2018-11-06 GnuCash IRC logs
00:04:37 *** jralls has joined #gnucash
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04:13:50 <gjanssens> .
04:13:50 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 1 day, 7 hours, and 4 minutes ago: <chris> if there were a guile-based parallel to aqbanking I'm in!
04:18:23 <fell> gjanssens forgot yesterday to ping ... ;-)
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07:02:41 <jralls> .
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07:20:57 <fell> Hm, it seems GNC_VCS is not defined after I built from git.
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07:26:56 <jralls> fell: Where are you looking for it? It's only set in gnucash/CMakeLists.txt and gnucash/gnome-utils/CMakeLists.txt
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07:27:17 <jralls> fell: And only for the gncmod-gnome-utils target.
07:28:40 <fell> It is queried in gnucash-bin.c:72
07:28:54 <fell> for is_development_version
07:38:36 <fell> and that should in 805 with gnc_print_unstable_message print a warning
07:40:06 <fell> definition in 185
07:41:01 <fell> 158
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07:43:05 <jralls> Hmm, now that you mention it, I don't remember seeing that message for a few weeks.
07:48:06 <jralls> But the GNC_VCS value *is* making it into the version string on the splash screen and about dialog, so it is getting defined.
07:52:28 <jralls> So it seems that it isn't that GNC_VCS isn't being set, it's that is_development_version isn't.
07:55:12 <jralls> I don't see why that should be, though.
07:55:49 <jralls> Bedtime, though. Maybe gjanssens can figure it out.
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08:38:32 <warlord> .
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09:20:09 * gjanssens did figure it out indeed
09:20:35 <gjanssens> The GNC_VCS define was not properly passed to the executable at build time
09:20:40 <gjanssens> Should be fixe now.
09:20:50 *** gjanssens is now known as gjanssens_afk
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09:52:54 <fell> Thanks, gjanssens! I will test it tonight.
09:53:46 <fell> @tell gjanssens Thanks, I will test it tonight.
09:53:46 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
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10:30:23 <chris> fell my status should be "Scheme Dictator"
10:32:29 <fell> :-)
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21:13:04 *** tfpfau has joined #gnucash
21:14:22 <tfpfau> i just installed gnu cash on a macbook and it won’t start. it runs for a moment and crashes. is it dependant on other software that should be installed first?
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22:25:00 <chris> fell / https://www.finder.com.au/open-banking -- i'll be getting busy and will pester Martin for guile bindings...
22:29:40 <fell> chris, you could try to configure swig on aqbanking.
22:30:46 <fell> you checked out his git repo?
22:36:32 <fell> I would there not rely on guile, but instead search for a free scheme compiler, which is available for all tree suppoerted OS families. to show, it is no scripting language.
22:53:28 <fell> Chris, I started https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/AqBanking#Currently_Unsupported_Open_Standards for you. :-)
23:16:47 *** happysocks has joined #gnucash
23:17:21 <happysocks> hello, does gnucash calculate return on investment?
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