2018-08-10 GnuCash IRC logs
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10:03:44 <talexb> I'm using 2.6.12 on Ubuntu .. I have my mortgage set up as an account, but I've been creating new accounts every time I re-negotiate my mortgage.
10:04:20 <talexb> The result is that I now have three mortgage accounts, two of which shouldn't exist.
10:04:58 <talexb> I'd like to delete those two, to get a better idea of my net worth, but I'm concerned that will also delete the records of my payments over the six years.
10:05:08 <talexb> Thoughts?
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10:18:13 <local> Hi, am new to gnucash and double entry accounting and would appreciate help in entering a business expense, paid out of my own pocket and which is owed to me by the company?
10:23:20 <Mechtilde> local maybe it is described in the tutorial
10:26:48 <local> Hi Mechtilde, Mhh well I have done alot of searching but not found it as yet.
10:27:28 <Mechtilde> it is at gnucash.org under documentation
10:30:36 <local> Yes been reding there alot :)
10:30:52 <local> Think I have foudn what I need - 'Reimbursable Expenses'.... stil reading
10:31:21 <local> 'reading' & 'still' would be better :)
10:31:33 <talexb> local It sounds like you could set it up as a Liability. Once you receive the payment expense, the liability is reduced to zero.
10:32:30 <local> Hi talexb, ok, but with double accounting, what would the other side be...
10:33:00 <talexb> local Well, you paid for this expense with something .. your chequing account, charge card, or cash?
10:34:02 <talexb> In simple terms, you decreased cash (say) and increased this liability.
10:34:33 <talexb> Once you get payment, this increases your bank account (say) and decreases the liability.
10:35:02 <talexb> Cash and chequing accounts are credit accounts, and liabilities are debit accounts.
10:35:24 <talexb> Increasing a credit account means you have more money. Increasing a debit account means you owe more money.
10:35:40 <local> ok so making sense, I added an account Capital in Equity and used that as money coming from me personally
10:36:32 <talexb> OK, but from where specifically? Your chequing account? The cash you have in your pockets?
10:37:10 <local> From my personal account yes
10:37:51 <local> But just used the gnucash UK Tax template, so not sure where to add my personal account there to make it all reconcile up
10:38:26 <local> I was setting up a pot in the business account of owed expenses
10:38:38 <talexb> For me, it's under Assets -> Current Assets.
10:39:33 <talexb> Clarification: For me, my personal chequing account is under Assets -> Current Assets.
10:40:21 <local> OK thanks.
10:40:36 <local> The docs talk about 'reimbursable expense account'
10:41:03 <local> So I was thinking that would be where I put all the expenses owed to me?
10:41:13 <talexb> Sure. It's just an account that expects to be at a zero balance.
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10:43:08 <local> That would be under Expenses/Vat Purchases I presume
10:44:19 <talexb> Sure, anywhere under Expenses makes sense.
10:46:08 <local> ok getting there, thanks
10:47:25 <local> Do I have to add two lines each time for one expense, debit from my cheque account and credit to reimbersable expenses, or is there any more automated way of doing it?
10:48:31 <talexb> Nope, you can take care of everything with a single entry.
10:48:32 <ArtGravity> local, here is a StackEchange post with an example
10:48:33 <ArtGravity> https://money.stackexchange.com/questions/44533/recording-claimable-expenses-in-gnucash
10:49:33 <talexb> Typically I record an expense from my debit card in my chequing account's tab, then select the expense account when recording the transaction. So money is flowing from the chequing account to the expense account.
10:50:12 <ArtGravity> I run my business accounting in Gnucash, and my reimbursable expenses are paid through customer invoices, so I track mine a little differently.
10:50:13 <talexb> I've been using GnuCash for about eight years, so it's become pretty second nature to me by now.
10:50:35 <ArtGravity> I use an Income account called Income:Reimbursed Expenses
10:51:02 <ArtGravity> That lets me add expense reimbursement to a customer invoice and assign it to that Income account
10:52:08 <ArtGravity> That account always zeros out with corresponding disbursements to whatever expense account accrued the reimbursed expense.
10:52:51 <local> Hi ArtGravity, ok I expect the same when I get some revenue! At the moment I am incurring personal expenses seting everthing up, so they are coming from my personal account.
10:53:02 <ArtGravity> Example: Purchase lunch on credit card for a MeetUp group that will cover that expense
10:53:21 <local> I am trying though to get the template right, so it all flows and I don't have massive issues later...
10:53:53 <ArtGravity> In the Liabilities:Credit Card account I map that lunch purchase to the Income:Reimbursed Expenses account
10:54:25 <ArtGravity> In this example, I didn't invoice the MeetUp group, but had a matching deposit in my checking account
10:54:27 <local> Ok its all making sense :) what do you mean by map though, it that a gnucash thing
10:54:47 <local> Isn't that two transactions
10:55:03 <ArtGravity> So in Assets:Current Assets:Checking I assign the deposit to the Income:Reimbursed Expenses account
10:55:16 <ArtGravity> By "map it" I mean the other account
10:55:36 <ArtGravity> Every entry has two accounts in double entry accounting
10:55:52 <local> Yes exactly, that is what I was expecting..
10:55:55 <ArtGravity> It has the account you are in, and a corresponding account
10:56:32 <local> So how do you add an expense .... add the cash out first from your card etc
10:57:15 <ArtGravity> Play "follow the money"
10:57:17 <local> then add the credit to the Income:Reimbursed Expenses account
10:57:30 <local> ok that works
10:58:10 <ArtGravity> I had to buy gas for a customer's company vehicle while on some field work
10:58:10 <local> why is Income:Reimbursed Expenses in income, as isn't income to the business
10:58:18 <ArtGravity> Yes
10:58:39 <ArtGravity> On the gas purchases, they wen from my card to Expenses:Auto:Gas
10:58:45 <local> as it isn't income to the business
10:59:07 <ArtGravity> I totaled up those receipts and added them to the customer invoice
10:59:36 <ArtGravity> For example's sake, lets say 2 x $50 in Expenses:Auto:Gas
11:00:04 <ArtGravity> I add $100 to the next customer invoice as Income:Reimbursed Expenses
11:00:27 <local> OHH I see
11:00:40 <ArtGravity> Customer pays invoice and now my Income:Reimbursed Expenses is at $100 instead of zero (where it should always be)
11:00:45 <local> they are Income to you as they are being paid to you by your client
11:01:29 <ArtGravity> Now I add a transaction of $100 from Income:Reimbursed Expenses into Expenses:Auto:Gas
11:01:50 <ArtGravity> That $100 wasn't a deductible expense, since I was reimbursed for it.
11:02:04 <ArtGravity> It also wasn't really income, since it was an expense reimbursement
11:02:10 <ArtGravity> But that's fine
11:02:10 <local> So I will have that account as well as say a 'corporate reimbursed expenses' which will be my personal expenses at the moment
11:02:32 <ArtGravity> Because they way I accounted for it made all the accounts finish with the correct values.
11:03:00 <local> Ok I understand, thanks
11:03:04 <ArtGravity> YW
11:03:26 <local> I thought gnucash could handle client expenses without creating an account for each?
11:03:58 <local> Or have I misunderstood that
11:04:11 <ArtGravity> I only have the one account Income:Reimbursed Expenses
11:04:22 <ArtGravity> Or do I misunderstand your question?
11:05:00 <local> Income:Reimbursed Expenses works when you are getting paid by a client because they are income
11:05:21 <ArtGravity> Except it isn't really income
11:05:29 <local> but I am tracking Reimbursed Expenses owed to me an employee by the comapny
11:05:32 <ArtGravity> That's why it has to always zero out
11:05:38 <local> not quite the same is it
11:05:44 <ArtGravity> Exactly the same
11:06:04 <local> mmh, but expenses owed to me is not a business income
11:06:15 <ArtGravity> Neither is expense reimbursement
11:06:45 <local> I guess the naming is up to me, as long as I know what they are for
11:06:54 <ArtGravity> I have another example of a different case that uses an expense account that may help
11:07:03 <local> ok
11:07:11 <local> :) thanks
11:07:45 <ArtGravity> I use the Income account for my business reimbursed expenses because you can only add Income accounts to gnucash invoices
11:08:27 <local> oh ok now that makes sense!
11:08:33 <local> I will have to do the same.
11:08:35 <ArtGravity> In the gnucash book that I use for my household finances I track credit card cash back in an expense account
11:09:00 <ArtGravity> That is because it isn't considred taxable income, and it will not zero out
11:09:10 <ArtGravity> It considered a rebate for tax purposes
11:09:18 <ArtGravity> and it reduces expenses
11:09:25 <local> oh <blah>
11:09:35 <ArtGravity> So you can track things from the income side and the expense side
11:09:38 <local> I was understanding it :)
11:09:53 <ArtGravity> forget the credit card cash back thing then if it is confusing
11:10:20 <ArtGravity> My point was that you can account for it on either side, but there may be a reason that makes one preferable
11:10:20 <local> it was the rebate and tax thing :)
11:10:36 <local> Yes I understand
11:11:27 <local> Are you running a UK company if you don't mind me asking?
11:11:56 <ArtGravity> US
11:12:05 <local> ok
11:12:08 <local> thx
11:12:40 <local> I need to give some more thought to the account template I use now I think
11:13:33 <local> I noted that adding an account does not seem to roll it up onto the reports page. Are you aware of any restrictions there,or how to edit which accounts the reports use?
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11:14:05 <ArtGravity> there is a 'settings' option in all the reports I use
11:16:07 <ArtGravity> which report are you running, and what information are you seeking?
11:17:21 <local> cashflow
11:17:47 <local> shows me a list of accounts used, but no obvious way to edit them...
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11:19:48 <ArtGravity> which section?
11:19:54 <ArtGravity> The 'selected accounts' part?
11:20:11 <ArtGravity> That is easily edited, but is likely correct by default
11:20:38 <ArtGravity> In the report, click the gear icon to reach settings
11:20:51 <ArtGravity> It will have an account tab in the dialog box that appears
11:21:07 <local> income and expense
11:21:18 <local> second from the botton, profit and loss
11:21:29 <ArtGravity> Oh
11:21:38 <ArtGravity> I thought said cashflow
11:22:19 <ArtGravity> You can access the accounts in P&L in the same manner
11:22:27 <ArtGravity> run the report then use the settings
11:22:54 <ArtGravity> It has a different dialog box format, but accounts are still customizable
11:24:41 <local> mmh I must be blind as I cannot see settings
11:25:11 <ArtGravity> I guess it is technically called "Edit Report Options"
11:25:15 <local> the report appears in a separate tab (linux) and I can create a pdf etc but no config
11:25:44 <ArtGravity> For me (also Linux) Gnucash version 2.6.17
11:25:53 <ArtGravity> from the right
11:25:58 <ArtGravity> PDF export
11:26:02 <ArtGravity> then Print
11:26:08 <ArtGravity> Then Edit Report Settings
11:26:31 <ArtGravity> But, I don't know if that is always visible or shows because of how i may have customized my menu years ago
11:27:12 <ArtGravity> Try Edit/Preferences/Business/General/Enable Extra Buttons
11:27:28 <ArtGravity> See if that changes your available buttons
11:27:40 <ArtGravity> or don't
11:27:51 <local> ok got it, its the 'eye' icon
11:28:04 <local> hovered over it and it said edit ....
11:28:09 <ArtGravity> I just toggled it, and the "Edit Report Options" button is not one of the ones that goes away
11:28:26 <ArtGravity> Icon may be set by your desktop environment
11:28:34 <ArtGravity> Its a gear or cog for me :)
11:28:40 <local> yeh I think the icon threw me :)
11:28:45 <local> ok got it thank you
11:28:50 <ArtGravity> NP
11:29:22 <local> one last thing if I may
11:29:33 <local> do you produce your annual accounts with gnucash?
11:31:27 <ArtGravity> You mean the reports that I turn in to may tax accountant?
11:32:16 <local> I am a limited company
11:32:25 <local> so I file annual accounts
11:32:25 <ArtGravity> As am I
11:32:30 <local> ok
11:32:40 <ArtGravity> But in the US it may not mean the same thing
11:32:43 <local> so you create a file for your account to check?
11:32:47 <ArtGravity> Well
11:32:52 <local> accountant
11:32:55 <ArtGravity> I giver her PDF reports
11:33:38 <local> the filing here is done online, is it the same there?
11:33:46 <ArtGravity> I also have to provide some adjustment reports since I use cash basis accounting, but invoice in gnucash which automatically puts you onto accrual based accounting
11:34:11 <ArtGravity> I drop of the reports on a thumb drive
11:34:21 <local> blah, ok, so do you have an accounting backgroud?
11:34:24 <ArtGravity> My accountant works it up and does the filing online
11:34:27 <ArtGravity> No
11:34:35 <ArtGravity> IT consultant actually
11:34:37 <local> ok
11:34:41 <local> ok
11:34:45 <local> sorry
11:34:54 <ArtGravity> Just have been using gnucash for my accounting for about six years
11:35:01 <local> double typed 'ok'
11:35:21 <local> so I am in contract law and negotiation for IT
11:35:43 <local> so in some ways a similar business..
11:36:04 <local> perhaps
11:36:44 <local> ok great, many thanks for your help, that has helped greatly and given me a view as to what I need to do next.
11:36:48 <local> all the best
11:37:01 <ArtGravity> YW & Good luck
11:37:21 <local> cheers
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11:44:57 <SmileyJames> Hello all, I am struggling to connect GNUCash 2.6 to PostgreSQL. Postgres throws the following error: SAVEPOINT can only be used in transaction blocks.
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11:53:20 <warlord> talexb: Assuming the balances of those old mortgage accounts are zero, mark them as hidden and placeholder.
11:54:18 <talexb> warlord, Ah -- the balances are not zero, but I can make them zero using the Imbalance account. After that, I'll mark them as hidden.
11:54:49 <talexb> And in future, I'll transfer the account balances so that I didn't create new liabilities unnecessarily. Thanks!
11:55:05 <warlord> local, talexb -- actually if it's money you spend on behalf of your employer (and expect to get back) then that would be an Asset in your account books. I have Assets:Business Expenses in mine which I use as the target for all my reimbursible expenses.
11:56:01 <warlord> talexb: well, if they are not zero then what happened to them when you refinanced? You should have "moved" the value from the first mortage to the second.
11:56:44 <warlord> You probably do still want different accounts, but if you have $75k outstanding and refinance into a new mortgage of $80k, you should "move" that $75k over as part of creating the new liability.
11:57:36 <warlord> SmileyJames: what version, exactly, of gnucash? Note that GnuCash-3.2 is current stable
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12:01:05 <SmileyJames> warlord: 3.2 has solved my problem, it's a shame it doesn't ship with my distro (Ubuntu) at the moment.
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12:01:37 <SmileyJames> Thanks for your time
12:02:06 <warlord> SmileyJames: happy to help. You should talk to your distro (or use GetDeb)
12:03:17 <chris> talexb: you should always strive to get the Imbalance-XXX or Orphan-XXX balances to zero.
12:05:29 <ArtGravity> warlord, any luck with getting a new GetDeb maintainer for gnucash?
12:05:52 <SmileyJames> warlord: Did not know about GetDeb, looks handy. Currently I'm using a ppa, which makes me nervous.
12:05:57 <warlord> ArtGravity: no clue. I dont use DebUntu
12:06:26 <ArtGravity> I have a ticket in for it, but they are still at 2.6.17 at GetDeb
12:13:23 <ArtGravity> I don't even know if GetDeb exists anymore. I get 'site down' more often than I get the site.
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12:15:04 <warlord> ArtGravity: dont know what to tell you.
12:16:39 <ArtGravity> You aren't GetDeb, so I understand. It may be time to remove GetDeb as a suggested source for DebUbuntu users though, as it is falling way behind where gnucash is these days
12:17:16 <ArtGravity> I have to keep my Windows users locked to older versions so we don't up using gnucash 3 and guncash 2 on the same databases
12:21:46 <local> Thanks warlord, it is expenses I have payed out of my personal account that I expect the company to pay when it gets some revenue
12:22:01 <local> so setup expenses before first client
12:22:53 <SmileyJames> warlord, ArtGravity: could a 3.2 .deb package file for download on the website might suffice?
12:23:26 <warlord> SmileyJames: in general we don't build gnucash for Linux distros. There are just too many of them.
12:23:30 <ArtGravity> SmileyJames, no repo makes updates troublesome
12:24:00 <ArtGravity> and as warlord points out, packaging is not really manageable for the dev
12:24:05 <SmileyJames> both good answers
12:24:27 <ArtGravity> SmileyJames, what PPA did you find with gnucash 3.2?
12:24:33 <ArtGravity> I'm having no luck
12:25:51 <SmileyJames> ArtGravity: ppa:sicklylife/gnucash
12:26:13 <ArtGravity> TY
12:26:19 <SmileyJames> ArtGravity: ppa(colon)sicklylife/gnucash
12:26:39 <SmileyJames> :s
12:27:12 <ArtGravity> Debian sid has a build of 3.2
12:27:46 <ArtGravity> Not sure that I want to own responsibility of a backport of that forever though
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12:53:33 <gjanssens> ArtGravity: there's also gnucash 3.2 on flathub if you're willing to experiment with flatpak builds until your distro comes with a proper package
12:54:03 <gjanssens> There were complaints it didn't find usb sticks or network drives, but I have just posted a workaround for that on the user list
12:55:07 <gjanssens> And regarding packaging for devs, I'm seriously looking into flatpak for this.
12:55:40 <gjanssens> I don't intend this the replace official distro packages, but it can be a useful complement exactly for cases where the distro is lagging behind
12:56:35 <gjanssens> And more importantly to provide nightly builds for linux users. We have had those for years for Windows users and it's time we offer something similar on linux so users can go and test whether a commit fixes their bug.
12:57:24 <gjanssens> Building a flatpak is surprisingly simple (thanks to the foundation work already done by others to get gnucash on FlatHub).
12:57:54 <gjanssens> I just want to write some nightly build wrapper code to be added on warlord's infrastructure.
12:59:25 <gjanssens> The pieces for it are slowly coming together. More on this when I have my first test setup ready.
13:15:49 <warlord> gjanssens: what are the build-time requirements on the build platform?
13:16:42 <gjanssens> warlord: you mean for building a flatpak ?
13:17:28 <warlord> Yes.
13:17:46 <warlord> gjanssens: Note that we don't currently have a "linux" builder currently in my infrastructure.
13:18:20 <gjanssens> I have installed the flatpak and flatpak-builder packages on my Fedora 27 box.
13:18:51 <gjanssens> Aside from that, I suppose we need the typical tools to build gnucash, although they may even come with the flatpak gnome sdk
13:19:26 <gjanssens> warlord: I was thinking of the system you use to update docs every night, but I'll let you organize it as you see fit.
13:19:51 <gjanssens> There's no rush though. It's something I poke at when I have some spare time.
13:20:07 <gjanssens> I'll let you know when I have something more specific ready.
13:21:03 <warlord> Good news is that those packages are available for F25 (which is what code currently runs)
13:22:31 <gjanssens> Good indeed :)
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13:50:57 <ArtGravity> I've been using snaps for certain apps, such as Spotify, so the idea of using a flatpak sounds reasonable to me
13:51:30 <ArtGravity> There seems to be no problem with using both snaps and flatpaks on the same system.
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13:55:20 <ArtGravity> Interesting
13:55:39 <ArtGravity> I found gnucash on Flathub, but it shows version as "-" for me
14:07:19 <gjanssens> Hmm, that's odd indeed. Once installed it will report to be 3.2 when run though.
14:09:35 <ArtGravity> Well that sounds like it may be a good way for me to try gnucash 3.2
14:09:58 <ArtGravity> gjanssens, any caveats of flatpak that I should be aware of?
14:10:15 <gjanssens> I'm not the expert :)
14:10:27 <ArtGravity> snapd doesn't allow access to dotfile folders in the home dir
14:10:43 <ArtGravity> I'll have to see if flatpak has any such limitations
14:11:16 <gjanssens> The default flatpak of gnucash will only allow file access to your homedir.
14:11:42 <gjanssens> If you want to access a USB drive or a mounted network drive outside of that you have to add an override.
14:12:08 <gjanssens> You can access the network though so mysql and postgresql books should be fine by default.
14:12:27 <ArtGravity> I use mysql, so that is good to know
14:13:11 <ArtGravity> I also have an alphavantage API key set up for stock pricing
14:13:31 <ArtGravity> (for the household set of books)
14:17:29 <gjanssens> I have just tested: mysql works fine indeed, although it seems it doesn't have access to libsecret to retrieve the stored password
14:18:08 <gjanssens> Quotes are disabled in the price editor. I suspect the flatpak doesn't have access to finance::quote.
14:18:42 <gjanssens> So that may be a road block if you depend on the quotes
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14:24:03 <local> Is it possible to allocate expenses to a customer in a transaction?
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14:25:29 <ArtGravity> I can give you an example and you can tell me if it fits what you are looking for
14:26:05 <ArtGravity> I register domain name example.com for customer Example, Inc.
14:26:41 <ArtGravity> Because I want to track that cost back to that customer, when I enter the bill for my domain name vendor, I assign that bill to customer Example, Inc
14:27:28 <ArtGravity> Then when I run the Customer Summary report that cost is reflected in the expenses tied to that customer
14:28:51 <local> yes, that seems to work :)
14:29:14 <ArtGravity> gjanssens, sounds like I should hold off on the Flatpak for now, or at the very least, test on a separate database, possibly from a vm
14:29:44 <ArtGravity> local, one thing to be aware of is that you cannot split customers across the same invoice
14:29:47 <local> I am back to corporate expense again though
14:30:43 <local> what do you enter the bill as, an expense?
14:30:55 <ArtGravity> no
14:30:59 <ArtGravity> It is a bill
14:31:06 <ArtGravity> Just like an invoice for a customer
14:31:10 <ArtGravity> only it is for a vendor
14:31:17 <local> ok
14:31:32 <ArtGravity> when you post it, it goes to Liabilities:Accounts Payable
14:32:26 <local> Flipping heck
14:32:54 <local> The differant layouts compared to the standard in gnucash is confusing me tbh
14:33:18 <ArtGravity> I found the Gnucash 2.4 Small Business Accounting: Beginner's Guide from Pakt Publishing to be a good read
14:33:24 <local> I don't have liabilities: Accounts payable, just accounts payable at the top level
14:33:53 <ArtGravity> The guncash site has a pretty good set of docs for business accounting too
14:34:16 <ArtGravity> I presume that you could move the AP account to Liabilities
14:34:33 <ArtGravity> Mine was just there automatically when I added the business accounts
14:34:48 <local> I guess I am looking for best practice rather than me making those decissions when I am just starting
14:35:15 <local> This is the UK Tax base from gnucash
14:36:47 <local> I am just signing up for a months trial with Xero, so I can get an idea from them and try and transfer to gnucash
14:39:33 <local> how do you create a new transaction in AP? Does it give you the fields to enter the customer name?
14:42:37 <ArtGravity> You don't enter anything directly into AP
14:43:04 <ArtGravity> It populates by posting vendor bills and applied payments
14:45:33 <local> so should corp email bills from my vendor be a vendor bill not an expense, even though I have paid for it from my personal current account?
14:46:09 <ArtGravity> I would say yes, if they bill you
14:46:19 <ArtGravity> and by you I mean your limited company
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14:48:51 <ArtGravity> I cut corners on some minor record keeping by directly applying purchases to expense accounts, but for most of my substantial vendors, I enter bills against the vendor
14:49:34 <local> i see ok that makes sense
14:49:53 <local> so I pay 5$ month to protonmail for corp email against my domain.
14:50:11 <local> they send me an invoice, but it seems a pain for $5 a month :)
14:50:25 <ArtGravity> I pay for some hosted email for both my own firm and some customers
14:50:46 <ArtGravity> It gets a little messy because there is only one invoice from the vendor
14:50:46 <local> and you do them as vendor bills or expenses?
14:51:00 <ArtGravity> I have to break it out into multiple invoices if I want to track the costs
14:51:18 <ArtGravity> Because there are customers, I enter them as vendor bills
14:51:29 <ArtGravity> I skip the rent on my office though
14:52:00 <ArtGravity> It goes directly against Expenses:Rent in Assests:Current Assets:Checking
14:52:22 <ArtGravity> I treat the monthly water delivery bill the same way
14:52:34 <local> interesting ok
14:52:46 <ArtGravity> I'm not saying that it is right
14:52:50 <ArtGravity> It probably isn't
14:52:56 <local> lol
14:52:59 <local> understand
14:53:00 <ArtGravity> It's just how I have done it
14:53:29 <local> theres flexability and I guess its what your accountant feeds back is also acceptable I guess?
14:53:44 <ArtGravity> Yes
14:54:03 <local> ok
14:54:11 <ArtGravity> Either way the expenses will make their way back to an appropriate expense account
14:54:25 <local> is that book worth it, or are the manuals and youtube as good?
14:54:33 <local> ok
14:54:59 <ArtGravity> What's the price of the book in your region?
14:55:13 <local> 12 pounds for the kindle
14:55:20 <local> 27 for the hardback
14:55:46 <ArtGravity> I'd lean toward the Kindle version
14:55:46 <local> do gnucash have some coupons :)
14:56:14 <local> yes, too many books already, so always go for the ebook
14:57:40 <ArtGravity> It's 7 years old now, too, so buying physical seems like a bad move
14:58:48 <ArtGravity> You could always take a 14 day free trial of Mapt and read it for free, if you think you can finish it in that timeframe.
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15:04:45 <local> good point thanks.
15:05:13 <local> will see what it is on goodreads, will give me the cheapest ebook price
15:05:36 <local> think its goodreads, one of them anyway
15:11:04 <local> 10.20 on packt
15:11:39 <local> oh well thanks for your help AG, 8pm on a Friday night, think its time for a beer :)
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21:20:22 <rlosey> What’s with the latest 3.2.2 version for MacOS? It’s nigh unusable, with categories not filling in (as well as payable names, and memos)
21:21:08 <rlosey> (This is the build from 24 Jun 2018)
21:27:10 <rlosey> In case this hasn’t been mentioned, when I go to type “Expenses”, the first “e” causes “Equity” to come up — in the past, typing the “x” would change to “Expenses” — now, I get “Exquity”, and this is true for all text-entry fields. Very, very annoying.
22:33:01 <rlosey> Anyone else seeing this error?
23:37:36 <talexb> I'm still on 2.6.12 on Ubuntu .. so, nope.