2019-02-06 GnuCash IRC logs
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09:03:01 <chris> I think travis-arch is glitching tonight
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10:09:20 <chris> ubuntu disco will now use libboost-1.67
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10:34:36 <warlord> chris, and dance to the music, too!
10:34:37 <gncbot> warlord: Sent 20 hours and 32 minutes ago: <jralls> That's a timezone, not a locale.
10:40:39 <warlord> jralls, Yes, I know, but I wouldn't put it past someone to conflate the two!
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11:18:40 <gjanssens> So gtk is considering abandoning mailman in favour of discourse.
11:18:57 <gjanssens> Looks like mailman is slowly on its way out...
11:22:29 <warlord> gjanssens, there is no Fedora RPM for it.
11:23:02 <gjanssens> warlord: you mean for discourse ?
11:23:05 <warlord> yes
11:23:40 <gjanssens> Surprising as according to Emmanuel Bassi Fedora is using it itself
11:24:03 <gjanssens> But hey they also have been using hyperkitty for a while now and there's still no official rpm for that one either
11:24:17 <warlord> I think it will be in FC30
11:24:24 <warlord> As will mailman3
11:26:52 <warlord> Still, it looks more like a forum than mailing lists. I didn't see anything on the main screen about an email interface, nor migration from mailman.
11:27:02 <gjanssens> Both can be installed as docker containers as well straight from dockerhub
11:27:26 <gjanssens> Where did you see the info about mailman3 in FC30 ?
11:27:31 <warlord> bugzilla
11:27:39 <gjanssens> Oh, ok
11:28:40 <warlord> Also, I'm not going to spin up docker for forums. Call me Old Sk00l.
11:29:07 <gjanssens> The mail interface is mentioned briefly on https://www.discourse.org/features as Reply via e-mail
11:29:34 <gjanssens> As for docker for forums, I'm slowly working to put *everything* in containers
11:30:04 <gjanssens> I have played with it a bit and I really like the flexibility
11:31:06 <gjanssens> But don't worry, I'm not asking you to do anything just yet :)
11:31:32 <gjanssens> I'll be more than happy to wait for gtk's experience
11:34:51 <warlord> okay..
11:35:02 <gjanssens> My message was meant purely informationally
11:35:05 <warlord> I'm not sure I have the time to really learn about docker/containers righ tnow.
11:35:12 <warlord> It's certainly interesting information.
11:37:51 <gjanssens> Yeah, it did take me a while to grok so better dig into it when you have some spare time (if ever)
11:38:07 <gjanssens> FYI I'm currently still experimenting with oVirt
11:38:25 <gjanssens> I think by now I must have reinstalled the engine a dozen times...
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11:38:48 <gjanssens> I'm doing it once again as we speak...
11:39:09 <gjanssens> It's mostly because I keep changing my mind about how to set up the underlying storage
11:40:08 <gjanssens> As I planned earlier I have set up zfs on linux.
11:40:20 <gjanssens> The snapshotting capability is awesome
11:40:49 <gjanssens> I'm now making backups every 5 mins without any performance impact.
11:41:19 <warlord> :)
11:41:26 <warlord> I don't mind not using zfs.
11:41:40 <gjanssens> :D of course not
11:41:41 <warlord> I WOULD suggest gluster if you ever expect to grow beyond a single server.
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11:41:57 <warlord> (I think you can run gluster on top of zfs)
11:42:00 <gjanssens> Yeah that's my next topic to study
11:42:07 <gjanssens> and yes you can run gluster on top of zfs
11:42:17 <gjanssens> gluster is pretty flexible
11:42:19 <warlord> I'm kinda wishing I had gone that route instead of the loopback NFS approach I am using.
11:42:28 <warlord> Changing now would be.... problematic.
11:42:34 <gjanssens> How so ?
11:43:07 <warlord> I'd have to effectively re-install the engine.. which means I would need to bring the whole system down.
11:43:36 <warlord> NOt that I expect to have multiple servers, so really not a major issue unless I hit the NFS deadlock issue.
11:43:52 <gjanssens> Can't you set up a gluster backed data domain next to your nfs store and then migrate vms over ?
11:43:53 <warlord> But I have plenty of RAM, so unlikely to hit that unless I really over-tax the machine
11:44:04 <warlord> I can't migrate the Engine VM
11:44:15 <warlord> (yes, I could migrate all the regular VMs)
11:44:41 <gjanssens> Ah, and once you have live VMs you can't drop the engine any more, is that it ?
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11:45:00 <warlord> speaking of which, I should upgrade from EL7.4/Ovirt 4.1 to EL7.6/Ovirt 4.2
11:45:36 <warlord> I can stop and restart the engine, that's not a problem -- but I think I have to take the HOST down to reinstall the engine..
11:45:38 <gjanssens> That would be as system downtime window you could use to migrate...
11:46:09 <warlord> I only need system downtime to upgrade the host; I can upgrade the engine without affecting anything else.
11:46:29 <warlord> But I would rather not mess with the underlying system. I don't understand gluster well enough.
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11:46:41 <warlord> So I think I'll play with it the next time I migrate hardware.
11:46:48 <gjanssens> Yeah, that's the tricky part
11:47:45 <warlord> Yeah.
11:48:21 <warlord> I still have a couple more servers I need to upgrade. I should go do that.
11:48:48 <gjanssens> And I guess I'll dig into gluster before setting up real VMs...
11:48:56 <warlord> Might as well.
11:49:15 <warlord> I wish I had known then what I know now -- I would have taken a bit more time to play before migrating.
11:49:43 <warlord> Another thing I need to study more is VLAN support .
11:50:29 <gjanssens> Yeah, that has slowed me down as well
11:50:44 <gjanssens> I still don't really understand it very well
11:51:33 <gjanssens> I have learned the hard way I shouldn't set up 2 of the server's nics for two different bridges in the same subnet
11:51:47 <gjanssens> That's a recipe for network issues :(
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11:52:51 <warlord> Yeah, definitely don't do that.
11:53:46 <warlord> I have my 2 server NICs in an LACP bond. Currently I don't use VLANs. But I want to in the new house -- so I'm going to have to figure out how best to introduce them.
11:57:59 <gjanssens> I have 3 VLANs set up here to separate internal traffic from video traffic and guest internet access in the shop
11:58:10 <gjanssens> It's nice
11:58:47 <gjanssens> Of course your network devices have to support it (router/firewall, switches,...)
11:59:49 <gjanssens> As I'm not looking into that config regularly, I often have to consult the switches manuals again. The HP switch' manual comes with fairly elaborate VLAN documentation, which helps a lot :)
12:01:45 <warlord> All my devices will support it (moving to a full Ubiquiti install)
12:02:01 <warlord> I'm not sure if I will need 3 or 4 vlans -- or more.
12:04:08 <warlord> I'll plan it all out well before I move in.
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13:13:08 <Bethp> I am running GnuCash Version 2.6.5 (2014-12-19) using the sqlite database on Windows 8.1. I am considering upgrading to 3.4. What steps do I take to do this?
13:14:20 <Bethp> If there is a guide somewhere that I can follow, point me to it. I was unable to find it with the search terms I was using. Thank you.
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13:53:52 <fell> Bethp: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Using_Different_Versions.2C_Up_And_Downgrade
14:01:15 <fell> But I would at first go to 2.6.21 and learn what changed on that branch before upgrading to 3.x
14:04:04 <fell> ... and always create a backup before you change mayor things on your computer.
14:05:24 <Bethp> so version 2.6.21 came after 2.6.5?
14:06:55 <Bethp> Would it be best to convert back to xml before changing versions?
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14:24:33 <warlord> Bethp, versions 2.6.6, 2.6.7, 2.6.8, ..... 2.6.21 all came after 2.6.5!
14:24:58 <warlord> Bethp, It would certainly not be a bad idea to File -> Save As {XML} to have an XML backup of your data!!
14:25:11 <warlord> There were many many MANY SQL bugs in the early 2.6.x days
14:25:48 <Bethp> I must not use many of the features because I haven't experienced any problems.
14:26:14 <warlord> many of them are silent data-loss issues..
14:26:19 <warlord> So you might not have even noticed.
14:28:21 <Bethp> So my upgrade path might look like this: Save file as xml. - Download 2.6.21, install and open the data file - save data file - download and install 3.4 and open file in that version. Then change back to sql if that is what I prefer.
14:30:47 <warlord> Bethp, yes, that would work. If you're using XML then you might not need to stop at 2.6.21, you could try to jump right from 2.6.5 to 3.4. XML is easy to back up. And if there is an issue, you can revert back to 2.6.21 and run the extra steps.
14:30:47 <fell> not only open and save. Check everything is working as you expect.
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14:33:30 <Bethp> Sounds good. Is there anything else you can think of that I might need to watch for? Does 3.4 do the database better? I like the quick save because I'm always getting called away.
14:34:15 <warlord> Bethp, you can turn on autosave with XML -- it will save the file every <X> minutes (you set X).
14:34:26 <warlord> Or by called away do you mean need to shut down the computer?
14:34:33 * warlord just hits Save after every edit.
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14:36:00 <Bethp> Leave the computer on but not come back for a couple of hours. This is my desktop at home. If I shut down, I always close all programs before shutting down.
14:36:15 <warlord> then autosave should suffice. :)
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14:39:04 <Bethp> @warlord thank you so much for your help.
14:39:04 <gncbot> Bethp: Error: "warlord" is not a valid command.
14:41:54 <Bethp> #fell Thank you for your help.
14:42:33 <fell> welcome :-)
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14:45:48 <warlord> you're welcome.
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18:38:21 <chris> it may be no surprise to jralls that test-gnc-date on libboost-1.67 still fails when TZ=Australia/Perth
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