2018-07-22 GnuCash IRC logs
00:30:21 *** windboy has quit IRC
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01:37:54 <chris> jralls I think I'll add asset/liability/income/statement sections toggles... it'll be too annoying too respond to complaints about them missing :-o but one option has to go: "Display/Parent accounts amounts hidden" - this is definitely wrong
01:39:25 <chris> I'll be crafting careful test cases to ensure that all amounts will survive a transition. the previous balance-sheet and income-statement can survive by having their guids changed, and their reportnames tagged with "(obsolete)"... and 12 months later all old code removed.
01:58:10 *** gour has quit IRC
02:00:27 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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02:44:19 <Mechtilde> Good morning
02:44:19 <gncbot> Mechtilde: Sent 11 hours and 20 minutes ago: <jralls> Your email in bugzilla is ooo at mechtilde dot de . Is that the right one?
02:44:20 <gncbot> Mechtilde: Sent 5 hours and 2 minutes ago: <warlord> Hi. Sorry you're having trouble with bugzilla. What's your email address? I can check the mail logs and try to see what's going on?
02:44:21 <gncbot> Mechtilde: Sent 5 hours ago: <warlord> <warlord> jralls: The problem is that Mechtilde is using sender-verify, and bugs-admin is a non-valid address -- because meail to bugs-admin will bounce. You will need to tell your mail server to accept that mail.
02:46:14 <Mechtilde> jralls, warlord thanks for that information I will tell it to my mail-admin
03:48:55 *** Aussie_matt has joined #gnucash
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05:44:26 *** gour_ is now known as gour
05:56:37 *** fell has quit IRC
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06:48:41 *** Mechtilde has quit IRC
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07:58:53 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
08:22:43 <Mechtilde> jralls, warlord now the login works, thanks
08:40:28 *** chris has quit IRC
08:46:13 <warlord> Mechtilde: great.
08:51:19 *** Mechtilde has quit IRC
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09:18:51 *** chris has joined #gnucash
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11:00:29 <Mechtilde> how cacn I close a bug in bugs.gnucash.org
11:02:30 <Mechtilde> like https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=792452
11:03:40 <chris> RESOLVED?
11:04:38 <Mechtilde> IMO resolved != closec
11:04:43 <Mechtilde> closed
11:09:05 <chris> agree - https://www.bugzilla.org/docs/4.4/en/html/lifecycle.html - but it's what's been happening elsewhere cf https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=794755
11:38:09 *** Mechtilde has quit IRC
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11:47:55 <Mechtilde> .
12:14:37 *** jotrago has quit IRC
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13:37:06 <jralls> chris: OK, sounds like you have thought everything through.
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20:06:53 <warlord> @tell Mechtilde We don't have a "CLOSED" state. Why do you want to "close" it? Is it INVALID? NOT GNUCASH? Or some other reason? RESOLVED has all those sub-catgeories to define why it is "resolved"/
20:06:53 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
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20:51:54 <chris> not all balance-sheet combinations will survive - see the mess in https://imgur.com/a/kw3KSb0 - I cannot begin to understand the rules of indenting or the <hr>
20:53:24 <chris> plus, the mini-grid of orig-currencies and report-currency (eg see Asset line 200 FUND $4000, 500GBP $625, $104600) will disappear, unfortunately, into a single $109,225 for the Asset line
20:59:50 <chris> the new-balsheet can separate the currencies by disabling common-currency
21:41:18 *** windboy has quit IRC
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23:01:31 *** CharlesIC has joined #gnucash
23:01:43 <CharlesIC> there's some issue with the latest gnucash where you cant use backspace/delete in description often
23:01:45 <CharlesIC> what to do?
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23:48:37 *** storyjesse has joined #gnucash
23:59:26 <CharlesIC> hi storyjesse
23:59:53 <storyjesse> Hello! :-)