2019-04-21 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:15:03 <warlord> .
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08:22:06 <chris> to jralls - would be grateful for some hand holding to build on Windows... I think the wiki is incomplete.
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11:44:00 <jralls> chris: OK. What have you done so far and what's the problem? Also what version of Windows?
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11:51:34 <chris> jralls tried to run the intructions on Building_on_Windows but can't quite understand all steps. Win10. I have \gcdev64\downloads,msys2,src; I've git cloned gnucash,gnucash-on-windows.git into src
11:51:53 <chris> there is no jhbuild anywhere
11:53:42 <jralls> Did you run setup-mingw64.ps1?
11:54:32 <chris> yes it was the one who created the \gcdev64\
11:56:27 <jralls> And you've opened a Mingw32 shell? and cd'd to /c/gcdev64/src/gnucash-on-windows.git?
11:56:51 <jralls> But `which jhbuild` returns nothing?
11:57:09 <chris> /usr/bin/jhbuild
11:57:46 <chris> bunch of ValueError then jhbuild: could not load config file, jhbuildrc is missing
11:58:14 <chris> (when run TARGET=gnucash-unstable jhbuild -f jhbuildrc build)
11:58:28 <jralls> `pwd`?
11:58:29 <chris> ditto gnucash-maint
11:58:43 <chris> /c/gcdev64/src/gnucash-on-windows.git
11:59:06 <jralls> But there's no jhbuildrc in it?
11:59:31 <chris> from git clone? there's jhbuildrc.in
12:00:03 <chris> should i be doing everything in README first? or the setup-mingw.ps1 only?
12:00:26 <jralls> Hmm, setup-mingw should have turned that into jhbuildrc.
12:02:37 <chris> is README still relevant?
12:03:27 <jralls> No, it's for the old build system.
12:03:52 <jralls> It's past time to clear all of that stuff out.
12:03:55 <chris> thought so
12:05:41 <jralls> Run setup-mingw64.ps1 again. It should generate jhbuildrc or give an error message about why it didn't.
12:06:53 <chris> several errors; to start with: get-item cannot find path ...HKCU:\SOFTWARE\HTML Help Workshop because it does not exist
12:07:05 <chris> "Installing c:\\gcdev64\\downloads"
12:07:15 <chris> You cannot call a method on a null-valued exp
12:07:21 <chris> set-upming64.ps11:110 char:5
12:07:26 <chris> etc
12:08:24 <jralls> can you paste the whole thing somewhere?
12:08:59 <jralls> oh, and did you run it as administrator?
12:09:44 <chris> dunno how to pipe in Powershell! and yes admin
12:11:05 <chris> ok may be able to paste
12:11:40 <jralls> I think it's | like in unix, but copy/paste to pastebin or gist should work.
12:12:57 <jralls> Yes, it's |. PS scripting uses it a lot. It works a little different from unix pipes.
12:15:12 <chris> this thing is sloww
12:16:02 <jralls> Yeah. Glacial.
12:18:15 <chris> anyway. instead of some running commentary, perhaps I'll describe experiments on string-ports
12:18:40 <chris> we know anglo locales on windows are generally fine except when handling extended unicode
12:18:48 <chris> vietnam locale causes crash
12:19:09 <chris> and guile-2.0 string-port is emaciated
12:19:47 <chris> if I set unicode string in report-title, and save into saved-reports, it's loaded/saved correctly
12:20:10 <chris> if I set unicode string in report-title and save into book.gcm it's also saved correctly but unicode is coded as \uNNNN
12:20:13 <jralls> The whole c-str->SCM is bizarrely convoluted. IIRC the crash is more than 20 stack frames deep and it's a plain ASCII string!
12:20:29 <chris> yeah i gather
12:21:28 <chris> Mark Weaver's patch for string-ports solves the Turkish Lira display, however, it causes unicode to be saved as UTF8 into book.scm, and this *cannot* be read back
12:22:13 <chris> unicode in saved-reports-2.8 is unchanged
12:22:34 <chris> whether that helps...
12:22:52 <jralls> How is book.scm encoded without the patch?
12:23:32 <chris> unicode gets coded as \uNNNN, and is transformed back into unicode upon load
12:24:12 <chris> (book.scm only)
12:24:21 <chris> oops (book.gcm)
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12:27:02 <jralls> Do you know offhand where book.gcm is parsed?
12:27:06 <chris> https://pastebin.com/raw/ueLT9xVi
12:27:09 <chris> so far
12:27:12 <chris> yes I know
12:27:38 <chris> grep 'SCHEME_OPTIONS' will find it
12:28:39 <chris> gnc-plugin-page-report.c:935 will scm_c_eval_string it
12:29:14 <chris> https://pastebin.com/raw/ueLT9xVi seems to be where setup-mingw64.ps1 is stuck
12:31:17 <jralls> First time I clicked that I got a cat using a laptop...
12:33:47 <chris> still stuck
12:34:14 <jralls> Try quitting all of your msys2 shells.
12:35:24 <chris> no msys2 shell. restart?
12:35:39 <jralls> Restart what?
12:35:45 <chris> setup-mingw64?
12:36:29 <jralls> Unlikely that will do anything. Make sure that there isn't an open subwindow asking for input.
12:37:02 <chris> nothing!
12:38:04 <jralls> OK. Kill setup-mingw64 and open an msys2 shell. Tell the shell `pacman -Syuu`.
12:39:17 <chris> pastebin.com/raw/LQSBVYBz
12:40:15 <jralls> Good. Rerun setup-mingw64.
12:42:01 <chris> ok. https://pastebin.com/raw/w2TGRRyW
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12:57:49 <jralls> No webkitgtk3 is a problem. Checking that. HTMLHelp Workshop not installing is less of a problem.
12:58:07 <jralls> Did jhbuildrc get created?
12:58:35 <chris> still no
13:00:52 <chris> is it relevant that I've added IgnorePkg = webkit as per wiki?
13:02:05 <chris> I've added ignore *before* pacman / scripts as described
13:08:53 <chris> ok getting late here, need to be off
13:09:03 <jralls> OK, good night.
13:09:34 <chris> I'll formally write up in one of these bugs
13:09:48 <chris> nite
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13:36:38 <jralls> chris: I've pushed a change to setup-mingw64.ps1 that prints a warning instead of bailing out when HTML Help Workshop doesn't install. The webkitgtk3 issue should be OK as long as you followed the instructions on the wiki to install it along with icu, boost, and harfbuzz by hand.
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20:16:20 <jralls> chris, gjanssens: I've gotten Guile stable-2.2 3a64c504c to build and GnuCash to build with it on Windows. It starts up in Vietnames, so fixes 796728 and probably some other issues too. stable-2.2 HEAD did not build yesterday, so we need to discuss how to proceed. GTG now.
20:24:42 <chris> \o/
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21:26:44 <chris> jralls I think this is the correct approach... good work!
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