2019-03-19 GnuCash IRC logs
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00:48:57 <intangir> can you show an account in more than one place?
00:49:26 <intangir> like if i wanted to make some sections for specific investments, to organize the specific liability, asset and expenses under that location also
00:49:37 <intangir> not actually double count it, just kind of like a symlink for it
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00:52:33 <intangir> or that something you setup on reports somwhere, i haven't gotten into any reports yet
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02:02:27 <karelk> when I finish reconciliation of my credit card, earlier I got a dialog window where I could schedule the credit card payment
02:02:37 <karelk> now, for some reason, I don't get this dialog window anymore
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03:12:52 <gjanssens> .
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07:41:31 <chris> my ssh key still works \o/
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08:25:31 <warlord> chris, excellent!
08:26:56 <warlord> karelk, there is a setting for whether to pop up the payment dialog. Also, it will only pop up if there is a payment due. Also, it wont pop up if you do include subaccounts.
08:27:45 <warlord> intangir, an account can only be in one place in the hierarchy. Reports can re-adjust as necessary (but you might need to write some report code to do that)
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08:59:31 <gjanssens> chris: I'm sorry to hear of your data loss issues yesterday
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09:38:44 <warlord> Uggh. My wifi on my laptop appears to be failing...
09:38:49 <warlord> (or something)
09:39:01 <warlord> It can connect, but wont actually transmit/receive packets.
09:39:09 <warlord> I know it's my laptop, because another laptop works just fine.
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10:09:22 <gjanssens> Wow, looks like Wm got another fit recently and this time on bugzilla :(
10:09:39 * gjanssens has just caught up reading all the messages of the past two weeks
10:09:47 <gjanssens> Now to reply to plenty still...
10:11:33 <warlord> Clearly not on bugs where I receive email..
10:11:39 <warlord> (thank the deity)
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10:23:26 <gjanssens> warlord: it's on bugs related to trial balance and advanced portfolio
10:23:56 <gjanssens> I see those bug mails, but they're not my area of expertise within gnucash either...
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10:30:06 * warlord nods. I kind of heard that he had popped up on BZ. I don't know if there is a way to moderate a user there. :(
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11:21:04 <jralls> Not as far as I can tell. We can change the password and email address so that he can't log in, but he can easily enough just register a new userid.
11:23:48 <jralls> intangir: No, there's no provision for symlinks to put the same account in more than one place in the hierarchy.
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11:40:07 <chris> the best troll defence is DNFTT
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11:42:27 <warlord> gjanssens, where did you go on holiday?
11:42:41 <warlord> chris, DNFTT?
11:43:09 <gjanssens> warlord: I was in Indonesia. A few days in Bandung and then 8 days on Lombok
11:43:20 <gjanssens> DNFTT is "Do Not Feed The Troll"...
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11:43:51 <warlord> gjanssens, SWEET! I have friends on Lombok. I should get there one of these decades.
11:44:10 <gjanssens> warlord: btw thanks for your supportive responses to Wm on the devel list
11:44:12 <warlord> and thanks for the acronym expansion.
11:44:20 <chris> oh if I knew I'd have hopped on the plane to indonesia
11:44:35 <warlord> gjanssens, you are welcome.
11:44:36 <gjanssens> I still can't bear to reply myself :(
11:44:43 <chris> but perhaps you had a well deserved break!
11:44:57 <gjanssens> chris: I did :) On a very isolated beach
11:45:23 <gjanssens> Only 11 bungalows all occupied by the group we travelled with...
11:45:30 <gjanssens> It was great
11:45:58 <gjanssens> To wet your appetite: https://www.jeevaresorts.com/beloam/ :)
11:46:51 <warlord> gjanssens, sounds wonderful!
11:47:11 <warlord> gjanssens, also, feel free to take your time before you respond.
11:47:18 <warlord> (did you already unblock him at your inbox?)
11:47:26 <warlord> chris, how far are you from Lombok?
11:48:32 <gjanssens> warlord: I haven't unblocked him yet, but I do see responses from others to his messages
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11:49:15 <chris> ah not that close 12h including connections
11:49:17 <warlord> Ah, okay. Liz has been moderating him a lot, so what's getting through is definitely a higher S/N ratio.
11:49:49 * chris could tolerate anger but not personal expletives
11:52:17 <chris> in any case I'd hope that my scheme changes are not damaging; I've tried to label as much as possible, and any behavioural changes are documented to the hilt
11:53:33 <warlord> The worst part here is that Wm DOES have a valid point. It was a mistake to put book-specific data (e.g. GUIDs) into saved reports and have those saved reports NOT be book-specific.
11:54:18 <warlord> however, none of this was your doing, gjanssens === that was done a long time ago. You just didn't FIX it when you played in the saved-report UI.
11:54:26 <warlord> (I don't blame you for not fixing it)
11:55:35 <gjanssens> :)
11:55:42 <gjanssens> I know
11:55:47 <chris> I think I can give it a go eventually... the report code is a moderate-sized mess, but I'd just like to know the proper entry points for "save reports" which writes live guile code.
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11:56:02 <chris> also "load reports" which reloads the above live guile code
11:56:24 <gjanssens> chris: IIRC it's all in report.scm
11:56:56 <chris> (in comparison options.scm is a schizophrenic-type mess)
11:57:04 <gjanssens> Though at some point I may have delegated the actual file loading to C due to filename encoding issues I didn't understand back then
11:57:35 <chris> ^ exactly
11:57:45 <warlord> Yes, the options also need to be restructured into the various categories properly.
11:57:56 <gjanssens> Oh and by the way I indeed agree storing saved reports separately from the data file should be fixed
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11:58:27 <gjanssens> And like you say, just not the thing I was targetting in my file location changes
12:01:03 <warlord> Right.
12:01:28 <warlord> So I was correct in my last statement that you DO agree with Wm's point ;)
12:02:48 <jralls> That's the problem with Wm. He does sometimes have legitimate points and complaints. Picking them out from all of the noise can be a challenge, and he is absolutely convinced that he's never wrong about anything.
12:03:09 <warlord> It's ONE problem with Wm ;)
12:03:12 <warlord> (he has others, too)
12:03:37 <warlord> I did try to impress upon him today to keep things short & sweet and to play nicely.
12:09:47 <jralls> And then wrote a rather longish reply... ;-)
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12:14:28 <chris> gjanssens when you have recovered and can send me pointers to save/load reports I'll go dig :)
12:14:38 <chris> (no rush)
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12:30:58 <gjanssens> chris: ok
12:31:13 <gjanssens> Should I forget, feel free to remind me in a week or so
12:34:47 <gjanssens> BTW chris, you're about 12 hours away from Lombok and would have jumped on a plane to meet ? Impressive...
12:34:55 <gjanssens> Where are you located ?
12:36:11 <gjanssens> BBIAB...
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12:39:10 <jralls> chris: Are you OK with https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/pull/472?
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12:58:22 <gjanssens> jralls: I see you have been very active in gtk while I was awa, resultingin a nice round of bug cleanups in our bz
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12:59:34 <jralls> Take a look at https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/commits/gtk-3-24
13:00:45 <jralls> Heh, missed the "gtk" in there.
13:02:37 <gjanssens> Still impressive :)
13:02:58 <jralls> Next on that list is bringing DnD up to date (the current implementation was deprecated in 10.7!) and cleaning out all of the deprecated API, then merging to master so that I can get it to build and not crash on MacOS.
13:03:39 <jralls> But for now, back to GnuCash to get ready for releasing at the end of the month.
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13:06:50 <gjanssens> Right
13:13:33 <jralls> On that subject, https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/pull/457. I'm not terribly familiar with bill and invoice posting. Do you have time to review it?
13:22:32 <gjanssens> Yeah, I saw that PR today for the first time. I plan to have a look later this week.
13:23:18 <jralls> OK.
13:25:41 <jralls> New subject: The GNC_DOT_DIR/GNC_CONFIG_DIR runs at start up if GNC_CONFIG_DIR isn't found, right?
13:26:36 <gjanssens> You mean the migration ?
13:27:15 <gjanssens> I think it's triggered if GNC_DATA_DIR is not found and GNC_DOT_DIR is.
13:27:45 <gjanssens> GNC_CONFIG_DIR is not checked separately but some files may be put there during migration
13:28:09 <gjanssens> And I also think it's hardcoded to look for $HOME/.gnucash instead of GNC_DOT_DIR
13:29:17 <gjanssens> Yep, it's hardcoded to $HOME/.gnucash
13:30:08 <gjanssens> That's one of the minor things I still wanted to fix. I think it should check for the existence of the GNC_DOT_DIR env variable and use that instead of the hard-coded default if it exists
13:30:15 <jralls> Yeah, there's no reliable way to know that GNC_DOT_DIR was defined for GC2.
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13:30:58 <gjanssens> It can still be set in the environment by the user, but that's the best we can hope for
13:31:37 <gjanssens> If it's no longer set, the migration may try to migrate from an obsolete .gnucash directory
13:32:26 <gjanssens> And I guess that may have been what happened to Wm by the way, but he never was willing to give me sufficient detail to analyse further
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13:44:22 <gjanssens> jralls: was there ever a saved-reports-2.6 ? I can't remember we bumped the version number for the 2.6 series.
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13:46:24 <jralls> I think you're right, I have only saved-reports-2.4 too.
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16:17:00 <warlord> The joys of a rebooted router to fix wifi..
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19:34:52 <markolino> Hi everyone. I'm a Spanish user of GNUCash and in the 3.4 version of the software thre's an issue when trying to use Spanish as the working language. The dates of all transactions show deteted when using the files in the Spanish environment (this didn't happen in the 3.2 version). Does anyone is acquainted about this?
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