2019-08-08 GnuCash IRC logs

00:01:26 *** jervin has joined #gnucash
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15:11:45 *** fell_laptop is now known as fell
15:55:25 <ArtGravity> How long should I wait for gnucash 3.5 to open a mysql backend that was last accessed with 2.6 before giving up?
15:56:47 <ArtGravity> It's been longer than I would consider reasonable ( > 10 miinutes), but I don't want to mess anything up if there is a schema update being executed
16:07:12 <ArtGravity> I killed it, but I think I should wait longer
16:08:08 <ArtGravity> at leas as long as there are still transactions appearing in 'SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE DB="gnucash"\G'
16:10:27 <ArtGravity> I'm definitely glad I dumped the db before trying this
16:17:11 <ArtGravity> It appears to just choke and die on its own finally after almost 7 minutes
16:26:40 *** fabior has joined #gnucash
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16:42:16 *** fell has joined #gnucash
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16:45:10 <ArtGravity> Looks like running gnucash on the same host as the mysql database worked better. It took a looooong time to update to 3.x from 2.x
17:05:28 *** frakturfreak has quit IRC
17:06:59 <ArtGravity> Apparently it takes about 20 minutes on my server to convert gnucash 2.6 mysql to gnucash 3.x mysql
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17:52:35 *** ArtGravity has quit IRC
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18:36:06 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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19:32:04 <fell> Based on ArtGravitys observation, we should consider a progress bar for conversions.
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