2018-11-01 GnuCash IRC logs
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04:18:10 <daum> hey all - I just upgraded to 3.3, is there a way to change the default print invoice style and setup? The default format (details in headers, etc.) requires a ton of clicks per invoice so I wasn't sure how to get it so I can just use a single custom configuration. Also, in 2.6 if you did export to PDF it remembered the directory for the client which you last exported it to, any chance that will be added back in? thanks so much!
04:26:12 <daum> the export as pdf button seems to actually do the same thing as the print button, ie print dialog, switch to save to file
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06:53:26 <chris> gjanssens / jralls - would it be a worthwhile exercise to canvas mailing list for the idealised default invoice template? I do not believe that I have made incredibly bad design choices. yet it seems the combined "Printable Invoice" template is not quite to everyone's tastes
06:55:49 <gjanssens> chris: I probably haven't been paying much attention... What complaints did you get for it ?
06:57:02 <gjanssens> And I have also come to realize that *every* visual change we make will be an opportunity for others to start bikeshedding...
06:59:01 <chris> today's log and something in recent -user
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07:40:29 <chris> I think at the core is the fact that the default invoice-template (from prefs/business/report for printing) is hardcoded to the 4 longstanding templates. maybe another mechanism to allow one from 'saved-reports' would be clever but would require very careful coding. after all i agree it's pointless having super customizable invoice templates if it's too difficult to access them from business ui.
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07:57:57 <gjanssens> chris: I agree that's the core of the issue and I also agree on the solution. I even want to implement it, but I think I just want too much for the time I have available
07:58:48 <gjanssens> daum: I agree it's not convenient to have to go through all changes each time again when you want to print an invoice
07:59:45 <gjanssens> What warlord usually suggests as a reasonable workaround is to keep the invoice report with all your customizations open (or save it as a report config)
08:00:23 <gjanssens> And then when you need to print an invoice, go to the tab with the open invoice report and only change the invoice number in the report options to the one you want to print
08:00:51 <gjanssens> It's not perfect by far bit generally less clicks than having to tweak the config time after time again.
08:01:05 <gjanssens> s/bit/but/
08:01:57 <gjanssens> chris: in this context however it will be futile to poll of the idealised default invoice template. It simply doesn't exist.
08:02:08 <gjanssens> poll for*
08:08:53 <chris> yes let's let this sleeping dog lie and move on :)
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08:30:04 <daum> gjanssens, ah thanks sounds good. will have to try taht.
08:30:18 <daum> gjanssens, do you know if the print to pdf functionality change is here to stay?
08:30:52 <gjanssens> daum: I can't tell. The problem is we were forced to switch to webkit2 for our reporting needs
08:31:05 <gjanssens> Unfortunately that version of webkit no longer supports printing to pdf
08:31:16 <daum> ah ok - understood
08:31:26 <gjanssens> We haven't found a viable alternative yet
08:31:40 <daum> i did notice the ability to inspect the reports to see what css you could add to fix some formatting
08:32:11 <daum> just trying to figure out the best way to do things and wasnt' sure if there were some other changes in 3.3 that i missed that could save some time when invoicing
08:33:24 <gjanssens> Not that I'm aware of unfortunately
08:33:50 <gjanssens> I didn't know you could inspect the reports though. How do you do this ?
08:34:25 <gjanssens> Oh I see
08:34:38 <gjanssens> There's now an "Inspect Element" item in the context menu
08:34:38 <daum> right click
08:34:48 <daum> yah - just like a chrome tools
08:34:53 <gjanssens> Small present from webkit2 :)
08:35:44 <gjanssens> It may come in handy some time if our styling becomes css based.
08:36:45 <daum> yah - i noticed right now it allows some CSS but the report itself then has a lot of table based design, may take a look into trying to see how hard it is to write up a custom template
08:40:04 <chris> daum: yes that was the point of a CSS box in the layout tab
08:40:12 <chris> small present from the 'new' invoice template
08:40:34 <chris> still needs css skills, but at least some customizable becomes possible
08:40:40 <daum> yah
08:41:22 <daum> another quick question can I use 2.6.X series and the 3.3+ series at the same time? wasn't sure of the BC once you use 3.3 on the file. Just incase I want to save some clicks for a while
08:41:31 <chris> you'll notice printable/easy/fancy only differ in their (1) layout 1a 1b etc (2) css
08:42:02 <chris> I think you can use latest 2.6.x and any 3.x to share a datafile but don't quote me on that
08:42:58 <daum> ok thanks!
08:44:12 <chris> btw the table-based design is not ideal, i know, but I don't know how to make a good non-table-based invoice...
08:44:28 <chris> if anyone can help convert table to pure-css i'm all ears
08:44:36 <daum> table definitely makes sense for the invoice lines
08:44:45 <daum> i think the header part is the one that is tougher for me
08:45:17 <daum> since if your invoice table is not wide, the top left/top right of the table rows seem will be narrow too rather than top left and top right
08:45:58 <chris> yeah header width must match invoice-details width, or invoice-details width must match page-width, or something. i give up.
08:53:29 <daum> yah not a worry! will try to get some time to see how you can add a custom template and can always share with ya after to see if you like it
08:53:38 <daum> i'm quite happy with gnucash!
09:05:42 <warlord> .
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13:34:49 <gjanssens> chris: there was a reason the line charts used a different x axis type from the bar charts...
13:35:10 <gjanssens> I don't know all the details but I remember we have been debugging issues in that area in the past
13:35:51 <gjanssens> I believe a key difference was that bar charts work on date intervals while line charts work on dates
13:36:00 <gjanssens> So they needed different x axis handling
13:36:28 <gjanssens> I also believe that at some point we tweaked the interval calculation for the category charts
13:36:48 <gjanssens> exactly to avoid overloading the labels when there are many data points
13:37:19 <gjanssens> It's possible there's a bug in that tweaking that the source of bug 796895
13:37:29 <gjanssens> At least it's another avenue to check
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