2018-11-13 GnuCash IRC logs
00:47:51 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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03:12:13 <gjanssens> .
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03:21:13 <warlord> .
03:21:19 <warlord> good morning, gjanssens
04:14:49 <gjanssens> hey warlord
04:25:03 <warlord> how goes it?
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04:45:08 <gjanssens> Ok, and for you ?
04:45:18 <gjanssens> Landed safely in Europe already ?
04:45:38 <gjanssens> Where are you this time ?
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05:14:12 <warlord> Right now MAD, but 2 more flights this afternoon until I end at NCE
05:17:25 <warlord> But yes, I landed safely in Europe ~3 hours ago. next leg is in 75 minutes
05:19:52 <warlord> Oh, goodie -- my plane just pulled up. Always a good sign :)
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05:22:50 <gjanssens> :)
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05:39:21 <warlord> Speak to you later, gjanssens
05:41:47 <gjanssens> Ok, have a nice flight
05:41:53 <warlord> Thanks.
05:42:07 <warlord> Let me know if you hear back from Martin
05:42:51 <gjanssens> Will do
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07:40:18 * chris checking out soon for travels :-)
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08:03:52 <gjanssens> Have a safe trip home to you too chris !
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10:00:53 <fell> @tell Robert847 Currently is nobody at home in the US. By default Credit Card is below Liabilities. I can not reproduce why you see Assets as parent account. But eventually you should update to a more recent version 2.6.21 or 3.x
10:00:53 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
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15:57:06 <VaporLock> I can't download transactions using aqbanking with UBS. Oddly, I can do this just fine with KMyMoney, which also uses Aqbanking. Any thoughts? I get the following "General error (Code 2000, severity "ERROR")"
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17:34:38 <WebManOfFesto> - How can I make GnuCash Android show me my current balances in my accounts?
17:34:40 <WebManOfFesto> - After I import the GnuCash Android transactions into GnuCash on my laptop and reconcile them, then my GnuCash desktop is all up to date, but GnuCash Android is not. That's a problem because the next time I'm out shopping I may need to how much money is remaining in my MadMoneyDebit bank account. Or I may need to know that the balance on my SkiingAndSailing credit card is too high. On Gn
17:34:42 <WebManOfFesto> uCash Android I may want to see the recent activity in Income_Salary, which I entered into GnuCash desktop at home, before I went out.
17:34:44 <WebManOfFesto> - I'm using an Ubuntu Linux Desktop with GnuCash, and on my phone I have GnuCash Android. When I'm out shopping etc. I enter transactions in GnuCash Android. When I get home I export transactions as a QIF, transfer that file to my laptop, and import them. It seems to me like there must be a better way. But for now that's okay.
17:34:46 <WebManOfFesto> - This reminds me that for a while I used Financisto Android. That has the added benefit of showing a budget.
17:34:48 <WebManOfFesto> - There are many online bookkeeping options nowadays (Quicken, Mint, Freshbooks, ...) but I like the logic of GnuCash and I prefer to stick with it. In the past I've tried Quicken, that promised a lot but just didn't seem to work well. Mint promises a lot, but has drawbacks too.
17:34:50 <WebManOfFesto> - What do you recommend?
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18:13:45 <jralls> VaporLock: Are you sharing the same ~/.aqbanking between GnuCash and KMyMoney?
18:16:41 <jralls> WebManOfFesto: GnuCash for Android is a separate project from GnuCash. No-one here knows anything about it.
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20:37:13 <VaporLock> jralls: I believe so. I just installed KMyMoney today. When I went to setup AqB in KMy, it aready had users and accounts. All I did was link the accts from AqB to the proper KMy accts (same as I've done in GnuCash)
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21:13:21 <jralls> VaporLock: Interesting. See https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/AqBanking#Debugging and try again with AQBANKING_LOGLEVEL and AQOFXCONNECT_LOGLEVEL set to see if you can get more information about the "General Error".
21:14:54 <jralls> VaporLock: To get more info from the GnuCash side add '--log gnc.import.aqbanking=debug` to the command line args when you start GC.
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21:24:08 <VaporLock> jralls: thanks...will try tomorrow
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22:43:32 <WebManOfFesto> jralls vaporlock: how does KMyMoney compare to GnuCash. Which one do you mainly use?
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