2019-04-15 GnuCash IRC logs
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06:42:55 <warlord> .
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06:58:30 <chris> on Windows my (current-encoding) outputs CP1252
06:59:25 <chris> (locale-encoding)
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07:37:58 <chris> jralls see last para of https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/String-Ports.html I think you know about it
07:44:11 <chris> https://pastebin.com/raw/ys4QrhMh is a safe string sanitizing function on Windows, avoids string ports
07:46:10 <chris> but this snippet only handles the sanitizing part... the monetary printer still munges unicode
07:46:49 <chris> so the issue becomes, avoid all string ports like the plague
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07:53:24 <chris> Ok I can fix the TYR symbol issue
07:54:31 <chris> account-piecharts.scm: in subtitle, it's the (format #f ": ~a" str) which is munging unicode... remove format and unicode is intact
08:05:43 <chris> so there are 2 issues that need fixing for this
08:06:15 <chris> (1) html-string-sanitize must be rewritten, (2) avoid unicode in (format) strings
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10:08:45 <chris> conclusion nothing wrong with xaccPrintAmount or gnc_commodity_print_info ... it was (format) all along
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10:46:26 * chris will not use (format) or string-ports anymore
10:47:24 * chris unless I know 100% they're safe
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16:08:01 <jralls> chris: The string-ports para may be true for Guile 2.2, I proved it to be not true for 2.0 using the debugger. Unfortunately we're still stuck with 2.0 on Windows.
16:08:54 <mikee> .
16:10:29 <jralls> chris: Why does it spell the substitutions backwards?
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17:45:47 <mikee> jralls: Not "Welsh", "C" obviously. I've posted today's small effort.
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17:47:26 <jralls> mikee: ;-)
17:48:48 * mikee watching FranLab dismantle a wire recorder,
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19:45:02 <chris> jralls: substitutions are backwards because it's how lists are constructed in scheme. bit of long story.
19:45:35 <chris> imagine we want to transform an arbitrary long list eg (list 1 2 3) -> (list 11 12 13) by adding 10 each
19:46:25 <chris> to do it in scheme, start with the first which is 1, add 10, add to the resultlist to produce 11
19:46:55 <chris> then move to second number which is 2, add 10, get 12, then add to resultlist to produce '(11 12)
19:47:48 <chris> the last operation is technically: (append (list 11) (list 12)) which is not efficient because it traverses the resultlist
19:48:28 <chris> a better example will be (list 1 2 3 4 .... 99 10) -> (list 11 12 13 14 .. 109 110)
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19:50:17 <chris> let's say we've reached halfway, 50, add 10, the resultlist will be (list 11 12 13 14 .. 59) to which we're adding (list 60) --> rather efficient because appending lists means traverse the resultlist to the last pair, set-cdr! the last pair to be new (cons 60 '())
19:50:31 <chris> so this method is wrong
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19:51:37 <chris> it's more efficient to: build the resultlist backwards, then looping the new resultlist to be (cons newelement resultlist)
19:52:03 <chris> and when finish, a single reverse will produce the desired result
19:53:06 <chris> therefore looping lists and building a resultlist always work this way
19:53:08 <chris> see https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/maint/gnucash/report/standard-reports/average-balance.scm#L280
19:53:42 <chris> moreover the subs are constructed using cons* instead of cons to produce a pair-terminating list
19:53:58 <chris> (cons* a b c d) is the same as (cons a (cons b (cons c d)))
19:54:14 <chris> in the amended string-sanitize, a/b/c are chars, and d is the resultlist
19:54:47 <chris> hence the resultlist gets several new chars tacked on in 1 go
19:54:53 <chris> and loop to the next char
19:55:17 <chris> wrt string-ports on Windows,
19:55:40 <chris> i've amended scm files in Program Files (x86)\gnucash\etc
19:55:47 <chris> and it does fix the unicode display in mine
19:57:45 <chris> above: let's say we've reached halfway, 50, add 10, the resultlist will be
19:57:46 <chris> (list 11 12 13 14 .. 59) to which we're adding (list 60) --> rather
19:57:46 <chris> (*)inefficient because appending lists means traverse the resultlist to
19:57:46 <chris> the last pair, set-cdr! the last pair to be new (cons 60 '())
19:59:56 <chris> the build-list-in-reverse trick is pervasive across scheme and creates good habits... I surmise it's a trick that catches pythonistas who don't know and creates inefficient code
20:00:31 <chris> see https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/pull/483/files#diff-ff8fb63dd4015df92d9626159ded27f8R125 too in the upcoming price-calculators - you can be assured of efficiency
20:00:32 <chris> gtg
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