2019-04-02 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:57:05 <warlord> .
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03:07:59 <warlord> Good morning, gjanssens
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06:43:03 <warlord> .
07:10:10 <alanbell> is there a right way to override the invoice.scm file? like putting a copy in ~/.local/gnucash or something along those lines rather than editing it directly?
07:11:47 <warlord> alanbell, depends what you mean by "override", but most likely the best way is to create a new file with a different report name and GUID; then you can load it from wherever.
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07:13:11 <alanbell> I bascially want the print invoice button to do my invoice layout
07:13:40 <warlord> Edit -> Preferences -> Business
07:13:49 <warlord> Report for printing: [your report]
07:17:00 <alanbell> are those not all defined in the invoice.scm?
07:18:21 <warlord> nope
07:18:27 <warlord> they are all different .scm files
07:18:35 <warlord> (at least historically)
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07:19:32 <warlord> Tax Invoice is definitely still separate.
07:19:34 <alanbell> Tax invoice is in a different .scm, I am not entirely clear what the rule is for getting a report into that list
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07:21:14 <warlord> gjanssens, fell, jralls -- Do you know how the Invoice option list is populated?
07:25:21 <chris> warlord hardcoded, of course
07:25:38 <warlord> Of course.. :( In C or Scheme?
07:26:49 <chris> in C of course https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/maint/gnucash/gnome/gnc-plugin-business.c#L1094
07:26:54 <alanbell> gtkbuilder/business-prefs.glade
07:27:23 <alanbell> well that is sub-optimal :)
07:27:36 <chris> alanbell my advice for now is to save your desired invoice as a Saved-Report, and run it everytime you wish to print.
07:27:58 <chris> you will develop muscle memory how to select the invoice to print :)
07:28:07 <alanbell> I will carry on butchering the invoice.scm for the moment I think!
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07:29:00 <warlord> alanbell, your other option is to just leave your report open and then edit the report options when you want to print a new invoice.
07:29:48 <warlord> chris, I see no reason that that array of strings couldn't be provided by scheme -- which would allow a runtime addition to the list.
07:30:36 <chris> gotta tag gjanssens for this :)
07:31:06 <warlord> I did already ;)
07:31:48 <chris> meanwhile the book-saved-report will gracefully handle >4000byte report definitions :) https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/cb37ae2b4b7bc082e3c85ec77697c1939ac6da24/gnucash/report/report-system/report.scm#L798
07:32:03 <warlord> @tell gjanssens -- is there any reason that invoice_printreport_values[] is hardcoded in src/gnucash/gnome/gnc-plugin-business.c instead of being a list in scheme that would allow a runtime addition of additional reports? Of course that would also imply that the glade file would need to be extensible as well.
07:32:03 <gncbot> warlord: Error: "" is not a valid command.
07:32:14 <warlord> @tell gjanssens is there any reason that invoice_printreport_values[] is hardcoded in src/gnucash/gnome/gnc-plugin-business.c instead of being a list in scheme that would allow a runtime addition of additional reports? Of course that would also imply that the glade file would need to be extensible as well.
07:32:14 <gncbot> warlord: Error: "" is not a valid command.
07:32:24 <warlord> Huh??
07:33:06 <alanbell> @tell warlord foo[]
07:33:06 <gncbot> alanbell: Error: "" is not a valid command.
07:33:08 <alanbell> @tell warlord foo
07:33:08 <gncbot> alanbell: The operation succeeded.
07:33:19 <chris> ooh
07:33:26 <alanbell> thought so :)
07:33:36 <warlord> @tell gjanssens can you check the IRC logs from 2019-04-02 07:32:00 US/EDT (13:30 CEDT)
07:33:36 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
07:33:37 <gncbot> warlord: Sent just now: <chris> test
07:33:38 <gncbot> warlord: Sent just now: <alanbell> foo
07:33:57 <warlord> @tell gjanssens is there any reason that invoice_printreport_values<array> is hardcoded in src/gnucash/gnome/gnc-plugin-business.c instead of being a list in scheme that would allow a runtime addition of additional reports? Of course that would also imply that the glade file would need to be extensible as well.
07:33:57 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
07:36:08 <chris> lots of hacking needed to go from here to there
07:36:34 <chris> the invoice-list is global and in future the report-list will be book specific
07:37:14 <warlord> chris, I'm talking about Custom reports, not saved reports. In my mind they are different.
07:37:15 <chris> the invoice-preference is also global
07:37:37 <chris> ah ok yes
07:37:58 <warlord> A Custom report is like a "report template". Not tied to a specific book. That's okay to be in this preference, and it's PROBABLY okay that the preference is global.
07:38:25 <warlord> But yes, lots of hacking to allow a custom (not saved) report to be added to that list, but not a LOT of hacking, IMHO.
07:38:28 <chris> so, user-global instead of global-global :)
07:38:49 <warlord> I'm... not sure.
07:39:11 <warlord> This particular preference is certainly up for discussion.
07:40:35 <chris> alanbell feel free to share any invoice.scm hacks on github, it's by no means done!
07:41:24 <alanbell> chris: yeah, I intend to
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07:46:48 <alanbell> so, if I have a report loading from ~/.gnucash/config.user and that report has the same GUID as a report in invoice.scm, will it pick the user one or just throw a wobbly?
07:47:42 <chris> it should detect duplicate guid and refuse to register
07:48:27 <alanbell> refuse to register the user one?
07:48:45 <warlord> It will, most likely, refuse to load your report.
07:49:04 <warlord> Or there is a race condition in that it will attach to whichever report gets loaded first.
07:49:09 <alanbell> bother :) not the way round I want
07:50:50 <alanbell> If that predictably worked, would it be considered an improvement? Is this a path worth following?
07:50:53 <warlord> Yeah, the GUID is meant to be globally unique.. violate that and....
07:51:05 <warlord> What exactly are you trying to update?
07:52:07 <alanbell> well I want it to load my local copy of the invoice, with the picture pre-populated, my CSS and maybe a few other things moved about. I might also need two currencies on the invoice.
07:52:57 <alanbell> and ideally I want that to just work when pressing the print button on an invoice, and I want a clean installation with local modifications outside it
07:53:52 <warlord> Then you will need to hack the glade, the c, and then create a new report with a new GUID
07:54:03 <warlord> (and rebuild gnucash from the hacked C/glade)
07:54:08 <alanbell> then I don't have a clean installation!
07:54:26 <warlord> What's your definition of clean?
07:55:44 <alanbell> I would define clean as achievable with a packaged gnucash and no sudo access
07:56:22 <chris> i'm concerned about the requirement for 2 currencies
07:57:03 <alanbell> https://www.revenue.ie/en/vat/vat-records-invoices-and-credit-notes/invoices/what-information-is-required-on-a-vat-invoice.aspx
07:57:10 <alanbell> If you issue an invoice in a foreign currency, it must also show the corresponding figures in Euro.
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07:57:30 <alanbell> that is something I am not gonna comply with this month :)
07:57:42 <warlord> Wow. Um.. Okay. Well, I think that's possibly doable.
07:58:09 <warlord> The hardest question is which exchange rate to use when printing an invoice.
07:58:27 <alanbell> well gnucash can store exchange rates as of dates
07:58:38 <warlord> I think your best bet is to hack invoice.scm and send a PR with your updates for inclusion in a future release.
07:59:27 <alanbell> yeah, I will do that for the currency thing for sure
07:59:28 <warlord> of course; and the report will have to choose the specific rate to use. And of course different users might have different desires for the "best' to use. IMHO "nearest in time to date of invoice" is the right thing.
07:59:58 <chris> and figure out whether euro is for presentation or for storing in book
08:00:05 <alanbell> tools-price database allows me to store monthly rates that come from the central bank
08:00:16 <chris> and whether invoice is paid in foreign-cur or in euro
08:02:09 <alanbell> it would get paid in foreign currency
08:03:04 <alanbell> the conversion to your own account wouldn't use the central bank rates at the time of the invoice, but they have to be printed on the invoice (no clue why)
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08:08:47 <alanbell> warlord: the rate would be the last update prior to the invoice date, not nearest if there is a subsequent change.
08:12:44 <warlord> alanbell, yeah, I dont know if we have a price-is-right rate rule (nearest without going over)
08:14:21 <warlord> So that would need to be implemented, too.
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08:18:06 <alanbell> Is there any difference between the Print button and the Export as PDF... button?
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08:20:21 <chris> in the past yes. but webkit/gtk issues made one difficult
08:28:28 <gjanssens> Lots of attempts to grab my attention :)
08:28:28 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 18 hours and 22 minutes ago: <chris> https://pastebin.com/raw/dtPX0yxa I think is what you meant as kvp paths?
08:28:29 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 54 minutes ago: <warlord> can you check the IRC logs from 2019-04-02 07:32:00 US/EDT (13:30 CEDT)
08:28:30 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 54 minutes ago: <warlord> is there any reason that invoice_printreport_values<array> is hardcoded in src/gnucash/gnome/gnc-plugin-business.c instead of being a list in scheme that would allow a runtime addition of additional reports? Of course that would also imply that the glade file would need to be extensible as well.
08:28:38 <warlord> .
08:28:45 <warlord> gjanssens, indeed.
08:29:27 <gjanssens> About the selection of possible reports for invoice printing I agree this should become more flexible
08:29:52 <gjanssens> Bu I don't like the idea of simply moving this "hard-coding" from C to guile
08:30:22 <gjanssens> It should be user configurable (though not necessarily via a GUI - editing a config file can be sufficient)
08:30:30 <gjanssens> And the there are two aspects still
08:30:59 <gjanssens> Some users really want to work with a custom report, that is a new scheme file with a unique id
08:31:21 <gjanssens> So are only interested in using an existing report but with a modified set of default options
08:31:26 <gjanssens> We should support both
08:31:55 <gjanssens> And I hope to build on chris' current work of bringing the saved reports inside the book to provide the latter
08:32:18 <alanbell> could it be based on something like (gns:define-report 'type invoice) so a user report could be of type invoice and included in the list?
08:32:22 <gjanssens> That's in fact why I insisted on having unique guids for each saved option set
08:32:54 <gjanssens> alanbell: that's one way, though it would require a fairly big interface change to support that
08:33:57 <gjanssens> I can see how the duplicate guid violation could be tweaked to solve your issue in the shorter term
08:34:54 <gjanssens> If we can guarantee reports in GNC_USERCONFIG_DIR are loaded before the built-in reports the user's report could effectively replace the built-in one at load time
08:35:08 <gjanssens> There would still be the warning, but it's only that
08:35:35 <gjanssens> And in fact a small project I have been working on last week is exactly to review how to load reports
08:36:49 <gjanssens> And my idea was to look for reports in a directory GNC_USERCONFIG_DIR/reports instead of requiring the user-config.scm commands (or config-user.scm, I forget)
08:37:09 <alanbell> That would be a very acceptable solution IMHO, users can copy a standard report (including GUID) and tweak it how they like and have it load in preference to the central one
08:37:13 <gjanssens> I could make that so that reports in GNC_USERCONFIG_DIR/reports are loaded first
08:37:37 <gjanssens> That's for sure more realistic in the short term
08:39:15 <gjanssens> In the longer term I do think we should revisit the population of valid reports for invoice printing.
08:39:45 <gjanssens> However that will take a bit longer, so that's probably best recorded in bugzilla (if there isn't already a report for it)
08:40:23 <alanbell> and removing the need for defining reports in config.user.scm would be good especially as that file doesn't appear to get created by default
08:41:18 <gjanssens> jralls: I don't think there's much in the hook code to reduce the maint->master merge commit unless we code in the exception ourselves
08:41:47 <gjanssens> For the mail script a merge is just a push or commits like any other
08:42:27 <gjanssens> alanbell: that file should not be created by default. It's an optional mechanism for users to extend gnucash.
08:42:45 <gjanssens> Most people don't use it so it would just be clutter to create it by default.
08:43:01 <alanbell> yeah, it just isn't very guessable
08:43:22 <gjanssens> Or more generally: gnucash won't create or modify anything in GNC_USERCONFIG_DIR or below
08:43:32 <gjanssens> But it will scan it for useful bits
08:43:59 <chris> alanbell you can actually fix your problem by unregistering the default invoice and redefining your replacement, with exact same guid
08:44:00 <gjanssens> It's not guessable indeed. It should be documented and I think it is on the Custom Reports wiki page
08:44:14 <gjanssens> chris: that's also a cool hack
08:44:47 <chris> alanbell: (gnc:delete-report "original-guid")
08:45:39 <chris> do that 1 line before your (gnc:define-report 'guid "guid" ...)
08:47:14 <alanbell> oh OK, that could also go in the config-user.scm I guess. Nice.
08:48:12 <chris> because I managed to tame report.scm!
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10:20:06 <zerubbabel> "Process Payment" question: if a customer has a credit balance sufficient to cover the next invoice, how do I process the payment? (It shows up in the "Due Invoices Reminder" until I process it.)
10:25:37 <warlord> zerubbabel, there should be a way to apply the overage to the invoice. gjanssens -- what's the menu item to do that?
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10:26:13 <zerubbabel> Yes, that's what I was hoping. Just don't know where to find it.
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10:26:51 <warlord> Worst case, go into the A/R account, right-click on the overage split and click on the apply to customer?
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10:32:24 <zerubbabel> I don't see an "apply to customer" option. I guess I'll wait and see whether anyone knows a more straightforward way. It must be a common occurrence.
10:33:21 <warlord> zerubbabel, "assign as payment"?
10:39:06 <zerubbabel> Do you mean the transaction for the earlier overpayment?
10:41:40 <warlord> There should be a split in your A/R account which is the overpayment amount.
10:42:15 <warlord> Either that, or... if you just try to process payment for the new invoice, you should be able to apply the overpayment during that process by clicking on it.
10:42:18 <warlord> (I think)
10:43:20 <fell> chris: I have the strange feeling, moving saved-reports into the book is a bad idea. There is this old rule: keep data and data representation forms separate.
10:44:19 <zerubbabel> When I right-click on the overpayment transaction in A/R there is no option in the pop-up menu to "assign as payment" or anything like that. (I'm using version 3.3)
10:44:23 <warlord> fell, but saved reports are not data representation
10:44:52 <warlord> zerubbabel, then just try process payment for the invoice and see if the overpayment shows up as something you can apply.
10:45:43 <fell> I think making them book specific is valid, but that could also done by replacing the user specific file by a file aside of the book.
10:46:17 <zerubbabel> When I click "Process Payment" for the pending invoice in the reminder window, the credit appears above the amount of the current invoice, but it's not clear how to apply it...
10:46:18 <fell> ... report file aside ...
10:46:19 <warlord> fell, if you do that, then why not include it in the book data itself to make a user's life easier?
10:46:41 <warlord> zerubbabel, click on it?
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10:47:02 <warlord> I KNOW there is a way to do it; but I've never used this UI so don't know for sure.. and gjanssens is AFK
10:48:42 <zerubbabel> When I click the line where that credit appears, the bottom left section shows it as a refund. (I didn't click OK).
10:50:16 <zerubbabel> I tried just clicking OK for the current invoice, but then it records the amount of the invoice as a deposit in my general ledger.
10:50:24 <warlord> Do you have the invoice and the payment selected?
10:50:45 <warlord> You need to select BOTH in order to map them
10:50:52 <warlord> Go delete that added payment transaction/
10:51:06 <fell> It is a feeling and I have no very good example: Lets say to fulfil governmental rules after closing the year I sign the file with a key and save it onto a DVD. Then we get new reporting rules ...
10:51:57 <warlord> Retroactive reporting rules changes?
10:52:07 <warlord> ... that would change your *saved* reports?
10:53:47 <zerubbabel> Did that already. I don't understand. I just selected the invoice in the "Due Invoices Reminder" and clicked "Process Payment". Then the box comes up showing that invoice selected. The amount of the payment is in the "Payment" field. In the panel above, it shows the invoice amount highlighted, and above that is the transaction for the pre-payment. It doesn't let me select both lines simultaneously.
10:54:01 <fell> or I have an idea of better reporting
10:54:19 <warlord> zerubbabel, control-click
10:54:39 <zerubbabel> Tried that. It doesn't select it.
10:55:01 <warlord> Can you show a screenshot of what you're seeing?
10:55:09 <warlord> feel free to use imagebin
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10:56:41 <zerubbabel> I made the screenshot, but I'm don't know how to add it to this IRC thread.
10:56:58 <zerubbabel> I'm using Pidgin.
10:56:59 <warlord> zerubbabel, you need to upload it to a site like imagebin and then provide the image URL
10:57:09 <zerubbabel> Ok
10:58:37 <zerubbabel> https://pasteboard.co/I8hKG0k.png
10:59:22 <fell> Nice IRC image
10:59:33 <zerubbabel> sorry, got the wrong one...
11:00:06 <warlord> Hahah...
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11:01:12 <zerubbabel> https://pasteboard.co/I8hLTN5.png
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11:04:26 <warlord> Sorry, didn't see anything after my last laugh.
11:05:04 <zerubbabel> https://pasteboard.co/I8hLTN5.png
11:07:26 <warlord> zerubbabel, you should be able to click on both items. If not control-click, try shift-click?
11:08:55 <zerubbabel> Ah, yes, it worked this time, after I clicked on the unselected one first, and then the other.
11:09:22 <warlord> There you go!
11:09:37 <zerubbabel> It didn't seem to have the right effect, though.
11:10:19 <zerubbabel> Wait a minute... yes it did.
11:10:37 <warlord> Okay, I need to leave now..
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11:11:18 <zerubbabel> Thank you!
11:11:25 <warlord> you're welcome!
11:11:29 <warlord> Glad you got it working.
11:11:30 <warlord> TTYL
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11:52:40 <zerubbabel> Here is an update on the issue of processing a payment when the customer had a credit balance sufficient to cover the invoice. In the "process payment" dialog box, as suggested I selected both the current invoice and the earlier pre-payment, and clicked OK. This resulted in recording the payment for the current invoice, and also recording a debit in the general ledger for the customer's remaining credit balance, as if I were issuing a r
11:52:41 <zerubbabel> efund. That is not really what I wanted to do. I just wanted it to deduct the amount of the current invoice from the customer's credit balance, leaving him with a lower credit balance. There must be a better way to do this.
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11:57:12 <jralls> gjanssens: Re the mail hook, yes of course it would be another customization. That doesn't matter, we've already mostly rewritten it anyway.
11:59:06 <jralls> gjanssens: But on reflection I think we should do a size check on the patch size and collapse to a reference if it's too big... and 10K is probably a more sensible limit than 1M. Reviewing even a 10K patch in an email has got to be painful.
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13:16:06 <zerubbabel> On the issue of processing a payment when the customer had a credit balance sufficient to cover the invoice. In the "process payment" dialog box, as suggested by warlord, I selected both the current invoice and the earlier pre-payment, and clicked OK. This resulted in recording the payment for the current invoice, and also recording a debit in the general ledger for the customer's remaining credit balance, as if I were issuing a refund.
13:16:06 <zerubbabel> That is not really what I wanted to do. I just wanted it to deduct the amount of the current invoice from the customer's credit balance, leaving him with a lower credit balance. There must be a better way to do this.
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16:28:02 <gjanssens> @tell zeubbabel In that case you should: select process payment, in there select both the invoice and the pre-payment, *then* adjust the remaining balance to 0 (as there's no additional payment or refund to any account), and only then click ok
16:28:02 <gncbot> gjanssens: The operation succeeded.
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16:28:31 <gjanssens> jralls: the size check is a good and reasonable idea
16:28:36 <gjanssens> And now off to bed...
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21:19:27 <visika> Hi everyone! I was reading this article https://www.alexrecker.com/civ-budget.html and wondered if really there isn't a kind of report in gnucash that achieved the same result. Summarizing, the author wants a fast glimpse of how things are going in the last day, week, month, mixing planned transactions and day by day transactions. I'm not really deep in gnucash, so it may be dumb, but I'm curious about that
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22:59:51 <linas> check this out https://opencollective.com/secure-scuttlebutt-consortium
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23:18:49 <linas> scroll half way down. You can see their budget of communal funds.
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