2019-08-24 GnuCash IRC logs

01:05:28 *** fell_laptop has quit IRC
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01:22:17 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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02:12:06 <gjanssens> .
02:12:06 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 9 hours and 48 minutes ago: <warlord> I am at a conference so might not get to it immediately.
02:12:07 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 9 hours and 33 minutes ago: <warlord> Okay, reran the mkchroot script, so it all should be updated, now. Hopefully I didn't break scp
02:17:38 <gjanssens> @tell warlord it's working. Thanks!
02:17:38 <gncbot> gjanssens: The operation succeeded.
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03:29:13 <warlord> .
03:29:13 <gncbot> warlord: Sent 1 hour and 11 minutes ago: <gjanssens> it's working. Thanks!
03:29:16 <warlord> gjanssens, great!
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04:55:30 <gjanssens> warlord: it looks like you're on this side of the ocean again :)
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08:36:09 <ocmob> Hi guys, is this the correct place to ask questions about GnuCash?
08:45:49 <Mechtilde> ocmob, please ask your question
08:48:44 <ocmob> I have an account hierarchy in two currencies: EUR and PLN. I have just set up the online quote retrieval with alphavantage. However, after I press "Get Quotes" in Price Database I get the rates of exchange for EUR-> GBP and PLN->GBP and no rates for EUR->PLN. How can I change that?
08:49:00 <ocmob> I have no accounts in GBP at all
09:36:43 <ocmob> Now I tested it and opened up a new hierarchy with USD and EUR, thinking that maybe he can't recognize PLN as the main currency. In this configuration it also downloads the rates for GBP
09:37:05 <ocmob> Is there any way I can hand-modify this?
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10:29:58 <warlord> gjanssens, nope, I'm in California. I was just going to bed.
10:30:42 <warlord> ocmob, where are you located?
10:30:51 <warlord> And what is your computer system locale?
10:31:21 <gjanssens> warlord: wow, isn't that rather late in your timezone ?
10:31:37 <ocmob> I am in the Netherlands
10:31:53 <ocmob> I am running ArchLinux
10:32:01 <ocmob> Polish (Programmers) keyboard
10:32:08 <ocmob> English system language
10:32:34 <ocmob> "Formats" is set to United Kingdom
10:32:40 <warlord> It was 12:30am when I replied "great". It is 7:30am now.
10:33:03 <ocmob> "Formats" meaning dates, times etc
10:33:18 <warlord> ocmob, that means that your locale currency is probably GBP, which is probably why it's doing that. I.e., your "book currency" is probably set to GBP.
10:33:33 <ocmob> where do I check tkat?
10:33:39 <ocmob> I mean, book currency
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10:34:43 <warlord> gjanssens, do you recall if there is a UI to see book currency, or can you only see it in the data file?
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10:35:15 <ocmob> sry guys, my computer crashed for a second, dunno why.
10:36:10 <gjanssens> warlord: I don't think you can see it in a GUI, but it's set by the user while creating a new book.
10:36:39 <ocmob> I checked in the settings
10:36:40 <ocmob> https://i.imgur.com/SFnspY7.png
10:37:08 <ocmob> Locale is set to GBP but I have "choose -> PLN" marked
10:40:00 <ocmob> ok, I changed the system locale and it got the PLN exchange rate
10:40:08 <ocmob> thanks for the clue guys
10:40:25 <ocmob> I spent some time on this.
10:40:34 <warlord> Glad you got it working.
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11:33:43 <warlord> .
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12:13:47 <gjanssens> Grmbl. My last push broke builds on systems with an older gettext package :(
12:14:03 <gjanssens> Will look at fixing it next week...
12:14:22 <warlord> :(
12:14:33 <warlord> At least we are testing that! :)
12:22:16 *** bertbob has quit IRC
12:23:58 <gjanssens> GTG now
12:24:29 *** gjanssens has quit IRC
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14:45:50 <jralls> warlord, are you in SFBA?
14:48:34 <warlord> jralls, no, SBA
14:48:40 <warlord> flying out of LAX tonight
15:00:14 <jralls> OK, long-distance wave! ;-)
15:03:10 <warlord> Hi :)
15:03:46 <warlord> I'll be in San Jose on Oct 10 and again Dec 3-6.
15:05:08 <jralls> OK, want to meet for lunch one of those days?
15:06:04 <warlord> Maybe in Dec. October is literally a 24 hour turnaround time.
15:06:33 <warlord> I'll let you know if I get another trip out there. I am actually surprised I haven't been out there at all this year.
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15:06:54 <jralls> OK, December's not so far away.
15:09:17 <warlord> True.
15:09:42 <warlord> I'll be at the RISC-V Summit. I think lunches might be included, but I honestly haven't looked at that, yet.
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15:11:11 <jralls> Would you really prefer rubber chicken to one of Downtown San Jose's fine restaurants?
15:11:29 <warlord> when you put it that way ;)
15:12:12 <jralls> Risc-v is at McEnery this year, not out in the Great America desert.
15:12:45 <warlord> I honestly haven't even looked at where it is.
15:13:00 <warlord> (I thought it was SJCC)
15:13:49 <jralls> Yes, McEnery is a former SJ Mayor who got the money to renovate it ~20 years ago so they named it after him.
15:15:20 <warlord> Ah, okay.
15:15:42 <warlord> I still just think of it as the SJCC (vs SCCC).
15:15:43 <jralls> Last year Risc-V was at the Santa Clara Convention Center, which is across the street from the Great America amusement park and the new football stadium. The area is mostly populated by large tech companies with very nice but employee-only cafeterias.
15:15:59 <warlord> Yes
15:16:15 <warlord> ARM Techcon was there, too
15:16:21 <warlord> Both moved this year
15:16:32 <jralls> Too bad. It's also a really crappy convention center.
15:16:44 <jralls> Or rather good that they moved.
15:16:57 <warlord> I like being able to walk from the Marriott
15:17:34 <jralls> Heck, you can *crawl* from the Marriott or the Hilton, they're both built into the CC.
15:17:42 <warlord> lol. true
15:23:31 *** fell_laptop is now known as fell
15:23:50 <jralls> GTG, back in a couple of hours.
15:24:33 <warlord> okay, i'm gone at 4
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17:22:54 <warlord> .
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23:15:58 <chris> looks lie gettext causing travis failure
23:21:28 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
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23:43:48 <warlord> .