2019-08-06 GnuCash IRC logs
00:14:11 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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06:36:50 <chris> is string-split etc considered more readable than regex? (I think so) https://github.com/christopherlam/gnucash/commit/c923b402
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09:38:02 <jove> Hi, anyone online who has problems with German tax reports in Version 3.3 or newer?
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11:28:23 <chris> @tell warlord the current qif importer seems to have logic to mark intra-qif-account transfers and omit its import, but not sure whether it works
11:28:23 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
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12:14:45 <fell> Jove, ich habe es lange nicht mehr getestet, da ich es persnlich nicht mehr brauche. Was ist denn das Problem?
12:19:04 <fell> Back in 3h.
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12:22:41 <jove> Steuerreport funktioniert mit V 3.2 -- mit demselben Datenfile ab V. 3.3 crasht Gnucrash ;) obwohl die Steuerreport Routinen (taxtxf-de_DE.scm, txf-de_DE.scm und txfhelp-de_DE) (stichprobenweise getestet) identisch sind
12:24:59 <jove> for zee English: tax report works on V 3.2, but crashes GC starting with V 3.3 thru 3.5. Spotcheck show tax scm files identical.
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12:32:15 <jralls> chris, no, it's not more readable. It's a lot more expressive that keeping mental track of cars, cdrs, and cadrs in the two token lists.
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13:09:21 <jralls> chris: s/that/than/
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15:29:05 <fell> chris. changed something in the report system, which would crash with jove's data?
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15:55:34 <fell> jralls, I just run 'make distclean; ~/git/gnucash-docs/configure --with-mobi' manually and still get the conactenation of build path and source path in the fontdir vars.
15:56:15 <fell> Where can I find some doku about $ac_pwd?
15:57:05 <fell> You saw my build dir is no subdir of the source dir?
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17:33:31 <jralls> fell:Ah, now I see the problem and why it hasn't affected me: I generally specify the path to configure as relative, e.g. ../gnucash-docs-git/configure. $ac_pwd/$srcdir turns that into an absolute path. abs_top_srcdir would be better indeed.
17:38:07 <jralls> fell: Or rather it would be if it was available to configure, but it isn't, it's output by configure.
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17:51:28 <jralls> fell: So I found a way to make my own ac_abs_top_srcdir from https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/24293/converting-relative-path-to-absolute-path-without-symbolic-link. Pushed.
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19:23:25 <fell> Thanks, jralls, ja builds again. I am now looking why ru still fails.
19:30:01 <fell> extended_fontdir gets not expanded, probably related to AC_SUBST(extended_fontdir)
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19:37:19 <fell> No, found it.
19:46:29 <fell> Jralls: pushed
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20:19:28 <chris> jralls: ok
20:19:45 <chris> fell: no didn't change. bug report, stack trace etc needed
20:21:02 <fell> @tell jove <chris> fell: no didn't change. bug report, stack trace etc needed
20:21:02 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
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23:23:10 <fell> jralls, a similar issue is "$(abs_builddir)/figures" in pdf.make. abs_builddir: Absolute name of builddir and builddir: Rigorously equal to ‘.’ are both listed in 4.8.1 Preset Output Variables of manual/autoconf-2.69, but the result is an empty string in the call.
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