2019-03-10 GnuCash IRC logs
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06:45:22 <SomeBloke> @fell I ran GnuCash with admin privileges, but nothing changed
06:45:22 <gncbot> SomeBloke: Error: "fell" is not a valid command.
06:45:38 <SomeBloke> fell I ran GnuCash with admin privileges, but nothing changed
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07:05:46 <SomeBloke> One thing that I did do was tinker with the language settings in the config files, to change the language to english while still using the french system
07:08:23 <chris> this is an important clue, perhaps you can undo this. guile has issues when locale isn't exactly right
07:18:36 <SomeBloke> i'm currently redownloading and reisntalling gnucash 3.4
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10:15:34 <frakturfreak> fell: Lust ja, mal sehen ob ich auch die Zeit finde. Aber ja ich kann mal nachschauen.
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15:36:47 <jralls_afk> @tell SomeBloke Your problem is https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=796996. It's fixed and you can get a working GnuCash by installing a recent nightly build from https://code.gnucash.org/builds/win32/maint.
15:36:47 <gncbot> jralls_afk: The operation succeeded.
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15:44:19 <jralls> chris: Adding an Experimental group to the standard reports is an interesting idea. The sample and custom section is really for tutorial reports to help people get started writing their own.
15:48:46 <jralls> chris: But if your concern is about the 4 price-source options then it applies to all reports for accounts having multiple commodities. I think in that case you should remove the warning and merge the report.
15:50:30 <jralls> chris: The meat of the concern about pricing would then go into your commodity-utils branch. Perhaps more unit tests would help your understanding and either improve your confidence or show up problems to fix.
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15:54:46 <frakturfreak> jralls, chris Isn’t there already the --extras startup switch, maybe it can be coupled with that
15:56:04 <frakturfreak> As for whether one sees the reports listed or not.
15:59:38 <jralls> frakturfreak: There is. I think it doesn't do anything ATM but it's another option for beta-testing new features. We might want to rename it to make the beta-ness more clear.
16:01:29 <frakturfreak> jralls: The only thing it really offers is a new GL view (which has the added bonus of seeing the data entry date of a transaction and the exchange rates and currencies used for every line, however it’s filtered in a weird way and I can’t scroll back very far).
16:06:36 <jralls> frakturfreak: Oh, duh, it creates a new top-level menu called "Extensions" with that "Register 2 Open GL Account" and a business "test search dialog" and "initialize test data".
16:07:47 <frakturfreak> Yes I’ve just described the one feature actually useful somewhat, the other two are for testing.
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16:12:27 <jralls> I'm not sure I'd call that actually useful since it's register2. That was Bob Fewell's effort 5 years ago to rewrite the register using GtkTreeView instead of the custom tree view from 15 years ago. He ran into a bunch of bugs that he couldn't fix and it's effectively abandoned. Be careful with it, opening an account in both register and register2 will crash GnuCash.
16:13:31 <frakturfreak> Nice to know.
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16:25:11 <jralls> warlord, re Wm Tarr's latest, is he in fact blocked?
16:32:59 <warlord> jralls, I have not done anything to block him.
16:34:51 <warlord> Looks like he might have registered as a new address?
16:35:46 <warlord> Or was he always wm_o_o_o?
16:36:04 <warlord> Oh, wait -- this mail was to us personally.
16:36:16 <jralls> Right.
16:36:39 <warlord> Maybe he is blocked.
16:36:51 <jralls> So I'm about to ask Liz if she blocked him somehow.
16:37:18 <jralls> Or does cstim have access to do anything?
16:39:49 <warlord> I don't recall if cstim has access.
16:43:12 <jralls> OK, I'll ask both of them. IIRC cstim was going to send Wm an admonishment letter, but if he did he didn't copy me. Do you know if he really did?
17:00:01 <warlord> I don't know. He didn't copy me if he did.
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19:16:24 <chris> jralls - my maint-balsheet-pnl does have pricing issues like every other report. it also has a limitation that networth/income-statement unrealized/trading gains are *not* reported; i'm not that clever. but then again the main utility of the periodic networth/income-statement is for the conventional single-currency user who doesn't really need gains. I know I like to know periodic reports and I don't ever use capgains. so, the networth
19:16:25 <chris> asset+liability will not balance to equity.
19:17:22 <chris> moreover there are numerous commits that i did while developing; I think I'll fixup all together... no need to show the work in maint!
19:27:29 <jralls> chris: +1 about the last.
19:31:34 <jralls> Unrealized gain is just the difference between the "average cost" balance and the "nearest in time" balance of a particular account.
19:32:22 <chris> if it's that simple, I can *try*
19:32:49 <jralls> There should already be a function for it that you need only call.
19:34:10 <chris> balance-sheet.scm doesn't have a function for it, I know for sure.
19:35:59 <chris> ok i'll get back on it. if I can make it work before end-of-march I'll merge it in.
19:36:18 <chris> otherwise balance-forecast is a nice one to merge
19:37:06 <jralls> Yeah, balance-sheet.scm isn't very well decomposed. Looks like the code for it starts at line 544.
19:43:41 <chris> ok off work for today!
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