2019-04-16 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:35:13 <warlord> *grumble* I upgraded to Fedora 29 (and GnuCash 3.x -- currently at 3.4)... and now Price Quotes don't work. I just get the dreaded "There was an unknown error while retrieving the price quotes". I know this was working before my upgrade. I am 99% sure I'm using Yahoo-JSON for all my equities. Of course there is nothing in the tracefile or terminal.
08:37:44 <warlord> Or, maybe not... :(
08:38:55 <fell> warlord: gnc-fq-check?
08:39:40 <warlord> fell, that works. But apparently my quote sources were set to Unknown: yahoo, and not Single: Yahoo as JSON
08:40:18 <warlord> Just changed them all (I wish there were a way to change them en-masse)
08:40:38 <warlord> And... still an unknown error..
08:40:54 <fell> If you are sure, you ha d set yahoo_json, then you have an old data file.
08:41:49 <warlord> It's not an old data file.
08:42:03 <warlord> But I'm not sure I set yahoo-json.
08:42:10 <warlord> I THOUGHT I had..
08:42:13 <fell> gnc-fq-dump -v <source> <symbol> oftne has a better error message.
08:42:14 <warlord> But maybe not.
08:42:32 <warlord> Why can't GnuCash tell me what the error is?
08:43:02 <fell> It is simply awaiting your patch. ;-)
08:44:03 <warlord> Yeah yeah yeah
08:44:12 <fell> It should not too hard to return one element more.
08:44:37 <chris> many thanks are 'not too hard' to implement in gnucash :)
08:44:40 <chris> *things
08:45:40 <chris> price-quotes.scm is not too big
08:46:10 <chris> refactor?
08:46:21 <warlord> Apparently the vanguard price source doesn't work anymore
08:46:43 <fell> It is the specfic mixture perl->scm->C which is confusing.
08:47:14 <fell> Vanguard was an alias of yahoo.
08:48:46 <fell> RTFM!: https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v3/C/gnucash-help/fq-sources.html#fq-sources-single
08:48:48 <warlord> Yeah, and "unknown error" is just a *so* helpful error message!!
08:49:14 <warlord> Well, if the quote sources are not valid at all perhaps they should be removed?
08:49:59 <warlord> Anyways, it's working again.. And now I get the "could not get quotes for ...." list. Which is fine and definitely more useful than "unknown error"
08:51:46 <fell> AFAIK: Former Yahoo aliases like vanguard, ... are now alphavantage aliases - with the usual alphavantage restrictions.
08:53:50 <warlord> Ah. Well, I don't have an AV key. But "unknown error" is still an unhelpful message ;)
08:53:54 <warlord> Anyways, it's all working now from Yahoo_Jso
08:53:55 <warlord> n
08:56:50 <fell> Currencies are also from alphavantage
08:58:41 <chris> I don't think price-quotes.scm is confusing -- it just needs polish
08:59:17 <chris> e.g. reindent, eradicate set! and begin, add more gnc:debug and we're done
08:59:37 <chris> e.g. unknown error means fq output should be dumped to gnc:debug
09:01:30 <fell> chris, libgnucash/scm/price-quotes.scm has a terrible "copy,paste&adjust" programming style.
09:02:40 <chris> so do we want cleanup?
09:03:20 <chris> it's not that bad tbh
09:03:57 <fell> i.e. some (report_error (N message)) would simplify the code.
09:06:28 <fell> with
09:06:29 <fell> if (gnucash-ui-is-running)
09:06:31 <fell> (gnc-error-dialog window (_
09:06:57 <fell> message))
09:07:11 <fell> (gnc:warn message)
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14:20:52 <fell> jralls: Did you tell Benno about hr.po? I can not find it in https://translationproject.org/domain/gnucash.html
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14:40:42 <jralls> fell: I didn't, but I will.
14:41:09 <fell> thanks
14:45:59 <jralls> warlord, chris: The "unknown error" problem isn't in price-quotes.scm, it's in gnc-fq-helper. There's no code to handle or pass on F::Q errors, it just bails and returns non-zero.
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14:54:28 <warlord> jralls, oh. that's really a shame!
14:54:50 <jralls> Why? You speak perl.
14:55:43 <jralls> It just means that chris can't work on it until he gets over his aversion to punctuation other than parentheses. ;-)
14:58:06 <warlord> LOL. I mean, it's a shame that it's the helper and that it doesn't supply a real error.
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15:06:03 <jralls> It might be better called gnc-fq-translator: It takes a scheme form, converts it to perl to call F::Q and parses the returned text back into a scheme form for price-quotes.scm, which then creates a C struct to pass back to gnc-pricedb.cpp. Like all other uses of Scheme in libgnucash, it's excessively convoluted and unnecessary.
15:08:36 <warlord> Yeah, I know.
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19:37:45 <chris> jralls http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-user/2019-04/msg00017.html
19:44:24 <chris> jralls warlord I've upgraded from curly braces to whitespaces to parentheses, it just took me 30 years :)
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20:19:12 <warlord> chris, LOL
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