2019-04-13 GnuCash IRC logs
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14:10:53 <Robert847> HI
14:10:53 <gncbot> Robert847: Sent 1 week, 0 days, 23 hours, and 56 minutes ago: <jralls> Make darn sure that you use X11 and not Wayland with Gtk2 apps like GnuCash 2.6 and The GIMP. Gtk2 doesn't have a Wayland backend so it uses an X11 compatibility mode that has some issues.
14:20:56 <Robert847> Today my concern is in a session of release 2.6.19 in Ubuntu I have a transaction consisting of 5 split lines and after an edit that was intended to cut $300.00 from one account line "withdrawal" and paste it into an empty "withdrawal" for another account, something went haywire and the running balcanes for both accounts did not display correctly.
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14:28:07 <Robert847> I ran Action > Check and repair > This transaction in one of the accounts which did not fix it but Action > Check and repair > All transactions started a process of checking 6000+ split lines. That was eventually interrupted by the Automatically Save dialog, and I do not know if it finished but that accounts running balance was correct. Trying the same thing in the other account there were only 1,450 lines to check but the runnin
14:28:08 <Robert847> ance display changed to a different value, still wrong, now by $2003.54.
14:29:05 <Robert847> That number is not in the transaction at all
14:29:40 <Robert847> How can I fix this transaction?
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14:34:31 <jralls> Robert847: Sounds like it's not just that transaction. Maybe turn off automatic save and rerun check and repair? Or maybe safer to go back to the last save before the copy-paste blew up and start over.
15:01:39 <Robert847> Update: It seems that I had inadvertantly left an uncommitted edit in the register of the third account where I think I was doing the cut and paste in. I did not notice that until I re-ran Check and repair which then made the asterisk re-appear by the filename. I guess automatic saves skip the dialog to commit incomplete edits.
15:03:28 <Robert847> Anyway, now the running balances are correct in all accounts
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15:11:52 <Robert847> Several years ago I wrote a bug report about how easy it is to leave uncommitted edits pending and how hard it is to find them once they exist. Apparently automatic saves can leave them pending until some other event finds them.
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15:16:18 <Robert847> It would be nice to have a trick to drive the focus directly to a transaction in a register that contains a pending edit.
15:16:58 <Robert847> Find Pending Edits?
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15:20:38 <jralls> Robert847: You know the mantra for that: "patches welcome"
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15:33:28 <Robert847> I'm able to program in Basic and Visual Basic.
15:34:19 <Robert847> OH, some simple Fortran too
15:34:26 <jralls> Robert847: If you can program, learning new languages is a doddle. Way past time for you to dive in to C, C++, and Scheme! ;-)
15:36:20 <Robert847> Maybe next month.
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