2019-01-25 GnuCash IRC logs
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11:41:09 <chris> I think Deva's INR issues are caused by guile1->guile2 string-handling (guile2 does unicode internally) so I'd look into eguile->webkit
11:41:39 <chris> I won't go there because I won't go into eguile, or C's webkit
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11:42:07 <chris> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2019-01/msg00185.html
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12:18:58 <Tryx> Hi Folks. I've been using Quicken for over twenty years, and it has always been bug-ridden, but they were nuisance bugs, meaning the on-line banking stuff always worked pretty reliably. However, with the advent of their new "subscription" model, I've decided to abandon ship. Enter GNUCash. The QIF import went effortlessly. I'm going to have to do a lot of janitorial work there, but this is my fault. I'm trying to inaugurate OFX sessions with Wells Fargo. I get an
12:18:59 <Tryx> http 200, but the content of the successful message is that my Wells Fargo credentials are not correct. I know they are corrects, but I can't be certain that I have configured GNUCash correctly. How can I debug this?
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12:23:07 <gjanssens> chris: Deva's issue may be a variation of this bug https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=796728
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12:29:07 <jralls> Tryx: Does Wells Fargo use OFX Direct Connect or OFX Web Connect?
12:29:29 <Tryx> jralls, OFX Direct Connect.
12:32:33 <Tryx> jralls, I have been transacting with Wells Fargo using both Quicken and QuickBooks for well over ten years. I'm reasonably familiar with how this works both on-line with Intuit products and with Wells Fargo's http interface.
12:34:06 <jralls> Tryx: OK. The reason I asked is that Intuit supports both and of late prefers Web Connect but AQBanking, which does the online banking for GnuCash, supports only Direct Connect.
12:34:27 <Tryx> jralls, I can log in with my credentials using their http interface. (And I have to do that after every "experiment" with GNUCash to avoid getting locked out because Wells Fargo thinks that there have been too many attempts to log in with bogus credentials.
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12:35:04 <jralls> That smells like they don't in fact support Direct Connect.
12:35:50 <Tryx> jralls, O.K., let's assume I'm wrong. How would I know?
12:36:06 <jralls> https://www.wellsfargo.com/online-banking/software/web-connect/
12:37:21 <jralls> If you google "wells fargo ofx direct connect" that's the first hit.
12:40:32 <jralls> So you have to download OFX or QIF files from the website and import them using File>Import...
12:40:56 <Tryx> jralls, When I review my configuration for my Quicken Wells Fargo account, it says, "Connection Method: Direct Connect". However, it looks like Wells Fargo supports either. So, I'm back to, "How do I debug this?"
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12:41:44 <jralls> It doesn't look to me like Wells Fargo supports Direct Connect. Why do you think that they do?
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12:42:41 <fell> Our knowledge: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings#Wells_Fargo
12:43:07 <jralls> fell: Which I just changed.
12:43:22 <Tryx> jralls, My current Quicken configuration claims to be using Direct Connect, and I have been using Quicken with Wells Fargo for many years.
12:44:17 <Tryx> fell, I tried to download all of that stuff, but the wget simply timed out. No luck...
12:45:56 <Tryx> jralls, fell Either way, "Direct" or "Web", my problem is earlier than that, I think. I am failing to authenticate. How do I debug that?
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12:47:35 <fell> In ~/.aqbanking should be log files
12:47:46 <jralls> Authenticate is what's different between Direct and Web. With direct you authenticate directly in the session, with web you authenticate in a browser and get a cookie that Quicken can read but GnuCash can't.
12:49:27 <jralls> I found this: http://www.ofxhome.com/index.php/institution/view/749 which says that Wells Fargo does support Direct Connect. If you used the automatic setup in AQBanking it *should* have set the parameters from here but you should review them (especially the URL) by hand to make sure.
12:53:41 <Tryx> jralls, I think I have most of this correct. The authentication happens over http and results in a successful communication with ofxdc.wellsfargo.com, but not a successful authentication.
12:54:56 <jralls> It should be over httpS. Did you tell AQBanking to use http?
12:56:15 <Tryx> jralls, No, it is probably https. I remember getting a certificate and answering that I choose to accept it.
12:58:20 <jralls> OK. You can get more information from AQBanking by turning on Verbose debug messages and turning off close log window when finished in Preferences>Online Banking, but if it's an auth failure there probably won't be anything more useful.
12:59:02 <fell> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/AqBanking#Debugging
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13:08:11 <Tryx> jralls, Does this clarify anything? Status for signon request: Code 15510, severity "ERROR"
13:08:11 <Tryx> Status for transaction statement request: Signon invalid (Code 15500, severity "ERROR")
13:08:11 <Tryx> The user cannot signon because he or she entered an invalid user ID or password.
13:10:13 <Tryx> jralls, I'm pretty sure I'm using correct credentials. Suppose my password has a character that GNUCash is not handling properly. How would I know?
13:11:38 <Tryx> jralls, My preferences are not being saved... Where do they nornally live?
13:11:50 <jralls> Tryx: http://help.infinitekind.com/discussions/problems/3409-union-savings-bank-ct-error-15510-the-clientuid-sent-by-the-client-was-incorrect.
13:12:36 <jralls> GnuCash preferences storage depends on the operating system; on Windows it's the Registry.
13:14:21 <Tryx> jralls, Oooo... That looks promising.
13:14:26 <jralls> AQBanking data is saved in %USERPROFILE%\.aqbanking\
13:14:28 <Tryx> jralls, On linux?
13:14:44 <Tryx> jralls, Cool. Thanks.
13:15:27 <jralls> GnuCash uses GSettings, which in turn uses dconf for prefs. Aqbanking uses the same directory in $HOME.
13:16:52 <jralls> See https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings for generating a clientUID. You'll probably need to get Wells Fargo to reset their saved one unless you can figure out how to get Quicken to tell you.
13:17:15 <jralls> If you can get it out of Quicken just copy it to GnuCash.
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13:17:26 <Tryx> jralls, It must be stored somewhere that Quicken can find...
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13:19:00 <jralls> Well, yes. That doesn't mean that you can find it, but if you're using Quicken on Windows I'd look in the Software\Intuit\Quicken keys in HKLocalMachine and HKCurrentuser.
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13:22:57 <Tryx> jralls, Just to be clear, I need to find and fix my "customerId", not my "userId". ANy idea what this thing is going to look like?
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13:28:27 <fell> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Setting_up_OFXDirectConnect#Defining_a_User_in_AqBanking
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13:33:27 <fell> In AbBanking someone wrote: There is an optional argument of the CUSTOMERID, but this concerns you only if your bank explicitly said you have to use some extra customer id that is different from the user id.
13:40:17 <fell> Example: your spouse will get adifferent custumerID to access your account.
13:40:49 <jralls> Tryx: Maybe, but the error is about CLIENTUID. It's a UUID and it goes on the "User Settings" tab of aqbanking User setup.
13:43:19 <jralls> fell: The screenshots on that page are obsolete, and the error message is for Client UID, not Customer ID. The version of AQBanking that those screenshots were made from didn't support client uid.
13:44:21 <fell> jralls, can you create a new screenshot?
13:45:44 <jralls> fell: If I do it right now it will look Mac-ish.
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13:50:20 <Tryx> jralls, fell So, if I understand the problem, Wells Fargo has a UUID for me and Quicken knows what it is, but I don't. If I ask Wells Fargo to "reset" this, then will GNUCash create one on my behalf or will Wells Fargo create a new one and tell GNUCash, or do I have to create one and tell both Wells Fargo and GNUCash?
13:50:48 <fell> Perhaps we should do the screenshots without decoration (Titlebar and border)?
13:52:23 <jralls> Tryx: Read the wiki page I linked HH:16.
13:55:09 <warlord> Tryx, iirc, in short, they reset, you generate one, tell gnucash, and gnucash tells WF on first auth.
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13:58:00 <jralls> fell: OK, I shot the whole assistant, 8 images, with no title bar. There aren't any frames.
13:59:26 <fell> Currently we are linking them from https://www.gnucash.org/images/
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14:01:09 <fell> Do we use them somewhere else or should we use wikimedias file now?
14:01:51 <jralls> Is that for warlord? I don't know what you mean. And how do I upload to www.gnucash.org/images?
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14:02:16 <jralls> git from gnucash-htdocs?
14:02:31 <fell> I think so
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14:03:29 <fell> warlord did so in 2006, it seems.
14:04:31 <warlord> I thought I enabled wiki images?
14:04:47 <fell> But there are many ways: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Wiki_Tips#Using_Images
14:04:49 <warlord> (Maybe I didn't for spam handling)
14:05:41 <fell> Warlord, not in 2006, but later we enabled them for a special usergroup upload
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14:08:10 <warlord> Okay. I thought we had enabled them.. And yeah, in '06 I'm sure we didnt'.
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14:09:09 <jralls> I think uploading them to the wiki is better, so I'm doing it that way.
14:09:53 <jralls> Though it'd be nice if there was a batch method.
14:10:48 <Tryx> jralls, fell warlord How important is the Application Header Version? I have 102, but I have seen references to 103 being the version that Intuit promoted to support MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication), meaning CLIENTUID.
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14:11:50 <fell> Because Intuit wants to sell licences, they force the banks to increase the version
14:12:11 <fell> and reject old versions
14:12:30 <jralls> Tryx: Unfortunately it's up to the bank, but I think you're right about 103. You may also need to bump the application version.
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14:14:01 <Tryx> jralls, I am using Application Version 2500. When I use Header 102, I get a different error, so I should stick with 103.
14:14:02 <fell> jralls: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/UploadWizard
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14:21:15 <jralls> fell: Too late now.
14:21:27 <jralls> Tryx: Does that mean you're in?
14:22:33 <Tryx> jralls, Nope, ... Not yet.
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14:35:19 <Tryx> jralls, I decided to simplify. I deleted my GNUCash file and re-imported. Early in "On-Line Setup" I have the opportunity to retrieve my account list from Wells Fargo. This factors out some settings, like application version version, I think, although I can't see any difference between Header version 102 and 103.
14:37:22 <jralls> Um, that's only after you've set up and saved the user. I'd hope that if you can pull your account list then you've successfully authenticated.
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14:56:46 <Tryx> jralls, fell warlord I can't spend any more time on this today, but I'll work with Wells Fargo and report my findings. Thanks for the help.
14:56:59 <jralls> OK. Good Luck.
14:57:19 <warlord> good luck
14:57:38 <fell> good luck!
14:59:09 <fell> rralls, if you think the UploadWizard would be useful, warlord would have to install it.
14:59:37 <fell> jralls ^
15:00:47 <jralls> Oh, OK. I dunno, I haven't needed bulk uploads in 10 years. It was probably less effort to do one at a time than it would be for warlord to install something.
15:01:09 <jralls> Or rather this is the first time in 10 years.
15:01:26 <fell> and probably we should remove the old versions from www before we forget their purpose.
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15:13:02 <fell> Warlord: From https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=357282#c2 they might also exist in http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/images/* where they seem only acca
15:13:17 <fell> accessible to to you.
15:13:55 <warlord> Yes, I believe that URL is only available to me
15:15:11 <jralls> fell: You stepped on my edit. Isn't there a lock when someone's editing a page?
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15:15:48 <warlord> jralls, I'm not sure.
15:15:52 <fell> After start or preview 30' by default
15:16:45 <jralls> Well, it was only 19 minutes, so it's broken.
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15:26:22 <warlord> I might not have EditWarning turned on? https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:EditWarning
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15:27:19 <warlord> But it's an unmaintained extension
15:27:49 * fell is reading https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Edit_conflict
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15:28:53 <fell> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Edit_conflict#/media/File:Paragraph-based_prototype_%E2%80%93_rough_visualization_of_the_functionality.png
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15:43:37 <fell> I was wrong with thw lock. wikipedia suggests to insert https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:In_use before major edits.
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16:10:52 <fell> jralls, after reading your edit, I think, I understand the "Two Factor Authentication".
16:12:10 <fell> at least for hbci, you can use 'aqhbci-tool4 getsysid' on each device, you wish to use, to set the GUID
16:13:02 <fell> Then they manage different counters for the transactions.
16:15:13 <fell> If you copy your configuration from your desktop to your laptop and use them alternating, ou would end with "HBCI: 9390 - Doppeleinreichung - Nachricht abgelehnt (M)"
16:16:31 <fell> But if they get different IDs, you can also use them alternating.
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19:22:46 <jralls> warlord: Do you have a Fedora 29 system handy?
19:24:00 <jralls> warlord: Nevermind, I'm updated to the same rpms on my VM.
19:26:26 <jralls> chris: The date bug is weird. It seems to be in ICU and to have been introduced somewhere between version 55 (works OK) and 60 (doesn't work); it's been fixed in 63, though I can't find the commit that fixed it.
19:28:09 <jralls> chris: It affects only December 28-31 1969 *in the current timezone*. I think that means it's a calendar bug rather than a format bug.
19:39:27 <jralls> chris: I think the 3-day window is unlikely to be a problem for any real-life user so I suggest you change the late-1969 test date to the 26th.
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20:39:52 <chris> what's ICU?
20:41:12 <chris> remember test-gnc-date also fails for me
20:41:14 <chris> https://gist.github.com/christopherlam/675b8b0d83ec5374005d7c835b9c0cf9
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20:43:26 <chris> jralls my libicu-dev is at 60.2-6
20:44:54 <chris> i don't know if I can upgrade my libicu easily
20:48:28 <chris> i will be out all day
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