2019-09-07 GnuCash IRC logs
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04:07:28 <gjanssens> .
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06:32:30 <damo22> hi, a friend of mine is a user of gnucash but has no programming experience, he uses the desktop version and loves it, but he told me that the android version doesn't seem to allow him to sync it to his accounts via some kind of transaction feed, is that correct?
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06:39:00 <damo22> he said its a pain to have to enter the transactions manually into the android app even though he can export it out back into the desktop version, and that it would be very useful if it could get the list of transactions from the bank so that it prompts him for the type of transactions that appear automatically. As i understand, this feature is available in the desktop version.
06:58:45 <damo22> is there any plan to include this feature in the android app?
07:04:26 <chris> you'll have to ask the android-app developer
07:04:26 <gncbot> chris: Sent 9 hours and 22 minutes ago: <fell> Can we remove the ;(gnc:warn ... lines from taxinvoice.scm? They appear in gnucash.pot.
07:04:27 <gncbot> chris: Sent 9 hours and 17 minutes ago: <fell> ... or insert a linebreak before the next (_
07:04:32 <chris> unlikely
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07:19:29 <damo22> hey chris, who is the android-app developer for gnucash?
07:20:18 <damo22> or where would i find the source repo for the android app
07:23:34 <chris> https://github.com/codinguser/gnucash-android/
07:23:46 <damo22> ty
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07:49:56 <damo22> I've been reading the issue tracker for the android app, it seems like the current maintainer is struggling to keep up and the project depends on non-free libraries that could be spyware (which is pretty nongnu). Is anyone from here trying to rescue it?
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09:01:21 <gjanssens> damo22: not that I'm aware of unfortunately
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10:29:37 * chris trying hard to find out exactly what's wrong with 'canonically-tabbed -- it's super buggy and the intention isn't clear
10:29:50 * chris nearly getting there
10:53:20 * chris wishes to remove all traces of 'canonically-tabbed - what a mess this is
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13:44:49 <fell> How do I remove a branch from code?
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13:55:14 <jralls> fell: git push git@code.gnucash.org:gnucash :branch-to-delete
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13:56:32 <fell> thanks, jralls, found it, but got a "remote: fatal: Invalid revision range 92bae3fe3e9af07462321f9993d557818cdbb93d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
13:56:50 <jralls> fell: If you have code setup as a remote in your repo named 'code' you can shorten it to git push code :branch-to-delete
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13:57:09 <fell> it is ustream for me
13:57:14 <fell> up
13:57:28 <jralls> Whatever. What branch are you trying to delete?
13:57:40 <fell> context
13:57:46 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v lmat
13:58:16 <fell> remote: *** Mirror changes to origin (usually github)...
13:58:17 <fell> remote: To ssh://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash.git
13:58:18 <fell> remote: - [deleted] context
13:58:20 <fell> remote: a940434e5..92bae3fe3 origin/maint -> origin/maint
13:58:21 <fell> To code.gnucash.org:gnucash
13:58:23 <fell> - [deleted] context
13:58:48 <fell> was alsp there after the "fatal" line
14:03:43 <jralls> So it worked, you just got a weird message. NP.
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16:45:25 <fell> @tell chris, I finished the overhaul of https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/I18N, but did not find much about SCM. Can you improve that aspect?
16:45:25 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
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20:43:15 <jralls> fell: A philosophical question: Should we be updating the document history in gnucash-foo.xml for translations that haven't been updated? The same applies to consolidating the version info in gnc-docbookx.dtd
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