine. Github's PR logic knows how to deal with that
09:26:35 <mauritslamers> luckily :)
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11:13:31 <mauritslamers> question about the use of gnucash this time... when entering either invoices or bills, there seems to be a memory of previous entries. Is there a way to edit those?
11:15:01 <chris> mauritslamers: youmean the autofill? not to my knowledge
11:16:41 <mauritslamers> yes, the autofill... the reason I am asking is that I changed the names of my tax tariff rules for better readability in the invoice screen.
11:17:14 <mauritslamers> but now when doing the filling in, it fills in the old one, notices that it doesn't exist, and consequently prompt me to create it
11:17:27 <mauritslamers> I don't want that of course, press cancel, and it fills in the wrong one :)
11:18:28 <chris> I have no idea how to edit... my first step would be restart...
11:18:53 <mauritslamers> a restart of the application doesn't work, it still is doing the autofill
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11:27:46 <mauritslamers> just curious: one of the best "manuals" of gnucash to work within the dutch tax and VAT system I found on http://www.accoo.nl/handleiding-gnucash/. Is there an association between anyone here and these blogposts?
11:32:16 <chf> Don't know, but the manual is awesome, and should be mentioned in the wiki.
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11:37:50 <chris> mauritslamers: the VAT part of this guide is outdated :P now there is a special GST/VAT report
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11:42:46 <mauritslamers> Reason I am asking is that I am considering using it as a basis to write my own manual in Dutch, and update it with things that are not mentioned
11:44:14 <mauritslamers> There are quite a few books around gnucash for bookkeeping but not too many online / free stuff
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11:59:36 <chf> mauritslamers, please consider to do so in a new dutch section in the wiki: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/GnuCash
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12:16:32 <fell> mauritslamers, can you add handleiding-gnucash to https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Documentation#nl?
12:31:24 <fell> Ok, I have done it for you. ;-)
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13:00:52 <fell> gjanssens: I have no opportunityto test make chm. Should we set it up in travis?
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13:23:34 <jralls> fell: Making a chm requires a Windows program, HTML Help Workshop. Travis-CI doesn't do Windows.
13:24:36 <fell> OK, I don't use windows, too.
13:24:44 <jralls> But IMO we should drop building chm.
13:25:13 <fell> <appname> is in use since months.
13:25:47 <fell> Could there something been broken by the new VM?
13:26:13 <fell> linking of the DTD, i.e.?
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13:34:09 <jralls> Not sure. I see there's a build running now and the entity error is coming up. Seems to be only in the help intro. &appname; isn't the only one, I see &url-bug-start; too.
13:35:25 <jralls> I scrolled back and didn't see any warnings about not being able to find a DTD.
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13:35:55 <jralls> Oh, it's in gnucash-guide as well.
13:37:47 <jralls> I did a build on my local VM yesterday to see if it had the same problem, it didn't.
13:38:32 <jralls> Once the current build finishes and writes its log to code we can look at it for more clues.
13:38:50 <warlord> jralls, could the VM need some sort of update?
13:39:19 <jralls> More likely it *got* some sort of update. :-/
13:40:34 <jralls> But I could restart it after the build is finished to see if it's waiting for M$ updates. Mine had some last week.
13:41:57 <fell> The original .dtd is in docbook and it gets linked ineach {guide|help}/<LANG>/ dirctory.
13:42:00 <jralls> Oh, the maint build from 10/23 has the same issues.
13:47:12 <fell> How is the linking done under Windows?
13:47:37 <jralls> Linking?
13:47:46 <fell> real links or emulated by copy?
13:48:16 <chf> I'm not fond of Windows at all, but I think that a CHM file would benefit Windows users, so I'd tend to keep that.
13:48:45 <jralls> Oh, symlinks. I think it emulates by copy. NTFS's implementation of symlinks is too different from POSIX's for them to be compatible.
13:49:07 <chf> Windows has 2 types of symlinks, if that is the question.
13:49:08 <jralls> chf: Have you noticed that Win8+ doesn't use chm any more?
13:49:56 <jralls> chf: No, it has only one type of symlink. Windows aliases are not symlinks.
13:50:08 <fell> The they need a refresh each time docbook/*.dtd changes.
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13:50:50 <jralls> fell: Why? It's getting the docbook dtds directly from SF.
13:51:58 <fell> But in our docs we use gnucash-docs/docbook/gnc-docbookx.dtd
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13:52:33 <fell> I currently add entities there.
13:52:59 <jralls> Oh, our local ones. Hmm. But if that's the problem it should have failed on my VM too.
13:53:31 <chf> No, I've been using Windows mostly before XP, jralls; but it is not bad to support old versions, even XP is still in use.
13:54:29 <chf> About symlinks: that's a question of names somehow.
13:54:35 <jralls> chf: Yes, it is bad to support old versions, particularly versions as old as XP. Once a version is no longer receiving security updates it should be retired.
13:56:01 <jralls> If a user can't afford a new version of Windows or their computer is too old, they should switch to Linux. Having easily exploited computers is a threat to everyone on the net.
13:56:19 <fell> jralls: Only if they are connected to the internet.
13:56:20 <chf> Why? New viruses/trojans/etc are not designed for XP any more.
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13:56:39 <jralls> Doesn't matter, there are plenty of old ones running around.
13:58:30 <jralls> fell: Darn few meet *that* criterion.
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14:00:41 <chf> Hm, imagine an "exploitability curve"… This is descending for REALLY old windows versions.
14:01:49 <fell> chf, can we for now return to my link issue?
14:02:46 <chf> Sicher doch.
14:04:17 <jralls> fell: You made some changes to docbook/ on Saturday but the maint build from last Wednesday shows the entity not defined errors.
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14:06:35 <fell> I started with define them on 24 Jun, but I am not sure, when I really started to use them.
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14:08:22 <jralls> Aha! The build on 27-9 after your "use &appname; for unmarked &app; also has the errors.
14:10:13 <fell> but with my recent commit serie they came in use.
14:10:47 <jralls> So does 14-9, but not as many.
14:11:14 <fell> on code's or your VM?
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14:15:19 <jralls> That's all on code's, from e.g. https://code.gnucash.org/builds/win32/build-logs/maint/2019-09/build-maint-2019-09-14-03-02-43.log.
14:16:43 <jralls> Here's an interesting factoid: code's src/gnucash-docs-git has copies of gnc-docbookx.dtd dated 13-10-2018 in each translation dir. My VM has no copies at all.
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14:19:49 <jralls> So I removed them on code and now I'm trying a buildone -f --clean gnucash-docs-git.
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14:22:42 <jralls> And that seems to have fixed the problem. ISTR that gjanssens had removed the need to symlink the dtds some time ago, but neither of us registered that the old copies needed to be removed on code.
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14:40:40 <jralls> Interesting. The dtd copies had already been deleted from master on code's VM which is probably why the master builds weren't throwing the warning. Anyway, should be fixed now for maint as well.
14:48:46 <fell> For me there still the question remains: Where am I allowed to use links?
14:49:28 <fell> I see many places, where copied lead to redundancy.
14:49:52 <fell> some examples:
14:50:39 <fell> gnucash/data/accounts/en_GB/* ->en_IN
14:51:47 <fell> in docs <lang>/FDL (while untranslated)
14:54:44 <mauritslamers> chf: good idea to do that in a dutch section of the wiki. I just requested a login
14:56:29 <mauritslamers> jralls: did you consider to use appveyor for automated windows builds?
14:56:31 <fell> mauritslamers: accepted
14:56:37 <mauritslamers> fell: thanks!
14:56:59 <jralls> fell: There's more than one moving part there. We can get inno setup to create NT symlinks for the accounts files but we need to make sure that boost::filesystem can follow them.
14:57:02 <mauritslamers> jralls: appveyor has the same kind of terms as travis for OS builds
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14:57:16 <mauritslamers> OS builds => open source builds
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14:58:08 <jralls> mauritslamers: Yes, I just haven't made time to figure out how to set up an appveyor CI build. There's also a testing problem in that not all of our test frameworks work well on Windows.
14:59:40 <mauritslamers> ah, I have some experience in getting things to build with appveyor, though that might have been an easier build than gnucash (npm module)
15:01:35 <jralls> Maybe. As long as appveyor can set up an MSYS2 environment and execute powershell scripts in it it can use gnucash-on-windows.
15:02:34 <mauritslamers> I assume it does... I will have a look whether I can get something going
15:03:16 <jralls> fell: What are the FDL symlinks?
15:05:36 <fell> We have all this <lang>/[<doc>]fdl-appendix.xml files which have he same content.
15:06:14 <fell> and legal.xml
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15:08:40 <jralls> Neither of which are symlinks. BTW, legal.xml is missing in guide/de.
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15:09:19 <fell> I would prefer to have one common or legal root directory and referencing that.
15:11:37 <jralls> I would too, if by "referencing" you mean that the build goes to the common directory to find the files. Symlinking in that case is a bit hackish.
15:14:47 <fell> Ok, delayed until after solving the cross referencing
15:15:22 <fell> But how about en_IN accounts?
15:16:30 <jralls> That was what the innosetup & boost::filesystem comment was about.
15:17:14 <fell> ???
15:19:05 <fell> Ah, found it!
15:21:45 <jralls> OTOH we've discussed more than once that the new account hierarchy assistant should have a locale selector so that a user doesn't need to change the running locale to get a particular set of templates. I think that would be preferable to symlinking fallbacks.
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15:49:11 <fell> Filed as Bug 797472.
15:49:56 <fell> jralls: It guessed, I had version 3.6. Was that intended?
15:50:41 <jralls> I'd think it should propose the latest version. Looking...
15:53:51 <jralls> Looks to me that it defaults to "unspecified". Odd.
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17:59:59 <mauritslamers> jrail: some initial work on appveyor in https://github.com/mauritslamers/gnucash/tree/appveyor-test. The build currently doesn't work, as it errors about not having HTML help available, then trying to install it and that takes ages (waiting for user input perhaps?)
18:00:05 <mauritslamers> Build log: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/mauritslamers/gnucash/build/job/wn25w6ae2q012vo4
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19:44:18 <jralls> mauritslamers: We don't really need to build gnucash-docs in appveyor so change line 7 of appveyor.bat to ... jhbuild -f jhbuildrc build gnucash-git .
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19:53:59 <jralls> And I guess we need to turn off trying to install html help workshop. It might be hanging for want of a window manager to display its progress dialog box. setup-mingw64.ps1 configures the setup to not require user intervention.
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