2018-10-15 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:32:44 <gjanssens> .
03:35:15 <fell> gjanssen: i would write 'If you wish GnuCash to use a language different from your OS ...' and add a link to https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Locale_Settings
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04:21:52 <gjanssens> fell: I have added the link to the wiki. Thanks for the suggestion. I missed the subtlety of different from your OS' language in my first run so it became two commits...
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10:46:25 <warlord> .
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11:10:23 <redlizard> Good point.
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11:48:48 <fell> chf: your last uploaded KRI is (Stand 2012), right?
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11:51:12 <chf> Yes, fortunately (because that's easier to maintain for us) this account template isn't updated as frequently as the Datev ones. I don't know for sure if there is a more recent version, but could at least not find one.
11:52:15 <fell> I asked only to be shure, we did't swap versions.
11:54:22 <chf> The 2012 updates have everything needed for the 2010 BGB law changes as well as for the "Bilmog".
11:54:41 <fell> Bilmog?
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12:17:05 <chf> "Bilanzmodernisierungsgesetz", fell.
12:18:31 <fell> Oh, Gott! Unsere Politiker und ihre Euphemismen, echt Neusprech! ;-)
12:20:03 <chf> Das war ausnahmsweise tatsächlich mal eine Vereinfachung für kleinere Unternehmen.
12:21:33 <fell> Na gut, dann nehme ich das mal in die Commit message mit auf.
12:25:34 <chf> Offiziell „Bilanzrechtsmodernisierungsgesetz“.
12:25:46 <fell> OK
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14:08:29 <jralls> gjanssens: You were curious about Gitlab merge request workflow. I just made my first one to Gnome: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/merge_requests/389. It's not too different from the Github workflow.
14:16:23 <gjanssens> jralls: good to know.
14:17:39 <gjanssens> Does gitlab have a mechanism to pull from another repo into your repo other than generating a pull/merge request ?
14:18:01 <gjanssens> And more interesting: can is pull in the form of fast-forwarding ?
14:18:13 <gjanssens> The latter is what's really missing in github
14:18:45 <gjanssens> s/can is/can it/
14:22:41 <jralls> Not AFAICT.
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14:28:31 <gjanssens> Bummer
14:29:08 <gjanssens> That means it pure gitlab workflow is equally constrained as a pure github one
14:29:15 *** wally has joined #gnucash
14:29:50 <jralls> It is as far as keeping a fork up to date with the parent.
14:30:16 <wally> hello-1st time here-do i need to 'join'?
14:30:35 <jralls> wally: You seem to have already.
14:31:28 <wally> Is there a way to purge/delete transactions from years ago (gnucash)?
14:34:18 <wally> ...and if so, how/where may I find the details?
14:34:23 <jralls> Not in bulk. You can delete one at a time, but that's painful.
14:35:19 <wally> I was afraid of that. THANKS
14:35:38 <jralls> You're welcome.
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18:23:13 <mike> I am using gnucash 3.2 with linux, right now, using sabayon. I am having trouble exporting my account to new distro and need help.
18:24:22 <mike> I've looked at export options, and trying to make one match with importing.
18:26:57 <mike> export option shows xml format. Or, do I use multiple csv options to get everything exported?
18:34:16 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
18:36:03 <fell> mike: I see no direct need to export.
18:37:06 <fell> If you are using the xml backend you should have stored your datafile somewhere in your home directory.
18:38:13 <fell> Same for SQLite.
18:38:15 <mike> fell: I am moving to another linux system
18:39:17 <mike> fell: since I don't have .gnucash, where do I look for account file(s)?
18:39:59 <fell> See the first sections of https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Configuring_and_Managing
18:40:43 <mike> the xml was the only other option of exporting beside csv, but I don't see xml option under import.
18:41:57 <fell> if you open gnucash on the old machine, then menu 'File->Save as' you see the format and location, where you saved it.
18:43:59 <mike> oh, ok. So all I want is the latest file in the list of files?
18:44:05 <mike> I have 3.2 open now :)
18:44:59 <mike> looks like several dozen files listed
18:45:57 <fell> Read the FAQ section because there are backup and log file, too.
18:49:00 <fell> In 'save as' you see the path to the directory , where you stored your file.
18:49:04 <mike> ok, read that section. Looks like several files are placed in different directories of /home/mike
18:49:14 <mike> Yes, see that :)
18:51:31 <mike> I found a gnucash directory under ~/.local/share
18:56:03 <fell> and one below ~/.config
18:57:36 <fell> and finally run 'dconf dump /org/gnucash/'
18:58:54 <mike> fell: I don't see a gnucash directory under .config :(
18:59:18 <mike> not even under .dconf, gtk-2.0, or gtk-3.0
19:02:38 <fell> Then it seems, you did not change things, which are stored there.
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19:14:53 * mike is going to move files to new system and see if I did the export correctly
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22:06:42 <squd_0xFFEE> Hi there. Can anyone tell me if something is wrong with my setup. At this point i'm expecting a ofx/qfx import on my credit card to have most of the transactions matched accounts automatically picked during import on the generic import transaction matcher screen and its matching only 2 of the roughly 50 entries. Some history: this is a new file, i setup basic accounts, and setup a checking and several expense accounts. I then imported 2
22:06:42 <squd_0xFFEE> months of history for my credit card , manually seleting the matching expense accounts. Now I'm importing the next two months of data and at this point i'm expecting some auto-matching action. I've used gnucash before probably 10 years ago and I seem to remember it just worked. How can I troubleshoot this or are my expectations wrong ?
22:07:31 <squd_0xFFEE> ver 2.6.15
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