2018-10-10 GnuCash IRC logs

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03:00:25 <gjanssens> .
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09:59:38 <chris> one day there will be no more (set!) calls in Gnucash :-O
10:00:45 <chris> and every indenting will confirm with emacs
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12:37:20 <k1804> GNUcash help and/or the F1 button produces and error of "not found" yet the docs are installed. I assume they are in the wrong location. What is the correct location?
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13:47:59 <k1804> ?
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14:13:10 <gjanssens> k1804: what OS ?
14:13:39 <gjanssens> And what version of gnucash ?
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14:35:58 <k1804> Kubuntu 18.04 and GNUCash 2.6.19
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14:37:24 <gjanssens> On linux the help is normally handled via yelp
14:39:05 <gjanssens> I don't have a Kubuntu system ready to test. However on Fedora the documentation gets installed under /usr/share/gnome/help
14:39:21 <gjanssens> There are two gnucash related subdirectories: gnucash-help and gnucash-guide
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14:39:40 <gjanssens> How did you install gnucash ?
14:40:02 <k1804> yup, thats what the doc say. What happens when you press the F1 or Ctrl+H? I get dos not found , please install
14:41:46 <k1804> Installed using apt from the repository
14:42:51 <k1804> can you see the doc install location?
14:43:11 <gjanssens> For me pressing F1 works fine. On my system I have gnucash 2.6.21 installed.
14:43:35 <k1804> cool, where is the doc directory?
14:43:50 <gjanssens> As I said: /usr/share/gnome/help
14:44:06 <k1804> ok, let me try it
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14:48:17 <k1804> darn, putting a copy of gnucash-docs into /usr/share/gnome/help did not work, no-joy
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14:52:03 <gjanssens> What's the path to gnucash-help.xml ?
14:52:14 <gjanssens> For me the full path is /usr/share/gnome/help/gnucash-help/C/gnucash-help.xml
14:52:34 <gjanssens> Do you have yelp installed on your system ?
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14:53:29 <k1804> yelp is already the newest version (3.26.0-1ubuntu2).
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14:57:05 <gjanssens> Ok. Where is gnucash-docs installed on your system ?
14:57:52 <k1804> I see the two directories (guide , help) directory layout is different
14:59:02 <k1804> installed to /usr/share/doc/gnucash-docs
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15:00:21 <k1804> and /usr/share/gnome/help exists
15:00:57 <sixwheeledbeast> On Ubuntu I have /usr/share/gnome/help/gnucash-help with a symlink in /usr/share/gnucash/ to first
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15:03:17 <gjanssens> And what is environment variable XDG_DATA_DIRS set to on your system ?
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15:04:13 <gjanssens> Note "guide" and "help" are not the names of the subdirectories expected under /usr/share/gnome/help
15:04:28 <gjanssens> As sixwheeledbeast points out it should be "gnucash-help".
15:04:59 <k1804> not sure how to get the environment variable...
15:05:02 <gjanssens> And I think if Ubuntu has chosen to install gnucash documentation under /usr/share/docs, the symlinks should fix it
15:05:34 <gjanssens> The environment variable is likely not the issue, so let's ignore that for now
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15:06:16 <gjanssens> Can you make symlinks from /usr/share/doc/gnucash/help to /usr/share/gnome/help/gnucash-help and one for gnucash-guide ?
15:06:24 <gjanssens> Commands would probably be
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15:06:40 <gjanssens> sudo ln -s /usr/share/doc/gnucash/help /usr/share/gnome/help/gnucash-help
15:06:42 <gjanssens> and
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15:06:56 <gjanssens> sudo ln -s /usr/share/doc/gnucash/guide /usr/share/gnome/help/gnucash-guide
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15:12:38 <sixwheeledbeast> /usr/share/doc/gnucash-docs seems to be html and pdf versions whereas /usr/share/gnome/help/gnucash-help is xml
15:13:37 <k1804> symlink is in place, pressing Ctrl_H does not bring it up
15:17:51 <sixwheeledbeast> Are you sure yelp is working? If you call yelp from a terminal can you browse and select the help docs from there?
15:18:07 <gjanssens> sixwheeledbeast: which package provides /usr/share/gnome/help/gnucash-help ?
15:18:54 <gjanssens> k1804: does /usr/share/gnome/help/gnucash-help/C/gnucash-help.xml exist on your system ?
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15:20:07 <k1804> CLI yelp open a window which holds only the Zenity Manual
15:20:47 <sixwheeledbeast> gjanssens: gnucash-docs
15:21:17 <gjanssens> sixwheeledbeast: and what ubuntu release are you on ?
15:21:27 <sixwheeledbeast> 18.04.1LTS
15:21:51 <k1804> no - /usr/share/gnome/help/gnucash-help/C/gnucash.xml does not exist
15:22:06 <gjanssens> k1804: then that means your gnucash-docs package is not properly installed
15:22:20 <sixwheeledbeast> I would imagine yelp to have help docs for a lot more than just zenity
15:22:51 <k1804> let me retry
15:23:15 <gjanssens> k1804: you may have to undo the manual changed you made in /usr/share/gnome/help
15:23:22 <gjanssens> before reinstalling gnucash-docs
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15:26:36 <k1804> cool , /usr/share/gnome/help contains gnucash-guide and gnucash-help
15:27:42 <k1804> bummer, ctrl+h or F1 do not work
15:28:03 <k1804> well, does not open the guide or help
15:28:18 <sixwheeledbeast> do other programs help work?
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15:29:15 <k1804> I'm going to say yes, currently I'm using Konversation and F1 opens the help file
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15:29:31 <gjanssens> Hmm, made a typo. Does /usr/share/gnome/help/gnucash-help/C/gnucash-help.xml exist now ?
15:29:43 <gjanssens> (not gnucash.xml)
15:30:07 <gjanssens> if so, can you open the help by running "yelp /usr/share/gnome/help/gnucash-help/C/gnucash-help.xml" ?
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15:31:42 <k1804> yup command open the help file
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15:33:24 <gjanssens> and how about "yelp ghelp:gnucash-help"
15:33:35 <k1804> Description: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
15:35:24 <gjanssens> Ok, so yelp is not finding your gnucash documentation
15:35:49 <gjanssens> That last command by the way is how gnucash itself calls help and that works well on my fedora system
15:37:06 <sixwheeledbeast> WFM
15:37:10 <sixwheeledbeast> too
15:37:32 <k1804> no-joy, I get nothing, then times out
15:38:08 <k1804> on the command yelp ghelp:gnucash-help
15:38:28 <gjanssens> k1804: what does "echo $XDG_DATA_DIRS" print out ?
15:38:29 <k1804> Failed to register: Timeout was reached
15:39:47 <k1804> "/usr/share/plasma:/usr/local/share:/usr/share:/var/lib/snapd/desktop"
15:41:33 <gjanssens> That should work
15:41:46 <gjanssens> The failed to register is because your previous yelp is still running
15:42:00 <gjanssens> try "killall yelp" before retrying
15:42:45 <sixwheeledbeast> or Ctrl C the terminal you have open?
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15:45:04 <k1804> cmd worked, yelp ghelp:gnucash-help opened the help file, open now
15:45:48 <gjanssens> This is getting more and more interesting...
15:46:10 <gjanssens> So if you now kill or ctrl-C the running yelp and then retry from within gnucash, what happens ?
15:46:40 <k1804> in gnucash ctrl+h gets the error, not found or not installed
15:48:37 <k1804> error: GnuCash could not find the files for the help documentation. This is likely because the 'gnucash-docs' package is not installed.
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15:53:14 <fell> k1804: is rarian installed?
15:55:17 <k1804> rarian-compat ?
15:55:18 <k1804> The following NEW packages will be installed:
15:55:20 <k1804> librarian0 rarian-compat
15:55:27 <k1804> no
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15:55:35 <k1804> what are they?
15:56:25 <gjanssens> I don't know if rarian matters.
15:56:59 <gjanssens> It is installed on my system, but if I remove the package, (including rarian-compat), F1 continues to work on gnucash
15:57:10 <fell> It is managing the catalogs for yelp
15:57:52 <gjanssens> It looks like the ghelp "file"-type is not properly registered with gio on your system.
15:58:02 <gjanssens> Though I have no idea how to verify or fix that
15:58:40 <gjanssens> GnuCash calls gtk_show_uri_on_window with parameter "ghelp:gnucash-help"
15:58:51 <k1804> I installed them, no change in the use of F1 or ctrl+h
15:59:13 <gjanssens> ghelp as a filetype should be picked up by gio and then passed on to yelp
16:03:03 <gjanssens> Do you have gvfs packages installed ?
16:04:12 <k1804> no, but I can add file associations using system settings
16:05:23 <gjanssens> It's not a file assocation in this case.
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16:08:02 <gjanssens> It's more of a protocol, like you have ftp: and http:
16:08:19 <gjanssens> Unfortunately I don't know where this protocol gets registered.
16:08:39 <gjanssens> It's not in File Associations. I have checked there
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16:10:13 <k1804> I thank you for your time and patience, you have shown me how to call the files quickly using yelp and I will setup desktop links, would have been nice to have F1 work..alas not to be..
16:10:50 <k1804> :) maybe one day Kubunu will have it fixed
16:11:43 <gjanssens> k1804: you're welcome
16:12:27 <gjanssens> You could point this issue out in the KUbuntu support channels. No doubt there is one or the other package missing and I would certainly like to know which one it is
16:12:42 <gjanssens> That way we can update our dependencies
16:13:03 <gjanssens> So if you hear of a solution, be sure to let us know!
16:13:18 <gjanssens> I have to leave now...
16:13:29 <k1804> thanks again...
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