2019-02-24 GnuCash IRC logs
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05:00:14 <chris> fao fell my $git remote -v is as follows: https://pastebin.com/raw/nwpKsW4K the advantages are: I can pushto code, refresh from github without password, and push/pull to my local github account for PRs.
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05:36:02 <gjanssens> chris: mine is like that as well :)
05:36:22 <gjanssens> What's "fao" stand for by the way ?
05:37:36 <gjanssens> And to clarify the particular thing about this setup is that "upstream" has a different push and pull urls
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05:38:12 <gjanssens> This is, when pushing to upstream, it will push to code (which will in turn push to github/Gnucash on your behalf)
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05:38:26 <gjanssens> And when pulling it will pull (read-only) from github/Gnucash
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05:38:54 <gjanssens> The primary advantage of this configuration is you can't accidentally push to github/Gnucash instead of code.gnucash.org
05:39:52 <gjanssens> The primary disadvantage is this makes it slightly more difficult to detect/recover from a divergence between code and github/Gnucash
05:40:41 <gjanssens> Fortunately that rarely happens and to fix that is sufficces to temporarily define one or two extra remotes to separate out the combined upstream.
05:41:21 <gjanssens> "What's stand..." ugh :(
05:41:25 <gjanssens> What does stand...
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07:00:22 <chris> fao = for attention of...
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11:18:25 <alanbell> is anyone running gnucash in broadwayd to open it through a browser? I have got it working and it is *brilliant* but I can't work out how to do security for broadwayd yet?
11:59:40 <warlord> alanbell, try asking on gnucash-user mailing list?
12:16:59 <alanbell> I will try that, I think it is more of a broadwayd question, but I thought I would see if people are using them together
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14:15:03 <fell> chris: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/index.php?title=Git&diff=12296&oldid=12254
14:17:09 <fell> gjanssens, jralls, RFC: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows_Installer_Translation
14:18:03 <fell> I.E. is the copepage stuff still required?
14:23:13 <gjanssens> fell: regarding the special push url, that is only useful for the code.gnucash.org - github.com/Gnucash combo not for your personal github repo
14:23:53 <gjanssens> What the special setup wants to achieve is to prevent you from accidentally pushing to github.com/Gnucash instead of code.gnucash.org
14:24:20 <fell> and to save each secound fetch
14:24:28 <gjanssens> indeed
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14:32:40 <gjanssens> fell: as for the codepage stuff, I don't know
14:33:53 <fell> If I had no commit right, I could use git clone https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash.git; git remote set-url --push origin git@github.com/Me/gnucash
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14:35:12 <fell> I *believe* the now supported Win versions are utf-16 based
14:36:18 <gjanssens> fell: I don't think mixing github.com/Gnucash and github.com/Me in one remote is a good idea
14:36:54 <gjanssens> It can be done with code and github.com/Gnucash because we force sync these repositories to be exactly the same all the time
14:37:16 <gjanssens> That's not the case with github.com/Gnucash and github.com/Me
14:38:00 <gjanssens> If you make them the same remote you wouldn't see your own pushed to that repo reflected in your local repo until the pushed branch gets merged into github.com/Gnucash
14:38:30 <fell> Ah, I could commit on your PR and so change your Github/Me
14:40:58 <gjanssens> Even if I do it myself it would be troublesome
14:41:39 <gjanssens> Suppose I make changes to branch "xyz" and then push them to origin
14:42:11 <gjanssens> In github you would see these commits on branch xyz in github.com/Me
14:42:54 <gjanssens> And your local repo would have point "xyz" at the most recent commit, but "origin/xyz" at the commit before the push
14:43:38 <gjanssens> That is because you configured origin to fetch from github.com/Gnucash, but the commits on branch xyz were not pushed to that repo
14:44:25 <gjanssens> And perhaps even worse, if branch xyz doesn't exist on github.com/Gnucash but only in your own repos, there would be no origin/xyz at all in your local repo
14:45:25 <gjanssens> At best git handles this gracefully but your local repo will confuse you as it's idea of origin's state doesn't match your expectations
14:45:56 <gjanssens> At worst git will completely mess up in this case.
14:47:36 <fell> I will remove the first occurrence
15:06:19 <fell> ... and enhanced the second by https://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2019/02/24.html#T05:38:12 ff
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15:31:33 <fell> gjanssens: Can yiu write down somewhere the squashing?
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15:51:46 <gjanssens> fell: I'm not sure I know how to write it down generically applicable
15:52:00 <gjanssens> There is some interpretation of the situation involved
15:55:26 <fell> Looking on hr, I could cherrypick the commits one by one and ammend i.e. the commit message.
15:57:22 <fell> For squashing I could imagine: take the most complex commit and redo the changes from the smaller commits, e.g. by copying their files?
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16:01:13 <gjanssens> No that part is easy. If you have cherry-picked the missing commits you can run a "git rebase -i <some_parent>"
16:01:30 <gjanssens> That parent is usually something like upstream/maint
16:02:37 <gjanssens> That will bring up a text editor with a list of commits between <some_parent> and your current branch (make sure your current branch is descendant from <some_parent> !)
16:03:06 <gjanssens> By moving lines in that list up and down you reorder the commits
16:03:38 <gjanssens> By deleting lines you remove those commits from the branch
16:03:56 <gjanssens> By editing the first word on each line you can ask git to perform other actions on that commit
16:04:47 <gjanssens> So for the hr missing commits I reordered the commits to put all minor commits one after the other and the two commits introducing new files at the end
16:05:29 <gjanssens> Then 'squashing' is telling git that all but the last two commits should be combined into one.
16:06:07 <gjanssens> That is done by changing the first word to "fixup" (or just "f") for the second and following commits
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16:06:23 <gjanssens> Not the last two, they were kept as independent commits
16:06:50 <fell> OK
16:06:56 <gjanssens> While in that editor I also changed the first word of the first commit and the last two to "edit" ("e")
16:07:13 <gjanssens> With that done I have saved the file and quit the editor
16:07:27 <gjanssens> Only then git will start executing all the changes you requested
16:08:10 <gjanssens> As I set the first line to "edit", git paused after commiting that commit allowing me to make changes (using git --amend)
16:08:10 <fell> Good to know
16:08:39 <gjanssens> After the changes made, the rebase is continued with git rebase --continue (git tells you so)
16:08:57 <gjanssens> And on it goes until all instructions are performed
16:09:56 <gjanssens> In retrospect I could have used "reword" instead of "edit" as I only wanted to improve on the commit message
16:10:30 <gjanssens> The possible instructions during an interactive rebase are explained in the text editor window that's opened for you
16:11:12 <gjanssens> git rebase -i is a tool I use frequently
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17:01:33 <fell> gjanssens: The source of gwengui* is gwenhyfar: distris may split it or not.
17:02:10 <gjanssens> fell: I know :)
17:03:20 <gjanssens> However as gwengui-gtk3 was contributed by jralls close before the gnucash 3 release gwenhywfar on most distros didn't ship with that gui version
17:03:56 <gjanssens> To have gnucash work anyway we have temporarily included the gwengui-gtk3 sources in the gnucash source tree
17:04:14 <gjanssens> Under borrowed/gwengui-gtk3
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19:24:09 <jralls> @tell gjanssens fell: No, we're using UYF8 for inno-setup now as fell and I discussed yesterday.
19:24:09 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
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