2018-11-15 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:58:03 <gjanssens> .
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04:07:29 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo warlord warlord
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04:07:38 <warlord> .
04:08:01 <warlord> gjanssens: great. thanks!
04:08:21 <warlord> I'll fire off a build ..
04:12:32 <warlord> got past AqB. Now building boost.
04:16:15 <warlord> failed:
04:16:18 <warlord> Building module boost in /home/gnucash-docs/flatpak-maint/.flatpak-builder/build/boost-1
04:16:18 <warlord> ========================================================================
04:16:18 <warlord> Running: ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=/app --with-libraries=locale,filesystem,system,date_time,regex
04:16:18 <warlord> Building Boost.Build engine with toolset gcc... tools/build/src/engine/bin.linuxx86_64/b2
04:16:18 <warlord> Unicode/ICU support for Boost.Regex?... /usr
04:16:19 <warlord> Generating Boost.Build configuration in project-config.jam...
04:16:20 <warlord> Bootstrapping is done. To build, run:
04:16:22 <warlord> ./b2
04:16:24 <warlord>
04:16:26 <warlord> To adjust configuration, edit 'project-config.jam'.
04:16:30 <warlord> Further information:
04:16:32 <warlord> - Command line help:
04:16:34 <warlord> ./b2 --help
04:16:36 <warlord>
04:16:38 <warlord> - Getting started guide:
04:16:40 <warlord> http://www.boost.org/more/getting_started/unix-variants.html
04:16:42 <warlord>
04:16:44 <warlord> - Boost.Build documentation:
04:16:46 <warlord> http://www.boost.org/build/doc/html/index.html
04:16:48 <warlord> Running: ./b2 headers
04:16:50 <warlord> Performing configuration checks
04:16:52 <warlord> - 32-bit : no
04:16:54 <warlord> - 64-bit : yes
04:16:57 <warlord> - arm : no
04:17:00 <warlord> - mips1 : no
04:17:02 <warlord> - power : no
04:17:04 <warlord> - sparc : no
04:17:06 <warlord> - x86 : yes
04:17:08 <warlord> - symlinks supported : yes
04:17:10 <warlord> ...found 8 targets...
04:17:12 <warlord> ...updating 2 targets...
04:17:14 <warlord> link.mklink boost/chrono/stopwatches.hpp
04:17:16 <warlord> mklink-or-dir boost/chrono/stopwatches
04:17:18 <warlord> ...updated 2 targets...
04:17:20 <warlord> Running: ./b2 -j$FLATPAK_BUILDER_N_JOBS install variant=release --layout=system
04:17:22 <warlord> Invalid value for the '-j' option.
04:17:24 <warlord> Error: module boost: Child process exited with code 1
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04:19:40 <warlord> gjanssens: not sure where that $FLATPAK_BUILDER_N_JOBS is coming from here.
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04:42:02 <warlord> gjanssens: I see two references to this variable anywhere in the gnucash-on-flatpak repo:
04:42:03 <warlord> src/gnucash-on-flatpak.git/templates/org.gnucash.GnuCash.json.tpl: "./b2 -j$FLATPAK_BUILDER_N_JOBS install variant=release --layout=system"
04:42:03 <warlord> src/gnucash-on-flatpak.git/org.gnucash.GnuCash.json: "./b2 -j$FLATPAK_BUILDER_N_JOBS install variant=release --layout=system"
04:42:16 <warlord> nowhere do I see this defined.
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05:18:19 <gjanssens> @tell warlord That's likely yet another feature introduced in newer flatpak releases
05:18:19 <gncbot> gjanssens: The operation succeeded.
05:20:06 <gjanssens> @tell warlord src/gnucash-on-flatpak.git/org.gnucash.GnuCash.json is a derived file. It's generated based on src/gnucash-on-flatpak.git/templates/org.gnucash.GnuCash.json.tpl
05:20:06 <gncbot> gjanssens: The operation succeeded.
05:21:12 <gjanssens> @tell warlord you can try and remove the -j$FLATPAK_BUILDER_N_JOBS from the tpl file and retry. It will likely slow down the boost build though.
05:21:12 <gncbot> gjanssens: The operation succeeded.
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07:51:09 <jralls> gjanssens, warlord: Make will generally pick a good value for -j by itself. One generally need only specify it to limit parallelism when one's build system has dependency problems.
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07:53:37 <warlord> jralls: yes. the issue here is calling -j with a variable that's not assigned.
07:53:37 <gncbot> warlord: Sent 2 hours and 35 minutes ago: <gjanssens> That's likely yet another feature introduced in newer flatpak releases
07:53:38 <gncbot> warlord: Sent 2 hours and 33 minutes ago: <gjanssens> src/gnucash-on-flatpak.git/org.gnucash.GnuCash.json is a derived file. It's generated based on src/gnucash-on-flatpak.git/templates/org.gnucash.GnuCash.json.tpl
07:53:39 <gncbot> warlord: Sent 2 hours and 32 minutes ago: <gjanssens> you can try and remove the -j$FLATPAK_BUILDER_N_JOBS from the tpl file and retry. It will likely slow down the boost build though.
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07:54:18 <warlord> gjanssens: is there a way to assign FLATPAK_BUILDER_N_JOBS?
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08:01:53 <warlord> jralls_: would it be better to force -j2 ? or leave -j off all together?
08:02:21 <warlord> actually, only have 2 cores, so probably should leave it off.
08:02:44 <jralls_> warlord: IMO better to leave it off. Make will see the two cores and set -j2 on its own.
08:03:03 <gjanssens> warlord: I don't think you can set FLATPAK_BUILDER_N_JOBS directly
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08:03:25 <gjanssens> The newer flatpak-builder command takes a --jobs parameter to set this (which defaults to ncpus)
08:03:40 <warlord> gjanssens: ah. ok.
08:03:44 <warlord> I just removed it to see.
08:03:44 <gjanssens> jralls_: b2 is not make
08:04:06 <gjanssens> Perhaps it does use make internally
08:04:16 <gjanssens> But I have no idea what it passes on to make as parameters
08:04:23 <gjanssens> (or as default parameters)
08:04:29 <jralls_> True, but it's also quite capable of setting -j on its own, as are Ninja, Xcode, and VS.
08:04:57 <warlord> Nothing else uses -j, so I think it's safe to leave it off.
08:05:40 <jralls_> BTW, chris checked in with me via SMS today, he's in Tokyo.
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08:06:09 <gjanssens> Then I'll strip it off in the tpl
08:07:58 <gjanssens> Update pushed to the repo
08:08:02 <warlord> ok
08:08:39 <warlord> I'm building now with my manually removed entry.. I'll let you know how it ends.
08:08:53 <gjanssens> Ok
08:15:03 <warlord> it's building gnucash .go files now.
08:18:55 <warlord> Done!
08:18:59 <gjanssens> Yay!
08:20:06 <gjanssens> flatpak caches all intermediate builds so the next run will be much faster
08:20:37 <warlord> Right.
08:20:44 <warlord> What I dont know is what to do with it, now.
08:21:21 <gjanssens> Now you configure a gpg key and host name parameters to have the build script upload the build results for others to download
08:21:46 <gjanssens> When that works, you can set up cron jobs to run the build every night
08:22:22 <gjanssens> Or set up two nightly builds: one for maint and one for master
08:23:02 <gjanssens> Master is currently not very active but there will be a point where we will shift focus to that branch again
08:23:44 <gjanssens> Note you set most of these parameters in custom.sh
08:23:57 <jralls> So with Flatpak setup we have only MacOS left out of nightlies. Is that surmountable?
08:24:00 <gjanssens> The branch can be passed as a command line parameter if you like
08:24:21 <gjanssens> jralls: what do we need for a MacOS nightly ?
08:24:31 <gjanssens> Do we need access to a recent Mac ?
08:25:01 <gjanssens> Strictly speaking you can set up nightly builds at your place and upload them to code
08:25:50 <gjanssens> Or if it can be done in emulation, we may be able to set something up on code directly
08:25:57 <jralls> I could indeed, though not until December. warlord would need to set me up with credentials to scp the dmg.
08:26:28 <gjanssens> Can OS X be run in a VM on xen or kvm ?
08:26:36 <gjanssens> Well, MacOS
08:27:02 <jralls> If one isn't too picky about obeying Apple's licensing, yes, one can set up a VM on any recent Intel processor.
08:27:20 <jralls> Doing so is called a "hackintosh".
08:27:37 <gjanssens> Do you mean Apple doesn't legally allow it?
08:27:50 <jralls> Right, though AFAIK they've never taken action against anyone for doing it.
08:27:59 <gjanssens> Interesting, I didn't know
08:28:09 <gjanssens> I will probably end up having one at some point :)
08:28:22 <gjanssens> A hackintosh
08:28:54 <jralls> Their license has always required that MacOS runs on Apple hardware. They only allowed VMs for MacOS X server until 10.7.
08:29:00 <warlord> I set up a hackintosh once with 10.4 Haven't tried more recently.
08:29:25 <warlord> Setting you up with SCP access to upload builds is certainly doable.
08:29:38 <warlord> (similar to the win32 uploads)
08:30:09 <jralls> That's probably the easiest short-term solution.
08:30:15 <gjanssens> Indeed
08:31:20 <gjanssens> It will probably also simplify dmg signing.
08:31:49 <gjanssens> Should we start signing our other release artifacts as well (Win installer, tar balls) ?
08:31:56 <jralls> Oh, because it would get signed with my Apple ID before uploading.
08:32:02 <gjanssens> Indeed
08:32:23 <gjanssens> Note the flatpaks are signed as well
08:32:49 <jralls> Yeah, we should. We need to get buy a cert and install it on code. M$ has started flagging unsigned installers on Win10.
08:33:20 <gjanssens> I asked the question of the other release artefacts because it would be nice if we had a single cert/key per platform.
08:33:58 <gjanssens> That simplifies communicating trust.
08:34:27 <jralls> I think we can use the same cert for Win installers and tarballs. Not sure about Flatpak, but I'd think a cert would be OK instead of a GPG sig.
08:34:28 <gjanssens> Anyway, signing on Windows is not on my shortlist.
08:35:41 <gjanssens> Eh, nope, flatpak only understands GPG signing :(
08:35:51 <jralls> That's dumb.
08:36:22 <gjanssens> Yeah, they have built their workflow around it.
08:36:38 <gjanssens> Perhaps they will extend it in the future, I don't know.
08:37:17 <gjanssens> http://docs.flatpak.org/en/latest/flatpak-builder.html#signing
08:37:25 <warlord> Anyways, I need to leave for the airport. I should be back online ~16.30 CEST
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08:39:12 <jralls> BTW, Apple is raising the bar again: Notarizing. https://developer.apple.com/developer-id/. I haven't tried submitting a dmg yet, but it's on my list for when I get back.
08:39:23 <jralls> And it's my bed time now, too.
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08:42:00 <gjanssens> Notarizing... wow
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08:42:19 <gjanssens> good night jralls
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14:06:11 <frakturfreak> Are Americans required to go book inventory and cogs for every purchase/sale instead of using merchandise expense directly and making a corrective transaction to merchandise inventory when taking inventory for preparing the finacial reports?
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15:49:07 <VaporLock> jralls: back to my issues with Aqbanking, I set the variables you suggested thru "environment.local" in /etc/gnucash. I'm sure i've done something wrong, as I don't see any logs. I also (in the same file) set AQOFX_LOG_COMM=1, but don't see ofx.log in /tmp. I do have a gnucash.trace file if you want to see it. I x'ed out my username and acct. If there's no other personal info in it I can post it to pastebin
15:51:01 <VaporLock> I'm still just learning to use IRC, but FWIW that conversation was on Tuesday
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16:27:59 <fell> VaporLock: AqBankings logs have been in ~/.aqbanking
16:29:20 <fell> Usually you can find gnucash IRC logs @ https://code.gnucash.org/logs
16:32:51 <VaporLock> fell: I've looked in ~/.aqbanking. Nothing there. Maybe I'm not setting the variables properly... I've googled "linux variables" to make sure I'm doing it properly. And I thought variables I set in '/etc/gnucash/environment.local' would be in effect when I start gnucash.
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18:20:40 <jralls> frakturfreak: Cost accounting is generally regarded as internal, so it's up to the company's finance department and their auditor how it's done. But with modern ERP systems it seems dumb not to do it in real time.
18:24:33 <jralls> VaporLock: I'm not sure that the aqbanking logging environment variables work in environment.local. I suggest that you set them on the command line, as in:
18:27:17 <jralls> VaporLock: `AQBANKING_LOGLEVEL=debug AQOFXCONNECT_LOGLEVEL=1 gnucash --log gnc.import.aqbanking=debug`
18:27:48 <jralls> Oops, AQOFXCONNECT_LOGLEVEL=debug.
18:32:08 <jralls> VaporLock: The wiki article says that the AQBanking logs go to stdout or stderr, so you'll probably want to redirect the output to a file. If you tried to run GnuCash by double-clicking on something stdout and stderr usually go to /dev/null, so you need to run from the commandline.
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