2019-01-08 GnuCash IRC logs

00:57:26 *** boldstripe has quit IRC
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03:06:17 <tomv> Hi. So I'm using GnuCash 3.3 from Debian with the (German) SKR03 Accounts (amended by me). For some reason, the Expenses subtree isn't subtracted from the Profits shown at the bottom. In the account properties I have "Placeholder" and Account type Expense.
03:07:09 <tomv> How can I get them considered as Expenses (i.e. Profit reduced by the amount in them)?
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03:47:22 <tomv> was an accounting period problem. :) thanks though!
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04:16:17 <tomv> So if I set the accounting period to end on 31/December, the transactions on 31/December aren't considered in the "overview view". is that expected / my fault / a bug?
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06:10:04 <ordex> after having created a budget, is it possible to have an overview of what my asset will look like at the end of the budget period ?
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07:51:59 <ordex> in the price editor, is there any way to retrieve the quote of one currency only ? instead of retrieving the quotes of all the listed items?
07:52:16 <ordex> price *database
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13:04:30 <jralls> ordex: Not in the price database, but you can use the Transfer Dialog (Actions>Transfer) to get a single exchange rate: Open the dialog, select a debit account in one currency and a credit account in the other and the exchange rate part will light up including the "fetch rate" button. Click that and it will retrieve the one exchange rate.
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17:24:42 <ordex> jralls: thanks !
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19:48:00 <ordex> jralls: do you have any suggestion for my previous question? "after having created a budget, is it possible to have an overview of what my asset will look like at the end of the budget period ?"
19:48:15 <ordex> it feels like something that should be doable, but I aven't found the right knob
19:48:21 <ordex> *haven't
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