2019-05-11 GnuCash IRC logs
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12:51:42 <jralls> peanutbutterandcrackers: I don't have much time to go into it right now, have to go in a couple of minutes. To report in a different calendar you'd need to write calendar functions to convert from 64-bit time_t and apply those in place of the existing date functions in a custom report.
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16:09:21 <fell> @tell gjanssens flatpack was last built on 2019-04-24.
16:09:21 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
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16:13:34 <fell> @tell chrisCan you have a look in https://code.gnucash.org/builds/flatpak/build-logs/maint/2019-05/build-maint-2019-05-11-01-00-02.log
16:13:34 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
16:13:47 <fell> @tell chris Can you have a look in https://code.gnucash.org/builds/flatpak/build-logs/maint/2019-05/build-maint-2019-05-11-01-00-02.log
16:13:47 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
16:14:13 <fell> nick chrisCan
16:14:29 <fell> 7nick chrisCan
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16:14:46 <chrisCan> .
16:14:46 <gncbot> chrisCan: Sent 1 minute ago: <fell> you have a look in https://code.gnucash.org/builds/flatpak/build-logs/maint/2019-05/build-maint-2019-05-11-01-00-02.log
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20:31:46 <chris> .
20:31:46 <gncbot> chris: Sent 4 hours and 17 minutes ago: <fell> Can you have a look in https://code.gnucash.org/builds/flatpak/build-logs/maint/2019-05/build-maint-2019-05-11-01-00-02.log
20:32:16 <chris> @tell fell I must have made error in CMakeLists.txt, unfortunately not clever enough to fix it
20:32:16 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
20:32:49 <fell> Iam still here, Chris!
20:32:49 <gncbot> fell: Sent just now: <chris> I must have made error in CMakeLists.txt, unfortunately not clever enough to fix it
20:33:02 <fell> Which commit?
20:33:17 <chris> a12bbaccd
20:33:24 <chris> and 4d529c02c
20:33:48 <chris> it says jralls wrote but it was really chris
20:39:21 <fell> Is srfi64-extras.scm part of SRFI64?
20:40:17 <chris> it's a utility function to make srfi64 tests more readable; i made it
20:41:18 <fell> did you add it to DIST or EXTRADIST?
20:42:19 <chris> DIST c6032ac6e
20:43:38 <chris> isn't it past bedtime fell?
20:44:03 <fell> It is weekend ;-)
20:44:32 <fell> and since smoking is prohibited in the disco ...
20:46:59 <fell> The strange thing: the windows build succeeds, but the flatpack build fails.
20:50:13 <fell> but probably we do not run all tests on the windows build
20:52:01 <chris> I don't know if windows builds run any tests at all?
20:52:22 * chris has not been able to test gjanssens's setup improvements yet
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21:01:21 <chris> fell do you have any opinion regarding VAT report and EC stuff?
21:02:55 <fell> I once was involved in the de parts of the old taxreport system
21:03:35 <fell> I would have preferred, if you had improved that.
21:05:11 <fell> It looks always simple, if you start with one countries regualtions in mind, but gets complicated, if you try to use it for another.
21:06:24 <fell> I fear an the long run you will have to reimplement the features which are already in Alex' approach.
21:07:15 <chris> you're right about that
21:07:39 <chris> but the exiting code is shocking
21:07:44 <chris> /existing/
21:08:01 <chris> every time I look at taxtxf.scm I despair
21:08:02 <fell> I.e. in de we have 3 rates: 0, 7, 19%
21:09:06 <fell> But for 0% there a a dozen differents reasons, why it is freed and so each needs its own account.
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21:12:38 <fell> The de part has been a proof of concept and is a wild hack, still waiting for some cleanup, i.e. moving us/de*.scm to de/*.scm
21:13:16 <chris> ^ who'll do that?
21:13:21 <fell> But as I heard it is used by several people.
21:13:57 <fell> It is since a decade on my todo list. ;-)
21:15:55 <chris> *cheer* go fell *cheer*
21:16:21 <fell> But tonight I would prefer, to fix the flatpack build, which is broken since ~3 weeks.
21:17:40 <chris> well need to await gjanssens or jralls who know CMake better
21:18:28 <fell> I wonder, why nobody complained about it before.
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21:29:27 <CDB-Man_> chris: further to yesterday: <CDB-Man> filed bug report: https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=797233
21:29:30 *** CDB-Man_ is now known as CDB-Man
21:31:00 <chris> CDB-man: I made suggestion in bug report. Try it. I suspect something wrong with your pricedb. If that's the case then it's in C in which I cannot really help
21:31:27 <CDB-Man> hmm, taking a look
21:34:12 <CDB-Man> chris: for the line you suggested to add to the scm file, any location in particular? or just EOF or start of file?
21:34:58 <chris> add it in the definition of (gnc:exchange-by-pricedb-nearest)
21:36:19 <CDB-Man> done, let's see what tracefile outputs
21:37:27 <fell> chris, the good news for you: you did neither break distcheck nor check, it is somehow flatpack related, so only gjanssens knows the details.
21:38:47 <chris> fell- I know check&distcheck pass. I checked. however the builds randomly fail when I switch branches. So I know I didn't get the modules right. So I think it's still a CMake issue.
21:39:34 <CDB-Man> i replied to the ticket, witht hte tracefule output
21:39:42 <CDB-Man> doesnt look like it gelps much
21:41:42 <chris> there's no additional lines such as "[0.020] gnc:exchange-by-pricedb-nearest <Monetary:XXX> <Currency:YYY> 1234567" ??
21:42:15 <CDB-Man> that snippet.... is the entirety of the output -- though I forgot to re-run finance-quote -- will do that shortly
21:43:47 * chris still thinks your pricedb is borked. I think gnc-pricedb-convert-balance-nearest-price-t64 where / is failing
21:44:17 <CDB-Man> when I run Get Quotes in pricedb view, I see this a million times in tracefile:
21:44:17 <CDB-Man> * 21:42:54 WARN <gnc.gui> [PrintAmountInternal()] Bad numeric: GNC_ERROR_ARG.
21:44:44 <CDB-Man> no other error or output
21:45:44 <fell> CDB-Man: if you run gnucash --debug --extra and look in the tracefile?
21:47:12 <CDB-Man> will do that next.
21:49:30 <CDB-Man> hmm, other prices are broken now...
21:50:41 <CDB-Man> uploading another tracefile
21:53:22 <CDB-Man> uploaded
21:53:40 <fell> and mime changed :-)
21:54:59 <fell> if bugzilla does not recognize the format, it sets octet stream.
21:55:11 <CDB-Man> i hope my pricedb isnt corrupted like chris thinks... and that if it is corrupted, that its recoverable
21:55:38 <CDB-Man> 99% of the entries on my pricedb are from finance quote, and the remainder 1% come form transactions where i specified a rate at the transaction level
21:56:05 <chris> well your step 4 suggests something wrong in your pricedb
21:56:50 <CDB-Man> yeah, but how to pinpoint?
21:57:29 <CDB-Man> i've thought about using the remove all old prices option, but then i would like all the historic data
21:58:38 <chris> I suggest save as XML uncompressed, open in editor, copy all pricedb into new file, save as compressed, and upload. prices won't have your transactional data. and give us a clue which price entry was fixable in your step 4.
22:00:22 <CDB-Man> hmm,
22:00:36 <chris> and also upload some history about which builds you were using, and approximately if/when you upgrade your build.
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22:02:10 <CDB-Man> version would be 3.3 where I had no issues, and after thre upgrade to 3.5+ where I started having issues
22:03:25 <CDB-Man> regarding XML, you're saying tha tthe default .gnucash is compressed XML, so what's the best way to decompressing it for me to extract pricedb?
22:03:41 <chris> well gtg, do the above. it's gzip - use any freeware eg 7-zip
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22:06:17 <CDB-Man> that worked
22:15:50 <CDB-Man> hmmm.....
22:15:51 <CDB-Man> <price:value>690402841721574/4679745419383</price:value>
22:22:15 <CDB-Man> so it seems finance::quote is storing overly precise numbers that gnucash can't handle?
22:24:20 <CDB-Man> @tell chris uploaded my pricedb extract to the bug report, seems your suspicion about price corruption is right, finance::quote is storing overly precise numbers such as <price:value>690402841721574/4679745419383</price:value> that it seems gnucash is choking on, see https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=797233#c7
22:24:20 <gncbot> CDB-Man: The operation succeeded.
22:32:49 <fell> BTW, CDDB-man, you can disable compression in preferences.
22:36:29 <CDB-Man> nah, no need, I have 7zip on all devices
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