2019-03-26 GnuCash IRC logs
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05:00:43 <chris> I am now fairly happy that book-reports is ready -- it loads from saved-reports but saves to book.
05:01:03 <chris> if it loads datafile with book-reports, it loads book-custom-reports
05:01:18 <chris> if it loads datafile without reports, it retains saved-reports
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06:01:50 <chris> Ok I really do NOT wish to overload Github with many branches. Where would it be suitable for show-and-tell?
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08:56:50 <chris> fao jralls thanks I've managed to calculate unrealized-gains and retained-earnings into balsheet-pnl... unfortunately the report is now a mess :-)
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12:19:37 <jralls> chris: Don't worry about overloading github. On the other hand don't forget to remove branches once they've been merged.
12:22:57 <jralls> chris: Also remember the backward-compatibility rule: Add the ability to read saved report configs from the book to maint and the ability to write them to master. Don't forget to add a Feature to protect earlier versions.
12:26:18 <jralls> IIUC what you've got is correct for maint: It reads and writes what it has found. The master version will always write to the book.
12:26:37 <jralls> chris: Now what do you mean about the balance-pnl report being messed up?
12:28:19 <chris> balsheet-pnl is just messy now; I'd initially envisaged the left-column to contain only accounts (multilevel subtotals) but if we want Equity section to include Unrealized-Gain and Retained-Earnings, I had to add another (vector) type as a parameter.
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12:29:47 <chris> w.r.t. writing saved-reports in maint, it can be done, however, it can lead to dataloss. if the new-book does contain book-saved-reports, it means that loading/saving new-book will modify the in-memory custom-reports-list.... and if we update saved-reports, it can lead to loss of saved-reports
12:30:46 <chris> I'll upload book-saved-reports to github for perusal... in my branch i've disabled writing saved-reports for safety... don't want any devs to lose their saved-reports! all custom-reports load/save in qof-book-option
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12:31:34 <jralls> chris: balsheet-pnl seems like a decomposition issue, but maybe I'm just thick this morning. The two G/L rows are just fake accounts, right?
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12:32:50 <chris> yes they are... but until yesterday the mega-function expected proper accounts, for account-depth and account-name etc... so I've had to augment it to understand vector fake-accounts
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12:34:22 <jralls> I guess I misunderstood what you wrote earlier about saved configs. You said that if the data file had saved report configs it would read and write those otherwise it would read and write saved-reports-2.8. That's indeed what the maint version should do. That should be safe.
12:35:35 <chris> \o/
12:35:48 <chris> theoretically if the commit is merged, saved-reports will no longer be written ever
12:36:23 <chris> I'll submit PR but would strongly advise close scrutiny
12:36:36 <chris> I have no idea guarding/feature stuff
12:37:05 <jralls> That's the master version. And you need to learn about Features. It can be your gentle prod to start on C. ;-)
12:38:59 <jralls> So for maint you need to modify it so that it branches on the feature, saving to the book only if the feature is set and to saved-reports-2.8 otherwise.
12:40:10 <chris> hm ok will restore the saved-reports writing tomorrow.
12:41:27 <jralls> Is there a PR for balsheet-pnl, maybe named something else?
12:45:05 <chris> ok now off to sleep :)
12:46:40 <chris> actually "You said that if the data file had saved report configs it
12:46:41 <chris> would read and write those otherwise it would read and write
12:46:41 <chris> saved-reports-2.8." no it's not safe
12:46:59 <chris> Imagine global saved-reports has reports for books A B C
12:47:32 <chris> now load book A, write book-saved-reports, trim B and C from saved-reports because now we know we're saving in book
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12:48:19 <jralls> Yes, I understand that what you have isn't safe. That's why it's for master.
12:48:27 <chris> ok
12:48:33 <chris> I thought so
12:49:04 <chris> that's why I opted to remove writing global file in this prelim work
12:54:29 <jralls> I think leaving saved-reports-2.8 intact is wise and not temporary. It can save the config to the book and set the feature, and all new/modified saved configs go to the book, and once the feature is set all reads are from the book. Saved-reports-2.8 can just stay as-is until the user decides that it's superfluous and deletes it herself.
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13:15:44 <jralls> chris: I see what you mean about "god functions" in balsheet-pnl. It would benefit greatly from more decomposition and moving the bigger lambdas to separate functions.
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13:43:30 <warlord> is there any reason not to *save* to both the book and saved-reports-2.8?
13:47:09 <jralls> warlord: Because saved-reports-2.8 is a wart that we want to burn off?
13:48:29 <jralls> Unless we go really crazy with KVP saving the report configs in the file is a breaking change anyway.
13:49:39 <warlord> Sure, but I meant in the short term for backwards compatibility.
13:51:12 <jralls> Again, unless the report-config goes into KVP instead of its own element/database table it's a breaking change. The book won't be readable by older versions.
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14:12:20 <warlord> True. I thought the plan was KVP. If not, they yeah, it's a format-breaking change so no need.
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14:15:03 <jralls> A saved config is a lot to jam into KVP and there's a 4K limit to slot strings in the SQL backend.
14:15:59 <bizaff> i'm having a hell of a time getting AqBanking to work with gnucash 3.3 on windows 10.. i can connect to Vanguard and download accounts, but when i try to download transactions, i get an HTTP-Status: 400 (Bad Request) and no transactions -- I tried setting AQOFX_LOG_COM to 1 in my environment, but never see an ofx.log anywhere.. also tried going to
14:16:00 <bizaff> preferences and enabling Verbose debug messages under Online Banking, but it clears everytime i close that dialog so i'm guessing it's not saving
14:16:45 <jralls> I'd also like to see the change that gjanssens proposed the other day: saved configs should themselves be keys and values not scheme code. It's a huge attack surface the way it is now.
14:21:25 <jralls> bizaff: That instruction about AQOFX_LOG_COMM is *ancient*. I think you want to set AQOFXCONNECT_LOGLEVEL=debug. You can do that by editing (as administrator) c:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\etc\gnucash\environment.user.
14:22:31 <bizaff> thanks, i'll give that a try - https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Setting_up_OFXDirectConnect still calls out the ancient text
14:22:58 <jralls> Yeah, I saw that. Follow the link to AQBanking Debugging, it's more up to date.
14:23:12 <warlord> jralls, agreed. changing to data as opposed to code would be a major win
14:25:05 <jralls> bizaff: You might download http://www.ofxhome.com/index.php/home/ofxget and check the settings against what you have in AQB. AQB should have pulled that in when you selected it from the menu, but maybe there was an error.
14:26:27 <jralls> bizaff: The ofxhome Vanguard page says they successfully connected today, but I doubt that means that they successfully pulled transactions.
14:29:26 <bizaff> i went down a rabbit hole of finding http://www.jongsma.org/gc/bankinfo/getfidata.sh.gz from the wayback archive.. is this ofxget a replacement for that?
14:32:14 <gjanssens> jralls: about this breaking change, should the last version of gnucash 3.x be able to open the book if it has saved reports stored in the book ?
14:32:32 <gjanssens> I would think so, and IIUYC you think so too
14:32:46 <jralls> gjanssens: Yes, of course. That's what chris and I were talking about earlier.
14:32:56 <gjanssens> Ok, then I understood you correctly
14:33:49 <jralls> It's perfectly OK if 3.6+ can understand it, of course.
14:35:16 <jralls> gjanssens: I got guile 2.2 HEAD to build on Windows over the weekend, but it didn't work, maybe because I didn't do a good enough job of cleaning out 2.0.4 first. I'll try again after release + taxes.
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14:36:09 <gjanssens> Ok, bummer it didn't work :(
14:37:11 <jralls> At least it built all the way through. That's a big improvement over 2.2.4, which hung up at the texi.
14:38:35 <jralls> Since all the way through means compiling its modules it means that it does work inside the build directory. That points at an installation problem.
14:44:04 <gjanssens> Right
14:48:52 <jralls> gjanssens: I'm afraid the ITSTool review is going to have to wait for after release + taxes too. :-(
14:50:38 <gjanssens> :D Of course
14:51:28 <gjanssens> This is very much a work in progress and the PR is there only for further discussion in the future
14:51:47 * gjanssens doesn't have that much time to work on it anyway
14:52:06 <gjanssens> But I didn't want the topic to get lost in a closed PR
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14:57:51 <jralls> Right. Anyway, time for lunch.
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14:58:07 <gjanssens> Enjoy your meal
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15:42:51 <bizaff> per https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/AqBanking#Debugging i set those 4 environment variables in C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\etc\gnucash\environment.local (AQBANKING_LOGLEVEL and AQOFXCONNECT_LOGLEVEL to debug) as well as changing the exetype of gnucash.exe to CONSOLE from WINDOWS (there is no gnucash-bin.exe ) - i don't see an ofx.log created anywh
15:42:51 <bizaff> ere, and the console doesn't print out anything related to ofx connection
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16:14:32 <jralls> bizaff: Did you look in <home>\AppData\Local\Temp?
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16:51:27 <bizaff> there's some gnucash.trace.?????? files that have some debug messages from things like * 14:49:34 CRIT <aqofxconnect> C:/gcdev64/gnucash/releases/src/aqbanking-5.7.8/src/plugins/backends/aqofxconnect/plugin/provider.c: 837: Error exchanging getStatements-request (400) but no details of the http transaction
16:52:29 <bizaff> does C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\etc\gnucash\environment.local certainly get parsed for environment at startup? that's what C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\etc\gnucash\environment claims..
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16:54:46 <jralls> bizaff: Yes.
16:57:19 <jralls> bizaff: Oh, the debugging aqbanking section says that the messages get written to stdout. That means you need to run GnuCash from a terminal (powershell or cmd) and you'll probably want to redirect output to a file.
16:57:26 <bizaff> i'm assuming the bulk or entirety of the html transaction gets saved somewhere.. is that in the gnucash.trace.?????? file or elsewhere?
16:59:42 <bizaff> ok, i did use exetype to change gnucash.exe (not gnucash-bin.exe since that doesn't exist) to type CONSOLE, so when gnucash starts up it has a terminal window, but i don't see anything interesting in there.. from startup to where the aqbanking transaction fails, this is all i get: 3:2019/03/26 14-58-13:gwen(17996):C:/gcdev64/gnucash/releases/src/g
16:59:42 <bizaff> wenhywfar-4.20.0/src/base/i18n.c: 120: No translation found for WIN32 locale [English_United States.1252]Found Finance::Quote version 1.38Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
17:02:41 <bizaff> same if i actually invoke it from a cmd prompt (without the gtkdialog message)
17:08:34 <jralls> Hmm. I set the variables in environment.local and I'm getting a lot of output. You didn't include "export", did you?
17:15:08 <bizaff> nope
17:15:35 <bizaff> pretend there's \ns in there
17:18:46 <bizaff> both files have the same end of line characters
17:22:16 <bizaff> tried setting all 4 to debug, no change
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17:24:02 <bizaff> not sure if this is relevant, whenever i go to Edit->Preferences->Online Banking and try to check Verbose debug messages, it never seems to stick; if i check that option, close the dialog, and reopen it, that box is not checked
17:24:40 <jralls> I see a bunch of messages from gwen going to stdout, nothing from AQB even with a successful transfer. gnucash.trace had 3 warnings from aqofxconnect and one from gwen.
17:24:54 <jralls> Makes me think that logging is broken in aqb.
17:26:06 <fell> also no gogging below .~/aqbanking?
17:26:18 <jralls> Though two of the aqofxconnect messages are "Overriding loglevel for AqOFXConnect with "debug"".
17:26:41 <jralls> fell: Nope.
17:27:49 <fell> On which aqb version? the old or the beta?
17:29:35 <fell> for aqb 5.99 we need to apply Martins patches.
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17:40:43 <jralls> I prefer not to put betas in the GnuCash bundles, and I haven't updated AQB in a while. It's at 5.7.8 on both Mac and Win32.
17:41:01 <fell> bizall: offtopic: your FQ version should be 1.47 since a year.
17:43:11 <jralls> Which was actually the "latest and greatest" at the last GC release in December. Only betas now, looks like he's getting ready to release 6.0.0 soon. I'll try that myself locally before inflicting on unsuspecting users.
17:46:16 <fell> Should we restrict the version of Aqb <5.99 until we apply the patches?
17:46:51 <fell> just in case some distries might release 5.. or 6.0 nin between
17:47:13 <fell> 5.99
17:48:11 <jralls> "Some distros" would be Arch. Nah, their users want bleeding edge, let them bleed. They're not unsuspecting.
17:48:38 <jralls> Besides, the Arch packager will just hack out the block.
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18:19:27 <fell> Jralls, I believe you misunderstood me. Martin might release aqb 6 before we release GC 3.6. Then packager will have a problem.
18:20:05 <fell> GC3.6 including the patches for the interface
18:21:15 <jralls> Ah, you're reminding me that Martin told us a couple of months ago that the API we use is changing and we need to adapt to it to run with AQB6. OK.
18:21:46 <bizaff> aqbanking version
18:22:11 <jralls> bizaff: Yeah.
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18:23:58 <bizaff> oh, now i see where you said that
18:26:07 <bizaff> so i'm on 3.3, but i see there's a 3.4 - i'm assuming both have 5.7.8 aqbanking?
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18:31:55 <jralls> bizaff: Yes, all 3.x releases so far have 5.7.8, it's the latest stable. The AQB developer has been working on a major update, that's what fell and I were just talking about.
18:32:31 <bizaff> yep, got it.. so i either wait or go get one of these betas to play with?
18:33:07 <fell> The beta has a different api and will not run
18:33:25 <bizaff> ohhh, well then i guess i wait :)
18:34:41 <bizaff> you know, i read your conversation but apparently just didn't parse it right cause i see you've said all this. ok, well i'll just download qif or ofx or qfx or whatever till there's a release
18:35:05 <jralls> bizaff: It's extremely unlikely that your problem has anything to do with the AQB version.
18:35:41 <fell> Or apply https://www.aquamaniac.de/rdm/attachments/download/76/20190103-patches-gnucash-aqbanking6.tar.gz on your owwn risk. ;-)
18:36:42 <jralls> fell: Building GnuCash and AQB on Windows is not for the faint of heart.
18:37:04 <bizaff> i thought you meant 5.7.8 had broken logging that would be fixed in 6? maybe i misunderstood
18:37:38 <fell> https://www.aquamaniac.de/rdm/attachments/download/82/20190305-gnucash-patches-aqbanking6.tar.gz is more recent
18:37:44 <bizaff> yeah, i don't really have the patience to deal with all that.. maaaaaaaybe if i were building this for linux, but the windows stuff always seems to be death by a thousand paper cuts
18:45:18 <jralls> bizaff: I've no idea what's in AQB6, only that the developer has told us that there are API changes and has written up some patches for us to accommodate them. He's probably unaware that logging isn't working.
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18:50:52 <fell> From aqb ML: Went with the "export AQOFX_LOG_COMM=1; /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash" command.
18:51:46 <fell> from a user complaining about Unable to generate ofx.log
18:58:31 <fell> jralls, does that help you to get some output?
19:02:33 <jralls> fell: testing...
19:02:40 <jralls> fell: Meanwhile, https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/pull/479
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19:06:30 <jralls> fell: Aha! That does work, it writes to /tmp/ofx.log. bizaff, where it writes to is displayed in the AQBanking status window. There's a note in the wiki page about making sure that C:\tmp exists and is writable.
19:07:07 <fell> Do we have it in the wiki?
19:07:43 <fell> credits go to DBReiser
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19:12:11 <jralls> It is, but the note says that it's for Windows 2000!
19:13:10 <bizaff> didn't work for me
19:13:48 <jralls> bizaff, did you put it in environment.local?
19:15:50 <bizaff> wait, put precisely what in environment.local? and i don't see anything regarding a log file in the "Online Banking Connection Window"
19:27:08 <jralls> bizaff: AQOFX_LOG_COMM=1
19:27:37 <jralls> on its own line, of course
19:28:03 <bizaff> oh, i foolishly thought that was referring to one of the 4 i already had in.. hold pleeze
19:33:49 <bizaff> nope, added that to the other 4 and no go
19:37:17 <bizaff> wait, i put that in environment.local.. lemme try adding that to the windows environment..
19:37:27 <bizaff> i found the c:\tmp note you were talking about
19:42:21 <bizaff> ok - progress - maybe not a whole chicken dinner, but at least a wing or something - it worked when i added it to the windows environment, but NOT environment.local in the install directory.. and my data files are located in D:\users\me not C:, and it wrote that file to D:\tmp\ofx.log
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19:56:10 * fell needs some food...
19:58:51 <bizaff> so i see a bunch of xml of what's sent, but no response, unless the 400 is it.. anyone happen to have a .conf that works with vanguard? i'm guessing i can just tweak that
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20:05:16 <chris> wrt book-saved-reports - I can probably reuse kvp<->scm mechanisms to save individual options into complex kvp tree
20:05:35 <chris> wrt god-mode function I agree needs breaking up
20:06:59 <chris> if you have any opinion on styling/features/issues for balsheet-pnl, I'd be keen to know before any work
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20:49:04 <jralls> @tell chris I'm not going to have time to work on that either until after release + taxes.
20:49:04 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
20:51:07 <jralls> bizaff: I put up a URL for ofxhome's vanguard config. That's what AQB should have downloaded when you configured but you should check to make sure that every matches. Then look at the AQB pages on our wiki about tweaking. OFX version and Quicken version are common things to have to mess with.
20:53:15 <jralls> bizaff: HTTP responses aren't likely to make it into that file, but with OFX protocol understanding you might be able to figure out if there's actually a problem with the request.
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21:03:08 <bizaff> i'm sorry, put up a URL where?
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21:26:32 <fell> jralls: PR479 will only run if AQBANKING_VERSION_INT >= 59900
21:28:15 <fell> Because we still have to support 5.x we have either to insert many #if AQBANKING_VERSION ...
21:28:56 <fell> or, as suggested create 2 directories for aqb5 and aqb6
21:33:43 <fell> bizaff: at ofxhome
21:34:54 <fell> http://www.ofxhome.com/index.php/institution/view/479
21:41:00 <bizaff> data { backend { char bankName="Vanguard Group, The" char brokerId="vanguard.com" char org="Vanguard" char fid="15103" char serverAddr="https%3A%2F%2Fvesnc.vanguard.com%2Fus%2FOfxDirectConnectServlet" char appId="QWIN" char appVer="2600" char headerVer="102" char securityType="" int httpVMajor="1" int httpVMinor=
21:41:01 <bizaff> "1" } #backend} #data
21:42:24 <bizaff> that's my .conf file.. looks like bankName doesn't go over the xml.. org, fid, serverAddr, http versions look good, not sure what headerVer is exactly, and appId and appVer I'm not sure what they should be
21:43:28 <bizaff> looks like the UIDs are just dates stuck into those fields, not sure if that's ok
21:43:31 <fell> http://www.ofxhome.com/ofxforum/viewtopic.php?id=47530
21:44:01 <fell> last entry?
21:47:10 <bizaff> is that really implying i need to edit python code? i don't even see that file on my install anywhere
21:48:28 <fell> No, enabling cookies in the app which does the communication.
21:49:16 <fell> I don't know directofx, here we use FinTS.
21:50:28 <bizaff> i don't see anywhere to enable cookies in gnucash, or in the AqBanking wizard
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23:12:37 <jralls> fell: Yeah, the diffs are big enough that an aqb6 dir makes more sense than a ton of #ifdefs.
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23:15:57 <fell> jralls, I will see your progress tomorrow. Bed time for me.:-)
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