2019-04-28 GnuCash IRC logs
01:02:02 *** tienne has joined #gnucash
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07:18:12 <nitpicker> Here the gnucash version I use in ubuntu 18.04.2 with LANG=de_CH.UTF-8: Build ID: 3.5+(2019-03-30)
07:18:12 <nitpicker> Printing Split Account Details? Can't find the option "Multi-Line".
07:18:12 <nitpicker> What I try to achieve is pretty much described there:
07:18:12 <nitpicker> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Using_GnuCash#Displaying_Split_Account_Details_in_Transaction_Report
07:18:12 <nitpicker> That sounds great, but I just can't find the option "General -> Style = Multi-Line" (or the German equivalent, of course).
07:18:12 <nitpicker> The options I see within my menu (Bearbeiten - Berichtsoptionen - Allgemein - Stilvorlage, maybe translates to Edit - Report options - General - Style ) are
07:18:13 <nitpicker> "Voreinstellung, Einfach, Fußzeile, Head or Tail, Bunt" (which might translate to sth like "default, simple, footer, head or tail, colored").
07:18:15 <nitpicker> Any hints are appreciated :-)
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12:40:17 <jralls> @tell nitpicker "Display->Detail Level" in the wiki page means "Detail Level item on the Display tab". In German that's Anzeige->Detailebene, so after you open the options dialog (there's an Optionen button on the toolbar or you can use Bearbeiten>Berichtesoptionen from the menu) click the Anzeige tab at the top of the dialog and set Detailebene to Multizellen.
12:40:17 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
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14:11:02 <nitpicker> @jralls Thank you for looking into it. Still can't find "Detailebene to Multizellen". I feel kind of embarrassed.
14:11:02 <gncbot> nitpicker: Error: "jralls" is not a valid command.
14:11:03 <nitpicker> Having generated the report I can go to Bearbeiten>Berichtesoptionen>tab anzeige
14:11:03 <nitpicker> On that tab there is a list of fields to tick:
14:11:03 <nitpicker> Datum / Nr / Beschreibung / Buchungstext / Konto / Anteile / Posten / Preis / Betrag (choices Doppel or Einzel) / Wert / Laufender Saldo / Gesamtsumme.
14:11:03 <nitpicker> And a button at the bottom "Voreinstellungen".
14:11:03 <nitpicker> I'd be happy to provide a screen shot. No idea how or where to upload it, though.
14:11:04 <gncbot> nitpicker: Sent 1 hour and 30 minutes ago: <jralls> Display->Detail Level in the wiki page means Detail Level item on the Display tab . In German that's Anzeige->Detailebene, so after you open the options dialog (there's an Optionen button on the toolbar or you can use Bearbeiten>Berichtesoptionen from the menu) click the Anzeige tab at the top of the dialog and set Detailebene to Multizellen.
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14:17:25 <gjanssens> jralls: good find on the swig-runtime.h bug. I'm truly sorry I made that mistake years ago. It's still haunting us
14:17:25 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 1 day, 1 hour, and 39 minutes ago: <jralls> chris: QOFQuery is getting replaced by SQL which doesn't need serializing. I want very much to get that done for GC4.
14:17:26 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 1 day, 0 hours, and 32 minutes ago: <jralls> Lib/guile/guile_scm_run.swg:#define scm_from_utf8_string scm_from_locale_string Not good.
14:17:27 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 22 hours and 40 minutes ago: <jralls> Which you fixed a year ago but Swig have only just done a release. Unfortunately https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/commit/8e9b13461ef841d0179308e5b6d37a8c486e05aa#diff-51c1fd67c44ecc9bb28a20188921457a doesn't catch all of the redefinitions.
14:18:03 <gjanssens> Particualrly as swig hasn't made a bugfix release ever since :(
14:19:11 <jralls> gjanssens: It's all good now, just needed to make sure that guile-mappings.h is always included after swig-runtime.h.
14:19:48 <gjanssens> Yeah, I saw your commit (before I got the irc notes)
14:19:53 <gjanssens> Thanks
14:21:11 <jralls> I think I've beaten the build server into submission re: guile 2.2. There's a tweak to jhbuildrc.in that I need to push before it will work on your new VM.
14:27:21 <gjanssens> Good. I'll wait for that. I haven't started setting up the gnucash build system yet. At least Windows has finished all its updates :)
14:27:29 <gjanssens> Still Windows 7 though.
14:28:06 <jralls> Just testing it, it will be ready in a few minutes. Haven't tried it on Win7 yet...
14:28:48 <gjanssens> I can do the Win7 tests somewhere next week if you like
14:31:54 <jralls> Pushed...
14:33:33 <jralls> Meanwhile I got an update on Win10 sometime last week, probably Tuesday night, and now GnuCash won't set its locale from the Windows Settings. Not sure what's going on.
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14:56:32 <nitpicker> to jralls: found it! thank you for your patience :-)
14:57:13 <jralls> No patience required, just a little grepping in de.po to find the right words. ;-)
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17:11:08 <fell> Nitpicker: Menü:Ansicht->Vollständig
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17:45:49 <nitpicker> fell: yes :-) Menü:Ansicht->Vollständig, then all the transactions are shown in detail. from then on the report in question is also generated in detail.
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17:53:12 <nitpicker> just a note: "Menü:Ansicht->Aktive vollständig" shows the focused transaction in detail, but it does not do the trick with the report.
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19:45:30 <warlord> .
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