2019-02-26 GnuCash IRC logs
01:12:25 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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06:27:42 <chris> GnuFiBux's recent change to report.scm has really multiplied the code smell, and the 'old-report' code is now unintelligible.
06:32:41 * chris would be keen to nuke old-report-code mechanism
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07:08:25 <chris> https://github.com/christopherlam/gnucash/commits/maint-report-refactoring is current iteration... makes report.scm less embarrassing (tag gjanssens)
07:12:37 <gjanssens> chris: I see you are very busy :)
07:12:55 <gjanssens> Unfortunately I can't review atm...
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07:23:37 <chris> sure not needing review; just trying to make this code less stinky!
07:26:24 <chris> if anything https://github.com/christopherlam/gnucash/commits/maint is my current proposal to fix gnufibux's test-report-system.scm which I believe was badly done. only the last commit would be worth a quick glance -- I'd hope is far less stinky :)
07:27:40 <chris> (my belief that a function being tested shouldn't be modified to return #f just to signify success -- test failure/success should be contingent upon testing *outcome* e.g. successful report definition populating the report-templates list.
07:27:59 <chris> *return #f just to signify failure
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07:56:18 <gjanssens> chris: to be pedantic counting the number of test templates is not exactly the same as testing for a successful gnc:define-report run
07:57:03 <gjanssens> If you don't like the higher level asserts, just move them into each check function directly
07:57:29 <gjanssens> (well, that's my suggestion anyway)
08:03:14 <gjanssens> And nevermind my last comment. I re-read your commit message and understand it is your goal to change gnc:define-report to no longer consistently emit #f on failure
08:03:26 <gjanssens> Or an even more profound refactoring
08:03:52 <chris> exactly. my issue is https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/maint/gnucash/report/report-system/report.scm#L190 - it's being labelled "report-definition is faulty; has no name" returning #f, but this #f was inserted at the *wrong* close-parens level, and was being used to return "report-definition has no guid; autogenerated guid used" and the #f was being used in test-report-system to detect 'no-guid report definition'. wrong, wrong,
08:03:52 <chris> wrong.
08:04:04 <chris> this #f is new in june 2018.
08:04:38 <chris> anyway, i'm emotional about this.
08:04:50 <chris> functions shouldn't be aware they're being tested!
08:06:29 <gjanssens> That part I fully agree with :)
08:07:13 <chris> this #f should be the "else" part of https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/maint/gnucash/report/report-system/report.scm#L149 but has been written to be the "returned-value" part of https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/maint/gnucash/report/report-system/report.scm#L148
08:07:15 <chris> makes all the difference!
08:08:10 <gjanssens> I started my pedantic message assuming return #f was used by gnucash to detect failed report generation. I now get your point it was only added for testing...
08:10:18 <chris> perhaps one day, report.scm will save reports into KVP tree :)
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08:48:58 <gjanssens> @tell chris I hope not. KVP should die. I do hope one day we will have a proper data structure to store reports though.
08:48:58 <gncbot> gjanssens: The operation succeeded.
08:50:20 <gjanssens> @tell chris And by the way before that time I hope saved report presets will have been transformed into something like json or yaml. I can't think of a good reason to save it as executable scheme.
08:50:20 <gncbot> gjanssens: The operation succeeded.
08:50:53 <gjanssens> @tell chris before that time or at the same time at least
08:50:53 <gncbot> gjanssens: The operation succeeded.
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09:33:41 <chris> .
09:33:41 <gncbot> chris: Sent 44 minutes ago: <gjanssens> I hope not. KVP should die. I do hope one day we will have a proper data structure to store reports though.
09:33:42 <gncbot> chris: Sent 43 minutes ago: <gjanssens> And by the way before that time I hope saved report presets will have been transformed into something like json or yaml. I can't think of a good reason to save it as executable scheme.
09:33:43 <gncbot> chris: Sent 42 minutes ago: <gjanssens> before that time or at the same time at least
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09:39:45 <chris> the motivation for KVP was that 'saved-reports' could belong to a datafile. or should be saved alongside the datafile. perhaps filename.json will contain saved-reports, book-specific preferences etc.
09:40:02 <chris> (guile-json already in place!)
09:41:24 <gjanssens> I'm not debating the saved-reports belong to a datafile :) In fact I think we should put them inside the datafile at some point for various reasons that have been rehashed recently on the devel mailinglist
09:41:49 <gjanssens> But I don't think the gnucash KVP model is the proper storage format even inside a data file.
09:42:05 <chris> ok leave this highlevel thinking to you and jralls
09:42:21 <gjanssens> :D
09:42:39 <gjanssens> But yes guile-json can play an important role in the transition :)
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11:39:37 <pikurasa> Can you print paychecks using GNU Cash? If so, where is this documented? I have read this: https://wiki.gnucash.org/docs/C/gnucash-guide/chapter_bus_pay.html
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12:15:51 <gjanssens> pikurasa: if you mean by that you can print a check to pay an invoice, then yes
12:16:39 <gjanssens> You do so by selecting the invoice, choose "Pay Invoice" and at the bottom of the payment window you find a checkbox to print a check.
12:17:07 <gjanssens> If you enable this, normally the check print dialog should appear after you click ok in the payment window
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12:23:48 <pikurasa> gjanssens: thank you for this info. I was wondering if you could write paychecks for employees that details the important tax information.
12:29:25 <gjanssens> pikurasa: no, gnucash has no support for payroll.
12:40:00 <pikurasa> So what free/libre software options are there for payroll?
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12:46:09 <gjanssens> pikurasa: I have no idea. I have never needed that feature. Sorry.
12:50:34 <pikurasa> Thanks gjanssens!
12:50:45 <pikurasa> Well, if anyone knows, I would appreciate it.
12:51:14 <pikurasa> I know that FSF uses https://www.sql-ledger.com/ but I am /trying/ to be as lazy as possible (if possible)
12:51:36 <gour_> pikurasa: i'm not using it, but try with https://www.tryton.org/
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12:54:55 <pikurasa> Ye~~~ah! At first glance, this looks like what I am talking about!
12:58:01 <warlord> .
12:59:56 <warlord> <chris> functions shouldn't be aware they're being tested! ---- I fully agree
13:01:12 <warlord> pikurasa, GnuCash can account for the taxes and withholdings for payroll, but cannot compute it and probably can't realistically print it
13:01:38 <warlord> and... gotta run again -- off to dinner.
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13:03:55 <pikurasa> thanks warlord
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22:11:08 <new_to_gnucash> Hello, I am new to using this program. I want to know how to track shipping costs.
22:12:32 <new_to_gnucash> I am currently on version 2.6.19
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