2018-08-17 GnuCash IRC logs

00:06:39 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
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10:29:26 <chris> libgnucash/engine/test/.libs is full of binary files... how odd
10:30:05 <chris> oops
10:30:30 <warlord> chris: Thats perfectly normal post-built.
10:30:35 <warlord> post-built.
10:30:37 <warlord> BUILD
10:31:28 <chris> and test-scm-query-import.scm is full of strings like "x^bi5?t-dt(n6vU`}3l/drQR!^FN|eZdWe|'s#p" how odd too
10:34:01 <chris> these are the battle scars of the early noughties
10:41:44 *** Mechtilde has quit IRC
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16:48:00 <Cuare> I have a hard drive failing and want to save my settings and saved reports before I install the new drive. All I need is the GnuCash folder listed here C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash is that correct?
16:48:00 <Cuare> I have the data files already backed up. ~Bob~
16:48:58 <Cuare> GnuCash 3.2 btw
16:55:57 <jralls> Cuare: That's your data, the most important part. You may also want to back up %APPDATA%\GnuCash. %APPDATA% is usually C:\Users\Cuare\AppData\Roaming.
16:56:44 *** frakturfreak has joined #gnucash
16:56:57 <jralls> Your preferences are stored in the registry. That's harder to back up unless you're an expert or use 3rd-party backup software, and AFAIK there's no FOSS solution.
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17:10:16 <Cuare> thanks jralls. I will save %APPDATA% and just have to deal with settings again after I replace the drive. By far i'm no expert in the registry.
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17:21:47 <fell> Cuare: run regedit and save HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/GSettings/org/gnucash/
17:22:20 <fell> from https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_backup_my_GC_environment.2C_including_preferences.3F
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23:03:59 *** Cuare has quit IRC
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