2018-12-11 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:08:43 <gjanssens> .
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05:04:49 <fell> gjanssens: I hope, I did not cross your path when I closed the bugs of PR #436 yesterday.
05:07:25 <gjanssens> fell: on the contrary. Thanks for cleaning up after me.
05:09:44 <fell> Martin announced his 1. aqbanking-6-beta with an simplified patch for us: https://www.aquamaniac.de/rdm/attachments/download/11/20181208-gnucash2aqbanking6.patch
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05:50:07 <gjanssens> fell: I see. It would be good if a dev with aqbanking experience would look at this.
05:50:37 <gjanssens> That used to be cstim, but I don't know if one of our current devs uses it ?
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05:52:07 <fell> Not really. I followed jralls digging in one issue.
05:53:01 <fell> One question: which versions should we still support?
05:53:45 <fell> We don't know which distribution will ship which version next time.
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05:54:33 <fell> or update for supported versions
05:58:28 <fell> micha lenk was the other maintainer.
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06:01:09 <fell> Probably I should set up my banking accounts... and/or check if the testserver still exists...
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06:03:18 <fell> In the times of keyfiles I was an aqbanking user. It was main the reason, why I had choosen GnuCash.
06:04:57 <fell> But with every few years a new TAN method with new hardware I lost the interest.
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06:15:21 <gjanssens> Fair enough
06:15:50 <gjanssens> Can a foreigner also work with the testserver or is this exclusive to German citizens/clients of particular German banks ?
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07:06:33 <fell> gjanssens: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/AqBanking#Using_the_test_account
07:12:38 <fell> But the original page https://linuxwiki.de/AqBanking/aqhbci-tool claims to be obsoleted by the Aqbanking Manual
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07:43:56 <fell> while still alive, the test server hora-obscura.de seems unmaintained as it returns a certificate, which is not state of the art.
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08:54:50 <fell> While setting up the connection, I got:
08:54:51 <fell> Could not read directory "/usr/share/ktoblzcheck": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
08:54:52 <fell> Oops, no bank data file was found in directory "/usr/share/ktoblzcheck"! The ktoblzcheck library will not work.
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08:57:34 <fell> I am not sure, where the dependency chain was broken as I had already installed ktoblzcheck-devel. Your opinion, luc14n0?
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09:04:16 <warlord> .
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09:47:37 <fell> The testserver is of less use: althoug I accepted the broken certificate, I am now in an endless loop on fetching accounts because AQHBCI does not trust the certificate.
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09:56:13 <fell> It seems by GDPR 'whois' returns no longer useful informations.
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10:44:54 <chris> so, export-csv gets added as a PR? it's lightweight...
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11:48:51 <fell> warlord: wouldn't be the link which Thomas Baumgart mentioned on -devel more appropriate in the email footer?
11:49:56 <warlord> fell: when did he say something?
11:50:15 <fell> today
11:50:39 <warlord> fell: what time today?
11:50:44 <fell> https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2018-December/043035.html
11:51:04 <warlord> Ah, there it is.
11:56:54 <warlord> fell: I just replied to the email. No, linking directly to the options sub-page is probably not the right thing.
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11:59:53 <fell> Warlord, thanks.
12:00:11 <warlord> fell: NP
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12:29:39 <jralls> fell: I saw your bug on AQB6. It's a little hard to follow, Google Translate didn't do a very good job with Martin's letter. If the issue is just dropping DTAUS because it's not used any more we can just drop the menu item from GnuCash as well.
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12:31:08 <fell> jralls, did you see his patch?
12:31:31 <jralls> I saw that there was one. I haven't reviewed it yet.
12:31:41 <fell> There are a few more changes in the interface
12:33:41 <fell> It contains the changes, which were needed, to get Gnucash warking with aqbanking6
12:34:37 <fell> but we do not know, when AqB6 will be available in the different distros.
12:35:24 <fell> So wi will still need a few ifdefs
12:37:37 <jralls> I've pulled it now. Martin suggests in the commit message that maybe we should create a new folder with the revised code. I think that's a good idea, we'd have a new moduls libgncmod-aqbanking6.so that could be conditionally loaded at runtime depending on what flavor of AQB we find.
12:38:37 <jralls> It also offers an opportunity for a C++ rewrite.
12:39:45 <fell> That would simplify it.
12:50:22 <jralls> Well, some. In order to compile both versions one would need both versions of libaqbanking installed, so it might not be practical. A big chunk of the change removes support for azbanking < 5.2.0. We should probably do that anyway, Martin released it in 2013. There's no reason to be supporting earlier versions in 3.x.
12:51:42 <fell> right
12:56:17 <jralls> Other than that it seems mostly to be straightforward API changes. He's changed some types and some function names, no big deal. There's apparently some stuff that AQBanking takes care of automagically as well, so e.g. it's no longer necessary to call AB_Banking_OnlineFini or GWEN_SyncIo_free.
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15:21:59 <fell> Does anybody know, how we get an update on https://freshfoss.com/projects/gnucash
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19:41:58 <citzy990> hello? I need some help. I wanted to start using Gnu Cash. I exported my Reckon Accounts file to .IIF and used Excel to convert to .CSV. When I try to import these accounts into GnuCash is crashes. Windows 10.
19:44:28 <citzy990> Reckon Accounts, being the Australian version of Quickbooks.
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