2019-02-17 GnuCash IRC logs
00:28:44 *** chris has quit IRC
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05:17:21 <gjanssens> jralls, Mechtilde: a slight nuance in the password discussion from yesterday
05:17:45 * chris feels silly for slight mess
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05:17:59 <gjanssens> I implemented the use of libsecret for storing connection passwords. That's not the same as gnome-keyring
05:18:21 <gjanssens> libsecret communicates with a "secret service" over dbus.
05:18:53 <gjanssens> gnome-keyring is such a service, kde has its own backend, and I don't know about xfce
05:19:24 <gjanssens> But none of this has changed since the 2.6 days as far as I know
05:19:57 <gjanssens> So if you now start getting errors with passwords, it's unlikely due to a change regarding libsecret.
05:20:27 <gjanssens> Or more precisely how gnucash interacts with libsecret.
05:20:59 <gjanssens> Secondly, if you don't want to use a secret service to store passwords, you can compile gnucash without libsecret support.
05:21:45 <gjanssens> Unfortunately it didn't occur to me a few years back some people would want this choice at run time so recompilation is the only option.
05:22:02 <gjanssens> Times were slightly different back then...
05:29:25 <gjanssens> chris: Did you read https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Git#Core_Developers
05:29:50 <gjanssens> For clarity we don't do merges on github directly
05:30:34 <gjanssens> Github is only a public mirror of our main git repositories which live on code.gnucash.org
05:31:04 <chris> Ok I did read but the nuances became clear only after the hiccup.
05:31:20 <gjanssens> That's fine
05:31:35 <gjanssens> Did you set up the code repositories as remotes by now ?
05:31:40 <chris> yes
05:32:02 <gjanssens> What remote name have you choses ?
05:32:05 <gjanssens> chosen ?
05:32:10 <gjanssens> As suggested?
05:32:20 <chris> origin=christopherlam/gnucash, upstream=gnucash/gnucash, code=code
05:32:42 <chris> perhaps I'll remove upstream and rename code to upstream
05:32:56 <gjanssens> Ok, then you probably still have to push your branch to code
05:33:18 <chris> ok whew
05:33:22 <gjanssens> I'm suspecting so as I didn't see a commit mail passing yet
05:33:44 <gjanssens> Can you tell at which commits your various branches are currently ?
05:34:28 <gjanssens> As upstream is github/gnucash, the upstream/maint should already have the merge
05:34:39 <gjanssens> How about code/maint ?
05:34:58 <gjanssens> I'm using a tool like gitk to quickly find that info
05:35:04 <chris> code/maint is at 95aed3032 code/maint Bug 797106: Do a better job of converting decimal prices
05:35:30 <gjanssens> Ok,
05:35:37 <gjanssens> and you local maint branch ?
05:35:58 <chris> currently on the messy one so I'll revert to code/maint
05:36:05 <gjanssens> No
05:36:32 <gjanssens> With messy one, you mean upstream/maint ?
05:36:48 <chris> yes my local maint = github's maint
05:37:02 <gjanssens> Ok, that's the one we also want to see on code, right ?
05:37:46 <chris> I'll want to move code forward by maint-bugfixes
05:38:26 <gjanssens> Right, like you moved upstream forward by maint-bugfixes (though via github's interface)
05:38:31 <gjanssens> So as far as I can see the only thing left to do is "git push code maint"
05:38:52 <gjanssens> That will bring code up to speed with the merge you already have locally
05:39:25 <gjanssens> We can still do this as there are no diverging commits between code and your new state
05:39:25 <chris> hmm i did github merge but it double-committed the last 2 commits. if I push to code, will github clone from code and remove the double-commits?
05:40:44 <gjanssens> Oh hang on, I only see now what you mean
05:42:42 <gjanssens> It's a bit messy but not problematic
05:43:16 <chris> so I've done: git checkout maint, git reset --hard code/maint, git rebase maint-bugfixes, and now will 'git push code main'?
05:43:25 <chris> 'git push code maint'
05:43:27 <gjanssens> I don't think we should undo this as your changes have hit the publicly visible tree. We normally don't change that history
05:44:02 <gjanssens> It's a bit messy but otherwise harmless
05:44:10 <chris> ok
05:44:55 <gjanssens> Git understands the changes have been committed twice and it will do the right thing when merging (it will detect it's the same change and ignore the double)
05:47:41 * chris feels relieved
05:47:42 <gjanssens> So go ahead and make the push
05:47:54 <gjanssens> It's part of the learning experience :)
05:49:45 <chris> hmm: "FATAL: W any gnucash clam-rsa DENIED by fallthru"
05:49:59 <chris> "fatal: Could not read from remote repository"
05:50:06 <chris> "Please make sure you have the correct access rights
05:50:06 <chris> and the repository exists"
05:52:10 * chris will call it a day for now
05:52:16 <gjanssens> I'm afraid I have to leave now too
05:52:29 <chris> thanks for help so far
05:52:35 <gjanssens> Perhaps tomorrow (for you) or this evening (for me) we can continue this
05:52:46 <gjanssens> Np
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07:29:15 <chris> gjanssens I think I found it - I have RW access for testing only, the rest is still R
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08:18:13 <Mechtilde> .
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10:06:27 <Masch> hi
10:08:45 <Masch> I've installed gnucash 3.4 an windows 10 and I'd like to activate quotes as I had it on older versions
10:11:16 <Masch> the installation seems to be successfull but an error occures when I try to update quotes
10:14:31 <fell> Masch: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Why_doesn.27t_online_quoting_work.3F
10:18:10 <Masch> thanks, I've found the solution... :) Had to change the source to alphvantage on my registered titles
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10:27:17 <fell> If you are querying multiple currencies, I would use i.e. yahoo_jason for other commodities as alphavantage is restricting the number of queriies per time.
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13:28:38 <gjanssens> chris: are you around ?
13:30:51 <gjanssens> As far as I can see you should have proper permissions. Looking at your earlier error message it looks like you're trying to connect as the wrong user.
13:34:01 <gjanssens> Or you're using a different ssh key than the one registered on code
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13:44:12 <aoi> Thank you for this application.
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17:59:49 <chris> @tell gjanssens - ssh-keypair matches and can connect to code: https://pastebin.com/raw/GD2WU5da
17:59:49 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
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20:34:21 <warlord> chris, you're not 'chris' @code
20:35:18 <warlord> also, you can't login; you don't have shell access. but you can git clone ssh://git@code/...
20:36:52 <warlord> chris, also note that if you have ~2 ssh failures then code will lock you out for an hour.
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