2018-08-04 GnuCash IRC logs
00:10:12 *** Quipyowert has quit IRC
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09:53:46 <Quipyowert> where would I find ~/.aqbanking on windows?
09:57:11 <Quipyowert> Also I tried to import manually using a QFX file downloaded from my bank but "No suitable backend was found"
09:59:18 <Quipyowert> any idea why using Open With in File Explorer on the QFX file and then selecting GnuCash does not work?
10:01:16 <Quipyowert> tried opening the QFX file by Import menu in GnuCash but now there's completely blank transactions in between some of the transactions with a balance of 0 for some odd reason
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10:02:20 <Quipyowert> those transactions have a blank Date, Num, Description, Transfer, R, Deposit, and Withdrawal, but balance of 0.00 which doesn't match either the preceding transactions or the followup ones
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10:17:20 <Quipyowert> Found this buried in the Money Manager terms for my bank: " In the event that we have reason to believe you, or any third parties on your behalf, have developed, or are in the process of developing, a software system similar to the Services or are otherwise in violation of these Terms, you agree to promptly provide us information to assist us with any applicable investigation, including allowing u
10:17:20 <Quipyowert> audit your useof the Services. In the event we determine you have developed a software system similar to the Services, you hereby grant us authority to secure injunctive relief from your continued development and/or sale of such competing product or services. All rights not expressly granted to you in this Agreement are reserved to Money Desktop." Does this mean I'm not allowed to help GnuCas
10:17:23 <Quipyowert> elopment if I sign up for that?
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11:22:14 *** fell_laptop is now known as fell
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12:33:12 <fell> Quipyowert: I am no windos user. From https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Configuration_Locations#USER_DATA_HOME I believe in %APPDATA%.
12:37:40 <fell> ... if aqbanking is using new conventions. Else search your home directory for aqbanking and include hidden files/directories.
12:40:59 *** fell is now known as fell_laptop
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