2019-04-24 GnuCash IRC logs
00:08:13 *** jervin has joined #gnucash
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03:41:32 <gjanssens> .
03:45:13 <Mechtilde> .
03:46:25 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
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03:57:27 <warlord> .
04:10:05 <gjanssens> Hey warlord, you're up early... Are you on our side of the ocean again ?
04:11:37 <warlord> Yep. Sitting in Sophia-Antipolis, FR
04:15:37 <warlord> A quick trip -- got here last night; fly home Friday.
04:24:26 <gjanssens> cool :)
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07:05:30 <chris> there must have been a bad irc split... my messages 24h ago reached logging 6h later
07:24:24 <warlord> chris, Wow!
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08:20:09 <warlord> chris, are you sure it's not a timezone issue? Also, I know gncbot "disappeared" at some point because I had to re-op it today
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09:30:08 <chris> warlord no I sent my messages 9pm last night (AWST) but this reached others about 5am AWST
09:31:09 <warlord> What is AWST? GMT+-XX?
09:31:36 <chris> GMT+8
09:33:04 <warlord> chris, is this the dicussion around guile-2.2?
09:33:24 <chris> yes my experiments
09:33:28 <warlord> Message to jralls at 17:27:48 US/EDT
09:33:42 <warlord> chris, https://code.gnucash.org/logs/2019/04/23.html#T17:27:48
09:33:43 <warlord> ??
09:35:08 <chris> I know I look like a ghost talking there
09:35:35 <chris> https://imgur.com/a/4hfZ9iY is the real chat at 9pm AWST
09:35:39 <warlord> Based on jralls' response it looks like that is when it hit the channel in general. I didn't realize IRC would store-and-forward like that!
09:37:07 <warlord> Wow, that's very very weird.
09:37:59 <warlord> But based on jralls' response at 17:28:09, that would seem to imply he only saw the messages at that time (not looking at the logs)
09:39:08 <chris> correct, unless I did a 8h forward time travel via irc
09:39:20 <warlord> Would be pretty cool if you could do that! :)
09:39:49 <chris> would solve a lot of problems :)
09:41:03 <warlord> No doubt.
09:41:15 * warlord is in GMT+02 right now.
09:44:03 <warlord> chris, did you see jralls' response at 17:41:04: https://code.gnucash.org/logs/2019/04/23.html#T17:41:04
09:47:07 <chris> too many passwords :(
09:47:17 <warlord> haha
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10:25:32 <kagey> Hi, I’m looking to get direction on the best/easiest way to bill clients (invoice) a “timesheet”. Is the best way to setup gnucash accounts so that i can invoice a customer.. then create an invoice that remains open for the month and add line items to the invoice as hours worked accumulate as time goes on? then post the invoice at end of month?
10:28:09 <chris> kagey: sounds about right
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10:44:38 <chris> jralls libgnucash-scm-utilities.scm is good?
10:45:51 <chris> tomorrow our Veterans Day
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21:41:59 <fell> While I tried to send a fresh de.mo (568k) to gnucash.de, the mail got delayed because the size is resticted to 400k. Do we still want this restriction?
21:44:21 <fell> @tell warlord Can you tell me, who is the moderator of gnucash.de?
21:44:21 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
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21:55:06 <chris> in any case i've now fixed my uservoice acct
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