2018-10-31 GnuCash IRC logs

01:15:48 *** bertbob has quit IRC
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04:13:15 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gjanssens
04:13:16 <gjanssens> .
04:18:13 <gjanssens> jralls: I saw you have closed a bug on font sizes on Macos yesterday.
04:18:34 <gjanssens> As many people are complaining about this, I'm getting curious to the details.
04:19:10 <gjanssens> I understand you have fixed a scaling bug somewhere deep in gtk/gdk for macos
04:19:29 <gjanssens> And since the font size in gnucash has increased, at least for some people
04:19:36 <gjanssens> Is this related to HiDPI screens ?
04:20:46 <gjanssens> And how does the new default font size in gnucash compare to the font size in other macos applications ? Are they similar now or is gnucash rendering its font bigger than is typical in macos/hidpi ?
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14:46:48 <dom> Hey there, I am new to GnuCash and have a question. First of all, thank you all for your commitment with this great tool. My question: I have a savings bank account and I want to categorize the money on there for what I save that money. So I have e.g. $1000 on my bank account with $500 thought for a new car and $500 for an espresso machine.
14:48:35 <dom> I tried a sub-account under the savings bank account and the money is still shown on my parent bank account, but if I query my balances from my online banking, it says, the $1000 is missing
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15:37:06 <sixwheeledbeast> I would think dividing Assets into Sub-Accounts for future purchases like that is over complicating things?
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15:53:30 <zipola> Sounds like super useful to me.
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16:27:26 <dom> Well, y
16:27:44 <dom> would be helpful to me. Thank you for your answers and good night from Germany
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16:32:04 <sixwheeledbeast> German dollars?
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17:13:32 <frakturfreak> Well the word dollar can be traced back to a german Word etymologically
17:20:10 <frakturfreak> (Just read the log) isn’t that what budgets are for?
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18:02:26 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
18:06:17 <fell> Until 1871 half of Germany paid in Taler. It was frozen at a value 3 Mark.
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