2019-08-28 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:57:30 <gjanssens> .
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12:29:23 <warlord> I wonder if there is a way to register gncbot with nickserv and get it to auto-auth (and therefore auto-op itself)
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13:19:22 <gjanssens> fell: on bug 797349 do you mean to replace it with NC_ and C_ ? You switched to Q_ in comment 21 that was never mentioned in the bug report, but only here on irc
13:22:19 <fell> gjanssens, Oh, without the manual opn I am always mixing them. 1. Where ever possible apply the translation direct.
13:24:47 <gjanssens> It can work either way, but the invocation is just different.
13:24:53 <fell> 2. Where it is not applicabe. do we have to add a context to contextless calls, i.e.gnc_search_param_set_title (param, N_("Number/Action")); -> gnc_search_param_set_title (param, NC_("", "Number/Action"));
13:24:57 <fell> ?
13:25:27 <gjanssens> The C_ format is gettext native and expands to pgettext ("context","string")
13:26:25 <gjanssens> The Q_ format is a gnome extension (according to https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html#Language-specific-options)
13:27:06 <gjanssens> And that format combines the context with the translatable in a single string like Q_("context|string")
13:27:38 <gjanssens> As to your second question, the answer is no
13:28:27 <gjanssens> NC_("context", "string") is evaluated by the C prepocessor to just "string"
13:28:30 <fell> Probably at first I should move most of the context section from wiki:Translation to I18N,
13:28:51 <gjanssens> You can use NC_ or N_ interchangeably. C will continue to work unchanged.
13:29:04 <gjanssens> So use NC_ if you need the context string, or N_ if you don't
13:30:08 <gjanssens> However I believe the Q_ variation may be applicable in more use cases tbh
13:30:16 <gjanssens> I'll write about it in the bug report.
13:34:08 <fell> OK
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13:47:07 <gjanssens> Hmm, both would have similar drawbacks so nevermind. I'll explain on the bug.
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19:33:44 <RandomGuyOnIrc> My CPA asked me to print out a general ledger report, by which he means, he wants a report that list every account, and underneath the account name, every debit or credit to that account.
19:34:00 <RandomGuyOnIrc> The ledger report in gnucash does something slightly different
19:34:06 <RandomGuyOnIrc> it list every transaction
19:34:13 <RandomGuyOnIrc> then list every asset and liability
19:34:25 <RandomGuyOnIrc> and every credit or debit for the asset or liability
19:34:39 <RandomGuyOnIrc> Does anyone know how to generate the report that he wants?
19:58:53 <warlord> RandomGuyOnIrc, you want the Transaction Report
19:59:16 <RandomGuyOnIrc> thanks @warlord
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20:14:12 <RandomGuyOnIrc> When I specify a bunch of parameters in the transaction report, run the report, and then try to rerun it, the parameters get reset
20:14:21 <RandomGuyOnIrc> is there a way to save the parameters?
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20:35:28 <warlord> Don't close the report tab.
20:35:34 <warlord> Just click on "report options"
20:35:45 <warlord> You can you save the report as a custom report.
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