2019-03-27 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:06:39 <chris> .
08:06:39 <gncbot> chris: Sent 11 hours and 17 minutes ago: <jralls> I'm not going to have time to work on that either until after release + taxes.
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09:02:43 <chris> good progress to save reports into kvp tree instead of live scheme :)
09:03:24 <warlord> cool!
09:19:22 <chris> I even found bug in your code... did you mean to overwrite the 'list' keyword in https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/commit/d461f68d6f93659172b509e46f8e68321e42ffb4#diff-6549144649808b01099eb92cfc057d26R606 ? note 3 lines later code tries to use 'list' which is now overwritten ^_^
09:19:50 <chris> never been tested in 17 years
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10:58:00 <chris> So I wouldn't claim to understand pros/cons of kvp/sql-tables, but the report->kvp seems a good choice... at most there would be maybe 102- options needing to be saved per saved-report.
10:59:07 <chris> I've now completed book-saved-reports using kvp only. next job is to fix this for embedded-reports.
11:03:25 <warlord> chris, the issue is the length of the table row. If you're storing scheme in a single string, it might be "too big"
11:05:42 <chris> Thence kvp save: https://pastebin.com/raw/QfaZ7cjF :)
11:06:57 <chris> thanks to your foresight I didn't have to write the serialization routines for each option-type
11:09:29 <warlord> you're welcome :)
11:12:31 <chris> "at most there would be maybe *10-20* options needing to be saved per saved-report."
11:13:14 <warlord> .. which should be under the 4k limit (assuming you have separate keys per report)
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11:15:28 <chris> I guess https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varchar is the cause
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11:27:52 <gjanssens> chris: nice to see you make progress here :)
11:28:16 <gjanssens> However I'm not too fond of your use of hierarchical slots
11:28:33 <gjanssens> We were trying to move away from this as it's a nightmare in sql
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11:29:53 <gjanssens> If you really want to use slots, at best make a toplevel frame for saved-reports and the one slot below this containing the complete report definition
11:30:21 <gjanssens> Initially perhaps as the executable guile string we had or otherwise immediately as a json blob
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11:38:13 <chris> my preference would be json blob because it will also be doubly useful for saving tabbed-reports
11:39:19 <chris> isn't json-in-xml or json-in-sql a bad hack?
11:40:17 <warlord> I think a json-blob is fine
11:40:26 <warlord> or even a CBOR blob
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12:00:25 <chris> gjanssens the executable guile string is exactly the state of my branch until HEAD^3
12:01:50 <chris> the issue will still be 4K limit
12:01:54 <gjanssens> chris: my apologies, I haven't had time to actually look at the code...
12:02:42 <gjanssens> the 4K limit may be an issue, we don't know yet :)
12:02:53 <chris> that's fine. i'm working away hence productive this week
12:03:13 <chris> i can limit to 1-slot-per-report
12:03:38 <chris> initially 1-slot=serialized, then 1-slot=json-string
12:03:39 <gjanssens> That's what I suggested, though perhaps not very clearly...
12:03:50 <gjanssens> And there's no need for a counter slot
12:04:06 <gjanssens> All slots in the "saved-reports" frame will be saved-reports
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12:09:43 <chris> I just tried... (qof-book-get-option b '("custom-templates")) doesn't give me the whole subtree, it segfaults. So I'll use counter.
12:11:52 <chris> off now
12:14:07 <gjanssens> I don't like it, but if that's how the function currently works...
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15:28:07 <fell> Which tooltip is better:
15:28:20 <fell> 1. Import a DTAUS file into GnuCash and transmit its orders by Online Banking
15:28:31 <fell> 2. Import a DTAUS file into GnuCash and send the transfers online through Online Banking.
15:30:23 <fell> jrall, did you already split aqb?
15:31:41 <fell> jralls
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15:43:36 <fell> if not, can you rebase before splitting?
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